2013년 3월 21일 목요일

comprehensive brush and the highlighter Blusher Recommendation for OHUI Brush highlighter #01 Pearl White Blusher Review

comprehensive brush and the highlighter Blusher Recommendation for OHUI Brush highlighter #01 Pearl White Blusher Review

OHUI Brush highlighter #01 Pearl White Blusher


<comprehensive brush and the highlighter Blusher Recommendation for OHUI Brush highlighter #01 Pearl White Blusher Review>

The comprehensive brush and the highlighter make this product very handy.
There is a spring at the bottom.
When you put the cover on, the highlighter gets coated on the brush automatically.
So you can use it right way by opening the cover.

It has pearls in it and the color does not get exposed very strongly.

<comprehensive brush and the highlighter Blusher Recommendation for OHUI Brush highlighter #01 Pearl White Blusher Review>

Click here to purchase the product.

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