2013년 3월 21일 목요일

fine fantastic Eyeliner Recommendation for OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner Review

fine  fantastic Eyeliner Recommendation for OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner Review

OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner

<fine  fantastic Eyeliner Recommendation for OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner Review>

<fine  fantastic Eyeliner Recommendation for OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner Review>

<fine  fantastic Eyeliner Recommendation for OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner Review>

WOW!!!!!! look at that fine tip!! fantastic!
O HUI launches limited-edition eyeliner sometimes,
and i wish i had last years one.
One of employee had pretty eyeliner and I wanted to get one of those,
but It was limited-edition...oh well:(

advantage 1) the liquid comes out when you shake, can draw finely with quick dry.
advantage 2) safe double lid
loose cap will cause it to dry fast which won't last longer.
but it doesn't mean that expire date is long.

there are glossiness like a film,
so you could use that part of your eye on the last step.

caution) it peels off if you wear eye shadow for several times.

<fine  fantastic Eyeliner Recommendation for OHUI Quick Brush Eyeliner Review>

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