SKINFOOD Allantoin Clear Mascara Review
SKINFOOD Allantoin Clear Mascara
제가 지금 하려는 리뷰는
스킨푸드의 알라토인 투명마스카라에요
제가 초보여서 그런지 하얗게 일어나기도 하지만,,,ㅠㅠ
그래도 볼륨감도있고 지속력도 높고 고정도 잘해줘요
제가 학생이다 보니까 검은 마스카라는 쓰기가 좀 뭐해서
투명마스카라를 검색하다보니까 이게 있더라구요
그래서 이 제품을사게 됬답니다
그럼 후기 갑니다!
The review that I am going to write right now is about SKINFOOD Allantoin Clear Mascara.
It sort of make my eyes white (maybe it's because I am still an amateur), but it has great volume, lasts for a long time and it fixes your eyelashes quite well.
I am not in the position to use a black mascaras because I am still a student.
So I've been searching for a transparent mascara and I found this one.
So I've decided to buy this product.
Here comes my review!
The review that I am going to write right now is about SKINFOOD Allantoin Clear Mascara.
It sort of make my eyes white (maybe it's because I am still an amateur), but it has great volume, lasts for a long time and it fixes your eyelashes quite well.
I am not in the position to use a black mascaras because I am still a student.
So I've been searching for a transparent mascara and I found this one.
So I've decided to buy this product.
Here comes my review!
바로 쓸 일이 있어서 버스에서 찍었어요ㅋㅋ
스킨푸드 대표 로고?가그려져있군요
크기는 보통 마스카라 정도?
I took this photograph because I was fixing my mascara on the bus.
It had the Skinfood logo on it.
There was nothing special about the size.
I took this photograph because I was fixing my mascara on the bus.
It had the Skinfood logo on it.
There was nothing special about the size.
뒷면은 이렇게 되어있어요!
This is how the back looks like!
This is how the back looks like!
포장을 뜯었습니다
I unwrapped it.
I unwrapped it.
뚜껑을 열면 이렇게 하얀 솔이 나오는데요
솔이 좀 많이 뻑뻑해요
이 점에서는 별로군요
향은 좋은 편은 아니구요
액이 보이지는 않아요
You can find this white brush when you open the lid.
The brush is sort of too stiff.
I am little disappointed about this.
It didn't have a great smell or anything and
I was not able to see the liquid in it.
You can find this white brush when you open the lid.
The brush is sort of too stiff.
I am little disappointed about this.
It didn't have a great smell or anything and
I was not able to see the liquid in it.
그럼 뷰러로 찝고 마스카라를 발라볼꼐요!
This is my bare eyes~
I'll now curl up my eyelashes and apply the mascara!
This is my bare eyes~
I'll now curl up my eyelashes and apply the mascara!
![]() |
<1번: No.1> <2번: No.2> |
첫번째사진은 한번 바른거구 두번째는 조금 많이 발랐어요
바로 마르지는 않구요-
제가 초보이다보니까 나중에 하얗게 일어나더라구요ㅠㅠㅠ
많이 연습해야할 것 같아요
The first photograph is when I've applied the mascara once and I've applied quite a lot for the second photograph.
It doesn't dry up right away
and it turned white after a while because I am not really good at it.
I should be practicing more..
The first photograph is when I've applied the mascara once and I've applied quite a lot for the second photograph.
It doesn't dry up right away
and it turned white after a while because I am not really good at it.
I should be practicing more..
지속력 ★★★★★
볼륨감 ★★★★☆
향 ★★☆☆☆
솔 ★★☆☆☆
음 일단 지속력은 좋아요
그렇지만 향도 별로고 솔은 너무 빡빡해서 싫구요
초보자가 하면 하얗게 일어나는 것도 불만족이에요
그런데 볼륨감은 좋은 것 같애요 :)
그리 나쁘지 않은 제품이지만 초보자가 잘 사용할 수 있었으면 좋았을텐데,,,
그게 좀 아쉽군요
Durability ★★★★★
Volume ★★★★☆
Smell ★★☆☆☆
Brush ★★☆☆☆
Would I buy it again?
First of all, the durability was good.
But the smell wasn't good and I didn't like the brush because it was too stiff.
It's also unsatisfactory that it became white when a beginner used it.
But the volume was really nice. :)
It was not a bad product, but it would have been better if they've designed it so that a beginner like myself can use it more easily.
Would I buy it again?
First of all, the durability was good.
But the smell wasn't good and I didn't like the brush because it was too stiff.
It's also unsatisfactory that it became white when a beginner used it.
But the volume was really nice. :)
It was not a bad product, but it would have been better if they've designed it so that a beginner like myself can use it more easily.
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