Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence Review
Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence
▲ 토니모리 달팽이에센스 : 토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스 기획세트♥ ▲
Tonymoly Snail Essence : Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence Special Set
겟잇뷰티 저렴이 화장품으로 유명한 토니모리의 달팽이 에센스!!!
피부에 좋은 달팽이 점액여과물로 만든 화장품입니다.
달팽이 점액여과물 화장품이 처음 나왔을 때는 조금 징그러워서 '과연 살아남을까?'라는 생각이 들었어요.
그러나 저의 예상과 달리 등껍질이 손상됐을 때
스스로의 힘으로 복구하는 능력이 뛰어난 달팽이의 점액여과물 화장품은
대인기로 없어서 못 파는 베스트셀러가 되었습니다.
달팽이 점액여과물 화장품은 대부분 홈쇼핑 화장품이었는데,
어는 순간부터 토니모리에서 나오기 시작했더군요.
출시된지는 좀 되었지만, 드디어 만난 토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스를 소개합니다♪
Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence is a famous cheap product among various other products at Get-It-Beauty!! It's a cosmetics that's produced with snail filtrates which are known to be good for the skin. I was sort skeptical about the product's success when it was first released because snail filtrates are sort of disgusting.
But contrary to my expectations, the cosmetics that have used the snail filtrate has become an all time best seller. Products that have used the snail filtrate were only available at home shopping, but Tonymoly began to produce products like these at some point. Even though it has been quite a while since it had been released, let me introduce the Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence.
But contrary to my expectations, the cosmetics that have used the snail filtrate has become an all time best seller. Products that have used the snail filtrate were only available at home shopping, but Tonymoly began to produce products like these at some point. Even though it has been quite a while since it had been released, let me introduce the Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence.
토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스 / 용량 : 35ml
피부 리페어 효과를 실현하는 고보습 에센스.
보습성분을 이용하여 여과한 달팽이 점액여과물 28,000mg(농도 80%)함유.
5 Free 포뮬라로 건강한 피부실현.
등 껍질이 손상됐을 때 복구하는 능력이 우수한 달팽이의 점액여과물과 식물복합성분인 피토캘러스 콤플렉스가
함유되어 거칠어진 피부의 리페어에 도움을 주는 고보습 에센스입니다.
청정지역 충남 금산에서 자란 달팽이의 점액여과물이 함유되어
피부에 더욱 친화적으로 작용합니다.
피부 리페어에 탁월한 달팽이 점액여과물 뿐 아니라 거칠어진 피부의 리커버리에 효과적인
식물복합성분인 피토캘러스 콤플렉스가 함유되어 세월의 흐름으로 노화현상과 내외부의 유해요인으로 인해
굴곡진 피부의 리페어에 도움을 줍니다.
또한 모이스트 24가 유, 수분 밸런스 케어에 도움을 주며 피부 깊숙이 수분을 공급하고 유지시켜 주어
끈적임 없는 촉촉한 피부로 가꾸어 줍니다.
식물성 아로마향과 함께 5 Free 포뮬라로 피부에 편안한 휴식을 제공합니다.
Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence / Volume : 35ml
It's a high-moisturizing essence that creates skin-repair effects.
It contains 28,000mg (concentration level of 80%) of snail filtrates by using the moisturizing substances and creates a healthy skin by using the 5 Free formula.
It's a high-moisturizing essence with snail filtrates, which are known to have outstanding effects for repairing the snail's shells, and phytocallus complex. The two substances help to repair the rough and dry skin. It applies to the skin even more friendly because it contains the filtrates of snails that are grown at Gumsan, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea. It's helps to repair the skin that has been damaged by aging, internal and external harmful factors, for it contains both snail filtrates and pythocallus complex, which are known to be extremely effective in skin repair. Furthermore, the moist 24 enables you to have a moist skin without stickiness, for it helps to care the oil and moisture balance and provides moisture deeply into the skin. The vegetable aroma and the 5 Free formula provides a comfortable relaxation to the skin.
It's a high-moisturizing essence that creates skin-repair effects.
It contains 28,000mg (concentration level of 80%) of snail filtrates by using the moisturizing substances and creates a healthy skin by using the 5 Free formula.
It's a high-moisturizing essence with snail filtrates, which are known to have outstanding effects for repairing the snail's shells, and phytocallus complex. The two substances help to repair the rough and dry skin. It applies to the skin even more friendly because it contains the filtrates of snails that are grown at Gumsan, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea. It's helps to repair the skin that has been damaged by aging, internal and external harmful factors, for it contains both snail filtrates and pythocallus complex, which are known to be extremely effective in skin repair. Furthermore, the moist 24 enables you to have a moist skin without stickiness, for it helps to care the oil and moisture balance and provides moisture deeply into the skin. The vegetable aroma and the 5 Free formula provides a comfortable relaxation to the skin.
토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스 뚜껑 윗부분에 귀여운 달팽이 마크가 있어요.
프랑스 달팽이 화장품이 유명해서 달팽이 점액여과물은 무조건 수입 성분이라고 생각했었는데.
우리나라 청정지역 충북 금산에서 자란 달팽이의 점액여과물이라고 합니다.
달팽이의 점액여과물이 국내에서 만든 성분이라서 더욱 믿음이 가는 기분이에요.
한우처럼 한국 사람에게는 한국 달팽이가 더 좋은 것이 아닐까요...ㅎㅎㅎ
한우처럼 한국 사람에게는 한국 달팽이가 더 좋은 것이 아닐까요...ㅎㅎㅎ
There is a cute snail mark on the lid of Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence.
I've been thinking that the substances of snail filtrate products are mostly from foreign countries because the French snail cosmetics are very famous. But this product is known to contain the filtrates of snails that are grown at Gumsan, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea. The product was even more reliable to me because it contained substances that were actually produced in South Korea. It's my personal belief that Korean snails are better for Korean people. LOL
I've been thinking that the substances of snail filtrate products are mostly from foreign countries because the French snail cosmetics are very famous. But this product is known to contain the filtrates of snails that are grown at Gumsan, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea. The product was even more reliable to me because it contained substances that were actually produced in South Korea. It's my personal belief that Korean snails are better for Korean people. LOL
토니모리 쇼핑몰에 있는 토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스는
조금 납작한 용기로 스포이드 타입인데,
제가 받은 토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스는 키가 커졌어요.
용기 디자인이 바뀐 것 같은데, 제가 받은 제품이 바뀐 제품이 아닌가~ 라는 생각이 듭니다.
35ml이지만 100ml 토너와 비슷한 크기로 고급스러운 디자인에요.
The Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence that they are selling
at the Tonymonly online shopping mall was a flat dropper-type,
but the one that I got was a bit taller than that.
I think they've changed their design and the one that I got this time is the new one.
The volume is 30ml, but it's has a very luxurious design in the size of the 100ml toner.
at the Tonymonly online shopping mall was a flat dropper-type,
but the one that I got was a bit taller than that.
I think they've changed their design and the one that I got this time is the new one.
The volume is 30ml, but it's has a very luxurious design in the size of the 100ml toner.
토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스는 간편하게 눌러서 사용하는 펌핑타입니다.
살짝 쫀쪽한 타입으로 입구 주변에 묻거나 굳지는 않습니다.
Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence is a pumping-type product that can be used very easily by pressing the pump. The texture is a bit sticky and the mouth doesn't get stained very easily.
토니모리 인텐스 리페어 라이브 스네일 에센스는 흰색의 젤타입이에요.
향은 독특하게도 레몬향과 비슷합니다.
식물성 아로마향이 들어있다고 하는데, 레몬그라스가 아닌가라는 생각이 들어요.
시원한 사용감으로 흡수력은 좋습니다.
피부 위에 쫀득거리는 사용감이 살짝 남아요.
Tonymoly Intense Repair Live Snail Essence is a white gel-type.
The smell is sort of similar to a lemon smell.
It says that it contains the vegetable aroma, but I think it's the lemon grass.
It has a very refreshing feeling and it gets absorbed by the skin very well.
You skin becomes a little sticky after applying it.
The smell is sort of similar to a lemon smell.
It says that it contains the vegetable aroma, but I think it's the lemon grass.
It has a very refreshing feeling and it gets absorbed by the skin very well.
You skin becomes a little sticky after applying it.
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<사용전 - Before> <사용후 - After>
나이가 나이인지라 하루가 다르게 늙어가는 제 피부... 트러블까지 올라오고 난리도 아니에요.
얼굴에 직접 사용했을 때는 손등에서 느껴지던 시원한 사용감은 반감됩니다.
쫀득거리는 사용감도 손등보다는 적게 느껴져요.
잔향은 조금 남는 편으로 촉촉한 수분제품과 비교하면 사용감이 조금 떨어져요.
그러나 2~3일만 사용해도 피부가 매끈해져서
추운 겨울철 날씨에 피부가 상한 분들에게 잘 맞을 것 같아요.
쫀득거리는 느낌이 싫은 분들은 크림류에 섞어서 사용하는 것을 추천합니다.
My skin getting extremely old because I am getting old.. My skin is having all kinds of troubles and it's really getting ugly. The refreshing feeling that you got when you applied on the back of your hand becomes sort of annoying when you apply it on your face. It is less stickier on your face. The essence seems to remain a little on the skin and the usability is as good as other moisturizing products. But I think it should match very well with those people whose skin had been damaged in this cold weather because it makes the skin a lot smoother in 2-3 days. I recommend that you mix it with a cream-type product if you do not like stickiness.
My skin getting extremely old because I am getting old.. My skin is having all kinds of troubles and it's really getting ugly. The refreshing feeling that you got when you applied on the back of your hand becomes sort of annoying when you apply it on your face. It is less stickier on your face. The essence seems to remain a little on the skin and the usability is as good as other moisturizing products. But I think it should match very well with those people whose skin had been damaged in this cold weather because it makes the skin a lot smoother in 2-3 days. I recommend that you mix it with a cream-type product if you do not like stickiness.
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