Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover Review
Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover
오늘 보여드릴 아이템은 가격대비 완전 넉넉하게 사용할 수 있는 아이리무버 입니다.
'토니모리 클리어 매직 립&아이 리무버' 인데
포인트 메이크업 지울 때 사용해 주시면 좋아요.
저도 항상 눈 화장을 조금 신경 써서 하는 터라 꼭 아이리무버는 따로 사용해 주는데
요거 그냥 무난하게 쓰기 괜찮은 것 같더라구요.
The item that I am going to show you today is an eye remover than can be used very sufficiently by considering its price. It's called 'Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover' and it's good for removing the point make-ups.
I tend to use a separate eye remover because do my eye make-up very carefully
and I think this is a pretty good product to use.
I tend to use a separate eye remover because do my eye make-up very carefully
and I think this is a pretty good product to use.
'토니모리 클리어 매직 립&아이 리무버' 는
알로베라 추출물, 로즈힙 추출물, 녹차 추출물 등이 들어가
자극없이 포인트 메이크업을 지워준다고 합니다.
눈 자체가 워낙 민감한 분위기 때문에 제품 선택하실때
정말 순한 걸 사용해 주시는게 좋아요.
예전에 모 브랜드 아이 리무버를 쓰다가 눈에 살짝 들어가는데
따갑기가 거의 실명할 수준이었던 기억이..................
'Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover' is
known to erase the point make-up without much stimulation to the skin
because it contains aloe vera extracts, rose hip extracts and green tea extracts.
It is recommended that you use mild product for your eyes
because eye are extremely sensitive.
I was once using an eye remover and the eye remover went into my eyes.
It really hurt like hell.....
known to erase the point make-up without much stimulation to the skin
because it contains aloe vera extracts, rose hip extracts and green tea extracts.
It is recommended that you use mild product for your eyes
because eye are extremely sensitive.
I was once using an eye remover and the eye remover went into my eyes.
It really hurt like hell.....
* 토니모리 클리어 매직 립&아이 리무버
이층 구조 제형으로 마스카라, 아이섀도우를 자극없이 깨끗하게 지워주는 클렌징 제품.
용량 / 150ml
Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover A cleansing product with a double-layered texture that erases the eye shadow without stimulating the skin Volume : 150ml |
워낙 저렴한 제품이다 보니 별도의 제품 상자나 포장은 없더라구요.
그냥 입구 부분에 스티커만 하나 붙어있었습니다.
그래도 용량은 다른 브랜드 아이리무버들보다 훨씬 많고 가격은 반도 안되요. *ㅅ *
It didn't have an extra box or wrapping because it is such a cheap product.
It only had a sticker on the lid.
But there is so much in it and it is so much cheaper than other products.
It only had a sticker on the lid.
But there is so much in it and it is so much cheaper than other products.
원래는 '비디비치 아이리무버' 쓰고 있었는데
토니모리 아이리무버도 품평 제품으로 받아서
저의 화장실에 떡하니 자리를 잡았습니다.
비디비치는 23,000원 정도고 토니모리는 만원도 안되는 가격.
두가지 중에 한가지 선택하라면 비디비치가 더 좋긴한데
가격대비로 따져보면 토니모리도 굳이에요. :)
I've been using 'Vidi Vici Remover' in the past
and I am now using this one because I got this one
as a gift by writing a review.
Vidi Vici's remover is about 23,000 KRW and Tonymoly's eye remover is less than 10,000 KRW. In fact, I would choose Vidi Vici's remover if I had to choose from the two, but
Tonymoly's product is also very good by considering the price. :)
I've been using 'Vidi Vici Remover' in the past
and I am now using this one because I got this one
as a gift by writing a review.
Vidi Vici's remover is about 23,000 KRW and Tonymoly's eye remover is less than 10,000 KRW. In fact, I would choose Vidi Vici's remover if I had to choose from the two, but
Tonymoly's product is also very good by considering the price. :)
'토니모리 클리어 매직 립&아이 리무버' 는 오일과 수분이 2층 구조로 이루어져 있는데
포인트 메이크업 클렌징 제품들은 거의다 이런 것 같습니다.
블루와 투명 컬러가 시원해 보이는 느낌 !
Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover has a double layer
and I think cleansing product for erasing point make-ups are all designed in this way.
The transparent blue color looks very refreshing!
and I think cleansing product for erasing point make-ups are all designed in this way.
The transparent blue color looks very refreshing!
뚜껑을 돌려 열어보면 처음에는 따로 마개가 있는데 그거 빼내고 사용하시면 됩니다.
입구 부분 꼭 매니큐어 지우는 아세톤 입구 같지 않나요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
애니웨이 한번에 많은 양이 나오지 않도록 되어 있습니다.
There is a separate cork on the top and you can use it by simply taking it off.
The mouth sort of looks like the bottle of a acetone. LOL
Anyway, it's been designed so that you can control the amount that come out.
또 나왔습니다. 저의 셰킷셰킷-
아까 말씀드렸던 '토니모리 클리어 매직 립&아이 리무버' 는 2층으로 되어 있기 때문에
이 두 층이 잘 섞이도록 셰킷셰킷 해주신 다음
화장솜이나 면봉에 적셔 닦아내듯 사용하시면 되요.
i am shaking the bottle like crazy~
Since Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover is in two layers, you should shake it well before using it. After shaking the bottle well, just apply it on a cosmetics cotton or on a cotton bud and apply it on your face.
i am shaking the bottle like crazy~
Since Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover is in two layers, you should shake it well before using it. After shaking the bottle well, just apply it on a cosmetics cotton or on a cotton bud and apply it on your face.
먼저 손등에 아이라이너, 립스틱 등으로 낙서를 한 뒤에
클렌징이 잘 되는지 먼저 지워봤습니다.
아이리무버를 묻힌 화장솜을 손등에 잠시 얹어두었다가
가볍게 닦아내면 거의 자국없이 말끔하게 지워지더라구요.
아이 메이크업은 특히 아이라이너에 마스카라까지 있어서
세정력이 정말 중요한데 요정도면 오케이인 것 같습니다.
First, I scribbled on the back of my hand with an eyeliner and a lipstick and
tested how well it erased. It cleansed my hand without a trace when I placed the cosmetics cotton bud for some time and wiped it off. Eye removers have to erase well more than anything else and I was quite satisfied its cleansing effects.
First, I scribbled on the back of my hand with an eyeliner and a lipstick and
tested how well it erased. It cleansed my hand without a trace when I placed the cosmetics cotton bud for some time and wiped it off. Eye removers have to erase well more than anything else and I was quite satisfied its cleansing effects.
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아이메이크업을 지우고 급 착해진 눈 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
'토니모리 클리어 매직 립&아이 리무버' 로 아이메이크업을 지워준 다음
한번 더 클렌징 오일로 전체 메이크업을 지우고 클렌징폼 + 천연 비누 세안까지 하고나면
거의 메이크업 잔여물 없이 퍼펙트한 클렌징을 하실 수 있습니다.
가격대비 넉넉하게 사용할 수 있는 아이리무버를 찾고 계셨다면
요 제품도 괜찮은 것 같아요. :)
My eyes became so much better after erasing the eye makeup. LOL
You should be able to clean your face almost perfectly by using a cleansing foam and washing your face with a natural soap after using the Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover.
I think this product would be a good choice
if you had been looking for an eye remover that can be used without having to think about the price. :)
My eyes became so much better after erasing the eye makeup. LOL
You should be able to clean your face almost perfectly by using a cleansing foam and washing your face with a natural soap after using the Tonymoly Best Price Perfect Clear Magic Lip and Eye Remover.
I think this product would be a good choice
if you had been looking for an eye remover that can be used without having to think about the price. :)
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