SKINFOOD Eggplant Eye Line Auto Pencil Waterproof Review
SKINFOOD Eggplant Eye Line Auto Pencil Waterproof
오늘 소개 할 제품은 바로 스킨푸드 가지 아이라인 오토 펜슬 워터 프루프에요~~
원래 클레오 워터프루프를 사용을 했는데 ~ 번지지도않고 모든게 좋았지만
눈에 그렸을때 색이 흐릿하게 나오고 선명하지 않아 조금 아쉬웠던 제품이엿어요
( 하지만 그 나름대로 분위기 있게 연출할수 있었어요^^!!)
그래도 클레오 제품 아주 끝까지 다 쓰고^^ 스킨푸드로 갈아 탔답니다.
눈물이 많아서 워터프루프가 아니면 사용을 못해서 .. 무조건 워터프루프 주세요^^; 했답니다.
The product that I am going to introduce is SKINFOOD Eggplant Eye Line Auto Pencil Waterproof.
I've been using Clio Waterproof. Clio Waterproof didn't smear and everything else was good
but it was little disappointing that the colors didn't come out very clearly.
(But it was still a very good product to use)
I finished using Clio's products and changed to Skin Food.
I went to the store and asked for a waterproof product
because I have a lot of tears and I cannot use other products that aren't waterproof.
The product that I am going to introduce is SKINFOOD Eggplant Eye Line Auto Pencil Waterproof.
I've been using Clio Waterproof. Clio Waterproof didn't smear and everything else was good
but it was little disappointing that the colors didn't come out very clearly.
(But it was still a very good product to use)
I finished using Clio's products and changed to Skin Food.
I went to the store and asked for a waterproof product
because I have a lot of tears and I cannot use other products that aren't waterproof.
손에 그려 보았습니다. 진하고 부드럽게 발리더군요!
I drew it on my hand. It came out very strong and smoothly!
![]() |
<아이라인 전> |
자 그럼..비루한 생 눈^^;; 전 원래 눈이 작은편이고 쌍커플도 작게나마 있어서
눈 위 안쪽만 채우고 잘 안그리는데요 오늘은 후기도 올릴겸 깊게 그렸답니다.
<Before drawing the eye liner>
This is my eyes without anything on. I usually fill in the top of my eyes only because
my eyes are small and have double eyelids. But I drew it quite deeply because I am writing a review today.
<Before drawing the eye liner>
This is my eyes without anything on. I usually fill in the top of my eyes only because
my eyes are small and have double eyelids. But I drew it quite deeply because I am writing a review today.
![]() |
<아이라인 후> <After the drawing the eye line> |
** 반짝이 고고싱
눈 밑 반짝이는 제가 좋아하는 훈샤의 더 스타일 듀얼 아이팁을 썼어요^^
**I applied the glitter as well.
I used Missha The Style Dual Eye Tip for the glitter on the bottom of my eyes. :)
I used Missha The Style Dual Eye Tip for the glitter on the bottom of my eyes. :)
+ 마스카라
올리다 보니 굉장히 비루하군요^^;
사실 제가 화장을 기초 + 비비 + 팩트 하고 색조를 잘 안하거든요.
아이라인도 줄만 긋는 여잔데 오늘 이렇게 해보니깐 뭔가 자신감도 들고 ㅋㅋ
담에 나갈때 이렇게 해봐야겟어요.
그리고 지금 사진의 분위기가 좀 나죠? ㅎㅎ 어플의 힘입니당....흐흑...ㅋㅋ ..
이제 비네트 어플 없인 사진찍는 재미를 모르겠어여! ㅠ,ㅠ!!ㅋㅋ
그럼 후기끗! 이쁘게 사용하세요*^^*
It seems like the photographs are very poor. :)
I usually do the basic cosmetics + BB + pact and don't usually to do coloring on my face.
I only draw a simple line for the eye line in ordinary days. But it surely does look different after having done this. LOL Perhaps I should do this when I am going out next time.
Aren't the photographs a bit artistic? It's because I used this application on my phone. LOL
I think these applications are such great tools! LOL
So that is the end of my review. I hope that you use this product in a pretty way. :)
It seems like the photographs are very poor. :)
I usually do the basic cosmetics + BB + pact and don't usually to do coloring on my face.
I only draw a simple line for the eye line in ordinary days. But it surely does look different after having done this. LOL Perhaps I should do this when I am going out next time.
Aren't the photographs a bit artistic? It's because I used this application on my phone. LOL
I think these applications are such great tools! LOL
So that is the end of my review. I hope that you use this product in a pretty way. :)
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