Tonymoly Cleansing Foam Review
Tonymoly Cleansing Foam
울집 마나님 홍여사님께서는 이 제품을 너무너무 좋아라하시더라구요.
바로 토니모리 이슬내린 티트리 씨앗 클레징 크림 제품 !! +_+
저는 클렌징크림을 자주 사용하지는 않았는데,
엄마 쓰는거 자꾸 쓰다보니 괜히 욕심생김 (특이성격;;)
The elderly lady of our family really loved this product.
The name of this product is 'Tonymoly Cleansing Foam'.
I didn't usually use a cleansing cream that much,
but I began wanting to use it when I saw my mom use it.
(I have such a weird personality)
짜아쟈안 ~
이 제품 씨앗클렌징크림이라서 그런거에요? 글씨가 정말 깨알같네요 ㄷㄷㄷ
제품에 대한 모든 전성분이나 효과 및 사용시 주의사항등에 대해
레알 깨.알.처럼 (깜지마냥 ㅋ) 적혀있어요.
The characters on the back are so small~
Is it because this is a Tea Tree Seed Cleansing Cream? The ingredients, instructions, effects and warnings are written in small words.
제 방의 롤스크린을 배경으로 같이 찍어봤는데 진짜 맞춤 촬영도 아니고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
제품하고 롤스크린 이미지배경하고 넘넘 잘 어울려서 사진찍고 혼자 좋아라했네요 ~
상큼한 여름이 생각하기도 하고, 여름에 쓰면
산뜻하게 클렌징할수 있는 제품들이라 그런지
여러분이 썼을때도 부담없이, 데일리 메이크업
클렌저제품으로도 손색 없다고 생각해요 -
두 제품모두 이슬내린 티트리 씨앗 제품들이지만,
저는 클렌징 크림위주로 설명할게요.
왜냐하면 저는 폼클렌저 자체를 아예 사용하지 않기때문이죠.
어떤 폼클렌저라도 쓰면 피부가 발긋발긋해요ㅠ
(진정 초 예민절정의 피부임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 무균실에서 살아야할판이네 ㅋㅋㅋ 엉엉)
I took this photograph with the roll screen of my room as a background.
I think the product and the background matches very well. LOL
I was sort of exited about this because they matched so well~
I personally think you can use this as your daily make-up cleanser.
This product sort of reminds me of a refreshing summer
and I believe you can use it during summer in a very refreshing way.
Even though both of them are tea tree products,
I'll explain the cleansing creams.
It's because I don't tend to use a foam cleanser at all.
My skin becomes sort of red when I use a foam cleanser. :(
(I such such a sensitive skin. LOL Perhaps I should live in a aseptic room. LOL)
I think the product and the background matches very well. LOL
I was sort of exited about this because they matched so well~
I personally think you can use this as your daily make-up cleanser.
This product sort of reminds me of a refreshing summer
and I believe you can use it during summer in a very refreshing way.
Even though both of them are tea tree products,
I'll explain the cleansing creams.
It's because I don't tend to use a foam cleanser at all.
My skin becomes sort of red when I use a foam cleanser. :(
(I such such a sensitive skin. LOL Perhaps I should live in a aseptic room. LOL)
이슬내린 클렌징 크림 3총사
(각각 올리브 클렌징크림 / 티트리씨앗 클렌징크림 / 레몬씨앗 마사지크림)
믿기 힘든 싼 가격으로 미친듯이 마음껏 써줄수 있는데
성분도 그리 나쁘지도 않고 무난무난한 녀석들 ♥
클렌징 크림은 저희 홍여사님이 참 좋아라하셔서
그냥 토니모리 행사 안할때, 엄마랑 같이 매장가서 몇개씩 집어오곤 해요~
저희엄마도 메이크업하는거 좋아하시는지라 ^_^ ㅋㅋ
클렌저 제품은 욕실에 항상 쌓아두고 있는데
특히 저희 엄마는 요런 클렌징크림을 넘넘 좋아하시더라구요 :)
These are the three seed creams.
(Olive Seed Cleansing Cream / Tea Tree Seed Cleansing Cream / Lemon Seed Massage Cream)
You can use them as much as you want because they are extremely cheap.
I think the ingredients are very nice and they're a great product to use.
I usually buy these cleansing creams when I visit the store with my mom
because my mom likes them so much~
My mom also likes doing make-ups
and we have so many of these in our bathroom.
My mom especially likes cleansing creams like these. :)
These are the three seed creams.
(Olive Seed Cleansing Cream / Tea Tree Seed Cleansing Cream / Lemon Seed Massage Cream)
You can use them as much as you want because they are extremely cheap.
I think the ingredients are very nice and they're a great product to use.
I usually buy these cleansing creams when I visit the store with my mom
because my mom likes them so much~
My mom also likes doing make-ups
and we have so many of these in our bathroom.
My mom especially likes cleansing creams like these. :)
이슬내린 티트리씨앗 클렌징크림 제형이에요! 말캉말캉 ~
부드럽고 마치 우유가 들어있는듯한 제형이에요.
가격이 싸서 퀄리티도 저질퀄리티 (-_-) 일줄 알았는데,
네버 ㅋㅋㅋ 엥간한 만원 이상하는 클렌징크림 못지 않게 부드럽고
무엇보다도 클렌징크림의 단점중 하나인
<오일감이 높아서 기름이 떡지거나 기름이 흩어지는 현상>이 없더라구요.
This is the texture of the cleansing cream. It's very soft and creamy~
The texture of the cream is very soft. It's kind of like milk.
I didn't expect the quality to be good because it was very cheap,
but I was wrong. It was smoother than most other creams that are over 10,000 KRW
and it didn't lump up and the oil didn't spread.
The texture of the cream is very soft. It's kind of like milk.
I didn't expect the quality to be good because it was very cheap,
but I was wrong. It was smoother than most other creams that are over 10,000 KRW
and it didn't lump up and the oil didn't spread.
간혹가다 클렌징크림 쓰다보면 얼굴위에서
오일성분인 클렌지크림제형이 마구 흩어지던데 ㅋㅋㅋ
그런 현상이 없어서 좋더라구요- 가격 착하고 용량 많고 ~
이거슨 서민경제 살려주는 장품이 되시겄소 ㅋ
저희엄마나 저한테는 갠찮은 녀석이라서 남모르게
살금살금 꾸준 구매하는 클렌징 제품중 하나 ㅋㅋ
뭐 - 가격이 싸고 용량이 많고 어쨋거나 다 떠나서!
클렌징크림의 가장 중요한 역할은 말그대로 클렌징 ㅋ
그래서 제 팔뚝에 메이크업 제품들로 떡칠 (ㄷㄷㄷ)을 해봤어요.
일명 화떡이라고 하죠? 하하핳ㅎㅎ ㅋㅋ
Perhaps it was because of the oil in the cream that
the texture of the cream often spread on the skin when I used other creams
But this didn't have that. It's cheap and there is so much in it~
I think it's a wonderful product for people who do not have much money. LOL
It's one of the products that I often bought
because it was a product that matched so well on me and my mom. LOL
Well... cut all the other nonsense.
The most important factor for a cleansing cream is its cleansing ability.
So I did some scribbling on my arm. LOL
But this didn't have that. It's cheap and there is so much in it~
I think it's a wonderful product for people who do not have much money. LOL
It's one of the products that I often bought
because it was a product that matched so well on me and my mom. LOL
Well... cut all the other nonsense.
The most important factor for a cleansing cream is its cleansing ability.
So I did some scribbling on my arm. LOL
화떡된 제 팔뚝이에요.
약 40분정도 이대로 놓고 기다렸었던거 같아요.
파운데이션은 굳지도 않더라 그렇더라 ...
파운데이션 - 립스틱 - 워터프루프 아이라이너 - 컬러 아이라이너 - 워터프루프 마스카라 - 립글로스
이렇게 레알 찐득하고 잘 지워지지 않는
독하고 용감한 녀석들(?)로 준비해서 팔뚝화떡으로 만들어놓았습니다.
This is my arm with the scribbles.
I drew them and waiting for about 40 minutes to dry up.
The foundation didn't even dry up.
Foundation - lipstick - waterproof eyeliner - color eyeliner - waterproof mascara - lip gloss
I scribbled on my arm with cosmetics that do not erase very easily.
I drew them and waiting for about 40 minutes to dry up.
The foundation didn't even dry up.
Foundation - lipstick - waterproof eyeliner - color eyeliner - waterproof mascara - lip gloss
I scribbled on my arm with cosmetics that do not erase very easily.
토니모리 이슬내린 티트리씨앗 클렌징 크림 투척! 문질문질 해볼꺼에요 ~
Then I applied the Tonymoly Cleansing Foam. I'll be rubbing it~
붕붕붕~ 슝슝슝 ~ 지워주고 이써요. 팔뚝이 점점 시커매지고 있음
아오 - 진짜 메이크업 제품들은 피부에 결코 좋지 않은것 같아요.
저 시커먼 궁물(?)을 보라... ㄷㄷㄷ
Here we go~ They are being erased. They are becoming black~ LOL
I really don't think cosmetics are good for the skin.
Look at that black soup~
Here we go~ They are being erased. They are becoming black~ LOL
I really don't think cosmetics are good for the skin.
Look at that black soup~
좀더 롤링해보니 금새 싹싹 지워지더라구요!!!
워메 이 저렴한 녀석이 이렇게도 효과가 좋더이다 ㅋ_ㅋ
가격이 저렴해도, 기능에 충실하면 이리도 잘만 지워지는것을 ㅋㅋ
사실 메이크업 클렌저제품은 100% 계면활성제 성분으로 만들어지기때문에
특히 클렌징오일같은경우는 계면활성제가 심하게 만들어이쯤........... ^_T
그래서 내가 요새 클렌징 오일 잘 안쓰쟈나.. ㅠㅠ
요새는 그냥 클렌징 젤 또는 클렌징크림류를 써주고 있어요.
클렌징 오일 자체가 기름이기때문에 사용하고 나서도 (3차세안하고나서도)
피부가 미끄덩거리고 오일 잔여감이 남아있어서 피부에 좋지는 않을것 같아요.
They all got erased after some more rolling~
A cheap product like this had such a wonderful effect.
I didn't know that cheap products like this erased so well. LOL
In fact, most of cleansing product are made of 100% surfactants.
Especially, cleansing oils have a lot of surfactants.
That's why I don't usually use the cleansing oil these days.
I usually use a cleansing gel or a cleansing cream these days.
I don't think cleansing oils are good for the skin because cleansing oils are literally oil and
the skin becomes slippery even after washing your face three times.
They all got erased after some more rolling~
A cheap product like this had such a wonderful effect.
I didn't know that cheap products like this erased so well. LOL
In fact, most of cleansing product are made of 100% surfactants.
Especially, cleansing oils have a lot of surfactants.
That's why I don't usually use the cleansing oil these days.
I usually use a cleansing gel or a cleansing cream these days.
I don't think cleansing oils are good for the skin because cleansing oils are literally oil and
the skin becomes slippery even after washing your face three times.
짜잔!! 마른 티슈로 그냥 스윽 - 지워내고 난 뒤의 모습이에요.
물로 닦아내지 않았답니다 :) 클렌징력끝장나는 녀석 ㄷㄷ
아 중간에 아이라이너펜슬로 그려놓은 부분이 빨갛게 올라와있는데,
그건 제가 피부알러지(피부묘기증)이라서 올라온거에요ㅠ
아! 물론 클렌징크림 쓰고 이중세안은 필수! 아시죠?
저는 사바비안 페이스파우더 또는 도쿄러브소프 써주고 있어요 요새 :)
암튼 가격도 착한데, 비싼 클렌징크림들과 다를바없이 순하고
싹싹 잘만 지워지는 토니모리 이슬내린 클렌징크림!
사실 요 라인에는 사진에서 등장했던 이슬내린 폼클렌저 제품들도 있는데,
폼클렌저는 저한테는 맞지 않았어요. 그래서 패스-
다만 클렌징크림은 저희엄마한테 제가
아이오페 클렌징크림 사서 드렸었는데 (꽤나 비쌌음-_-)
저희 엄마가 아이오페크림보다 오히려 기름지지 않고 산뜻학 지워줘서 좋다고 하셔서
그때부터 쭉 ~ 꾸준구매 하시더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ
엄마 외출하고 오면 토니모리 봉투에 티트리 씨앗 클렌징 크림만
2개씩 들어있는거 보면 왜그렇게 울 엄마 귀엽던지
사랑하는 울엄마에게 다음달에는 제가 클렌징 크림 사드려야겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ta-da!! This is after wiping off my arm with a dry tissue.
I didn't use water to wipe them off:) I must say that this product is extremely effective.
The area that I drew with an eyeliner became red
and that's because I have a skin problem. (dermatographism)
Oh. You all know that you have to wash your face twice after using a cleansing cream, right?
I am using the Ca Vi Bien Baby Power or Tokyo Love Soap these days. :)
Anyway, the product is really cheap and it erases just like many other cleansing creams.
In fact, there were other foam cleansing products in this series, but they didn't match on me.
So I will just pass.
I bough an IOPE Cleansing Cream to my mom (It was quite expensive),
but my mom liked this one better because it had less oil and it was so much more refreshing.
From then, she only used this product. LOL
My mom always had a plastic bag in her hands that had this cleansing cream in it.
She's so cute. LOL
I should buy a cleansing cream for my mother next month~ LOL
Ta-da!! This is after wiping off my arm with a dry tissue.
I didn't use water to wipe them off:) I must say that this product is extremely effective.
The area that I drew with an eyeliner became red
and that's because I have a skin problem. (dermatographism)
Oh. You all know that you have to wash your face twice after using a cleansing cream, right?
I am using the Ca Vi Bien Baby Power or Tokyo Love Soap these days. :)
Anyway, the product is really cheap and it erases just like many other cleansing creams.
In fact, there were other foam cleansing products in this series, but they didn't match on me.
So I will just pass.
I bough an IOPE Cleansing Cream to my mom (It was quite expensive),
but my mom liked this one better because it had less oil and it was so much more refreshing.
From then, she only used this product. LOL
My mom always had a plastic bag in her hands that had this cleansing cream in it.
She's so cute. LOL
I should buy a cleansing cream for my mother next month~ LOL
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