2013년 4월 29일 월요일

Lacvert HIT T-Solution Eye Cream 25ml Review

Lacvert HIT T-Solution Eye Cream 25ml Review

Lacvert HIT T-Solution Eye Cream 25ml

아이크림이 조금 무겁다라는 느낌이들어
왠만해서는 사용하지않는데, 요즘들어 거울을 보니 
눈가에 잔주름들이 터를잡고잇더라구요
그래서 어쩔수없이 아이크림을 꺼냇슴니다ㅋ

원래 아이크림은 전부 잇짱 어머니가 사용햇엇는데,
이제는 어머니께 양보할처지가 안되는것같아요
하루라도 젊엇을때 관리해야죠ㅋ

I tried not to use the eye cream because they were a bit heavy on me. 
But I found out that there were so many wrinkles on my face when I looked at myself through the mirror one day. 
So I had no choice but to take out the eye cream. LOL

Eye creams were normally used by my mother,
but I cannot give away anymore. 
I need to take care of my skin when I am still young. LOL

포장박스는 아무리 둘러봐도 제품에대한 짤막한 설명밖에 찾을수엄썻어요.
유통기한 요런건 제품에 적혀잇나봐요ㅋ
그래두 뭐, 포장박스는 깔끔하니 갠춘하네요ㅋ

I looked through the box and there was only a short description of the product.
 I guess the expiration date is written on the actual product. LOL
The box was quite neat. LOL

모양은 라끄베르 수분크림과 똑같아요
수부크림의 미니미버전이라고 보면될것같아요//수분크림의 축소판이에요ㅋ
색은 저번에 포스팅한 수분크림과는 다른 t-솔루션제품이라 노란색이람니다ㅋ

It looked quite similar with the moisturizing cream of Lacvert. 
I think you can look at it as a smaller version of the moisturizing cream. 
The color is yellow because it's a t-solution product, which is a different product to the moisturizing cream that I talked about last time. LOL

제품의 밑면에는 제조일자가 표시되어잇담니다.
이제품은 2011년 11월 29일에 만들어졌네요//비교적 최근에 만들어졌네요ㅋ

The manufacturing date is written on the bottom. 
This product was manufactured on November 29th of 2011. It's fairly new I guess. LOL

아이크림은 원체 양이 적기때문에 크기는 그리크지않아요
개인마다 차이가 잇겟지만, 주먹보다 조금작은 크기에요ㅋ
긍데 다른 수분크림과 비교해보니 라끄베르제품이 조금큰편이엇어요

It's not that big because eye creams normally do not come in big size. 
This may depend on each person, but it's a little smaller than your fist. 
I tried to compare it other products and I found out that Lacvert was quite big. 

아이크림은 원체 양이 적기때문에 크기는 그리크지않아요
개인마다 차이가 잇겟지만, 주먹보다 조금작은 크기에요ㅋ
긍데 다른 수분크림과 비교해보니 라끄베르제품이 조금큰편이엇어요

It's not that big because eye creams normally do not come in big size. 
This may depend on each person, but it's a little smaller than your fist. 
I tried to compare it other products and I found out that Lacvert was quite big. 

비닐을 제거하면 노라색의 아이크림이 눈에들어온담니다.
비닐은 옆쪽 조금 튀어나온부분을 잡고 뜯으시면 쉽게 뜯을수잇담니다.
떠먹는 요쿠르트 뜯는다고 생각하시면 될것같아요ㅋ

You can see the yellow eye cream when you take off the vinyl. 
You can easily take off the vinyl by holding the area that protruding out. 
It's sort of like taking off the seal of a yogurt. 

비닐을 완전히 제거하면 노란색의 탱글탱글한 아이크림이 눈에들어와요ㅋ
탱글탱글해보이는게 마치 푸딩을 보고잇는것같아요ㅋ

You can find the flexible yellow eye cream when you take off the vinyl. 
The flexible cream reminds me of a pudding. 

점성테스트를 해봣는데, 점성은 거의 없어요.
주-욱 늘어나서 떨어지는게 아니라, 그냥 푸석-하고 떨어지더라구요ㅋ
예상외로 점성이 너무 없었습니다

I tested the viscosity and there was none. 
It didn't stretch that well. 
I've expected it to be sticker than this. 

라끄베르 아이크림은 위에서 봣드시 연노란색의 크림타입 제형이람니다ㅋ
아이크림이다보니 일반크림에비해 조금 뻑뻑한 경향이 잇긴하지만,
그래두 사용하기 불편할정도는 아니엇어요//발림성 갠춘햇어요ㅋ

향은 약간 달콤한듯한, 거북함이 없는 향이엇어요
향은 뭐라고 표현하기 굉장히 어려운, 그런데 굉장히 익숙한 향이엇어요.
그런데 아이크림은 쓰는양이 적기때문에 향에대한 의식이 거의 엄엇어요ㅋ 

As you've seen above, Lacvert Eye Cream has a cream-type texture that's yellow. 
It's thicker than ordinary creams because it's an eye cream.
But it was not very difficult to apply or anything. It applied quite well on the skin. 

It had a sweet smell and it was quite nice. 
I really cannot explain the fragrance in words, but it was a kind of smell that we are really used to. I guess you do not have you think too much about the smell because you don't apply that much eye cream on your skin. 

세안후 토너로 피부결을 정돈한 후인데, 역시나 눈가는 건조하네요ㅜ
건조한 눈가에 아이크림을 바르니 확실히 눈가가 촉촉해졌어요
하지만,아이크림 특유의 무거운느낌은 버릴수가 없네요ㅜ

그래도 지금까지 사용해본 아이크림중에서는 제일 가볍지않앗나 싶어요.
아이크림을 바르면서도 그냥 수분크림을 눈가에 
조금 덜어서 바르는듯한 느낌이 들엇거든요ㅋ

잔주름을 얼마나 완화시켜줄지는 모르겟지만,
지속적으로 사용하면 더이상의 잔주름이 생겨나는것은 막을수잇을것같아요.
주름은 건조해서 생기기도 하니까요ㅋ

This is after calming down the skin with a toner after washing my face. But the areas near my eyes are still very dry. The areas near my eyes have definitely become more moist after having applied the eye cream. However, the eye cream was sort of heavy on the skin. 

However, I personally think it was one of the lightest eye creams that I've ever used. 
It made me feel as if I was applying a moisturizing cream. 

I don't know how much wrinkles it would reduce for me, 
but I think it can at least prevent the wrinkles on my face. 
You know that wrinkles are created on your face because it's dry. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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