Lacvert Re-blossom Skin Softner & Emulsion 150ml Review
Lacvert Re-blossom Skin Softner & Emulsion 150ml
코리아나 화장품 세니떼엔느1기하면서 받았던 화장품 스킨, 로션을 다써서
어떤 걸 쓸까 ~ 고민 중에 아모레퍼시픽은 자주 써봤고
기본 스킨 베이스인데 저가 쓰기도 좀 뭐해서 이번엔 LG생활건강 연아가 모델인 라끄베르~로 결정!
I was wondering about what sort of product I should be using because I finished using the skin and the lotion that I got from Coreana last time. I've decided to try out Lacvert, which is product that Yeon Ah Kim is advertising these days.
I was wondering about what sort of product I should be using because I finished using the skin and the lotion that I got from Coreana last time. I've decided to try out Lacvert, which is product that Yeon Ah Kim is advertising these days.
꿀뭐뭐가 대세인가보다. 나도 꿀피부를 유지하기위해서 이 제품을 결정!
겨울철 건조한 피부를 위해 고농축 스킨 세트를 샀다
I've decided to use this product in order to maintain a honey skin.
I bought the highly enriched skin set for my dry skin during winter.
* 제품 특징 *
Characteristics of the product
Characteristics of the product
리:블라섬 이름처럼 각 또한 꽃이 피어나는 듯~ 이쁘군
The blooming flower looks very pretty just like the name Re: Blossom.
The blooming flower looks very pretty just like the name Re: Blossom.
스킨, 로션 정품과 함께 미니로 스킨, 로션, 에센스 , 크림이 있다.
저건 나중에 여행가서 써야쥐
The product comes along with the skin, lotion and small samples of the skin, lotion, essence and the cream. I should use those small ones when I am going on a travel.
The product comes along with the skin, lotion and small samples of the skin, lotion, essence and the cream. I should use those small ones when I am going on a travel.
본품 정면 샷!
세니떼 제품과 비슷하게 이번에도 우연찮게 금색 디자인으로 사게 됐다~
컨셈이 꿀이고 고농축이라서 그런지 금색 위주이다. 스킨소프터 왼쪽 . 에멀전 오른쪽
This is how the product looks like!
I bought the gold-color product last time and I bought a product that's in the same color.
The color is gold because their concept is honey and high enrichment. The left is the skin softener and the right is the emulsion.
This is how the product looks like!
I bought the gold-color product last time and I bought a product that's in the same color.
The color is gold because their concept is honey and high enrichment. The left is the skin softener and the right is the emulsion.
제조일자! 맘에 듭니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The expiration date. I really like it. LOL
The expiration date. I really like it. LOL
역시 남이 쓰지 않았다는 믿음과 신뢰
It's a fresh product.
It's a fresh product.
앞부분 줌인 샷. 뚜껑은 돌려서 여는 것이고 디자인은 이렇습니당.
A closeup of the front. You can open the lid by turning it and this is how the design looks like.
* 리:블라섬 스킨소프너 - 충분한 영양감과 보습감을 오랫동안 유지시켜주는 고농축 소프너 *
색은 투명하지 않고 꿀과 용기 색처럼 약간 베이지 톤이면서
물같지 않고 살짝 고농축 느낌이 난다.
향은 약간 꽃향기가 나며 나는 솜에 묻혀서 닦아내듯 스킨을 사용하는데
이건 많이 묽지 않아서 그렇게 사용하기에는 적절하지 않다.
솜에 묻혀 쓰기에 잘 안나오고 솜에 잘 스며들지 않아서 바로 적당량을 취해
피부결따라 안쪽에서 바깥쪽으로 톡톡 두들기며 흡수시키는게 좋다.
Re:Blossom Skin Softener - A highly-enriched softener that maintains the nutrition and the sense of moisture for a long time.
The color isn't transparent and it's sort of beige and it's not like water and it's sort of gives you the feeling of high enrichment.
It smells like flower and I usually use the skin on a cosmetics cotton and
this wasn't very good to use it like that because it wasn't very watery.
It's good to apply the appropriate amount in the direction of your skin from the inside to outside by tapping because it doesn't soak the cosmetics cotton that well.
Re:Blossom Skin Softener - A highly-enriched softener that maintains the nutrition and the sense of moisture for a long time.
The color isn't transparent and it's sort of beige and it's not like water and it's sort of gives you the feeling of high enrichment.
It smells like flower and I usually use the skin on a cosmetics cotton and
this wasn't very good to use it like that because it wasn't very watery.
It's good to apply the appropriate amount in the direction of your skin from the inside to outside by tapping because it doesn't soak the cosmetics cotton that well.
흡수 시키는 중.
흡수가 정말 빠르다!
My skin is absorbing..
It gets absorbed very fast.
* 리:블라섬 에멀젼 - 에멀젼 : 고농축의 질감으로 퍼짐성이 우수하고 밀착감 있게 흡수시켜 피부에 안바른 듯 부담없이 유효성분 흡수를 촉진하고 피부 보호막 형성하게 하는 에멀젼 *
살색? 옅은 비비크림같은 색상을 띠고 있으며 로션의 질감이다.
Re: Blossom Emulsion - Emulsion : It has a highly enriched texture, it gets spread on the skin extremely well, it accelerates the active ingredients and it creates a protection layer on the skin by absorbing the emulsion.
The emulsion has the skin color and the texture is similar to the texture of a lotion.
Re: Blossom Emulsion - Emulsion : It has a highly enriched texture, it gets spread on the skin extremely well, it accelerates the active ingredients and it creates a protection layer on the skin by absorbing the emulsion.
The emulsion has the skin color and the texture is similar to the texture of a lotion.
흡수시키는 중.
에멀젼도 부드럽게 흡수되면서 바른 직후에는 촉촉함이 남아있지만 스킨소프너와 마찬가지로 흡수 짱.
I am letting my skin absorb the emulsion.
The emulsion gets absorbed very smoothly and it leaves the moisture on the skin.
The emulsion gets absorbed very smoothly and it leaves the moisture on the skin.
제품 안내처럼 안바른 듯 부담없이 피부가 좋은 성분들을 흡수한다고 하는데
이거 소개해준 언니는 분명 유분감이 많아서 내 나이에는 안 맞는다고 하던디 웃기고 있넹
나한테 트러블도 없이 딱 맞는 구만, 유분감이 많기는 하나도 없고만!
유분기도 없으면서 흡수는 빠르지만 얼굴 피부를 많지면 촉촉함이 느껴진다.
그 촉촉함이 많이 찐덕거리지도 않고 겨울과 초봄까지 쓰기에 딱 좋은 제품~~ 만족!
꿀피부 만듭시다!
Just like the instructions says, it absorbs the ingredients that are good to the skin.
But the person who had introduced this product for me said that it may not match on me because I have a lot of oil on my skin. But I think she's wrong. It matched very well on me without causing any trouble. It doesn't seem to have any oil in it!
It doesn't have oil it. Even though it gets absorbed very quickly, you can feel the moisture on the skin. The sense of moisture isn't sticky and I think it's a perfect product to use during winter and until early spring. I am satisfied with it.
Let's create a honey skin!
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