OHUI Cell Power No1 Essence Review
OHUI Cell Power No1 Essence
저는 T존은 유분이 많구요, 나머지 부위는 살-짝 건조함을 느끼기도하는
복합성 피부인데요, 음 아무래도 숨에센스는 촉촉하긴했지만
건조함을 생각보다 많이 잡아주진 못하더라구요.
그래서 촉촉함으로 건조함을 꽉 잡아주는 요 아이로 구입하게 되었어요 ^^
I have a combination skin that has a lot of oil on the t-zone and the rest of the areas are slightly dry. The SUM essence was quite moist, but it didn't get rid of the dryness of the skin as I've expected. That's why I bought this product that gets rid of the dryness with moisture.
처음 받았을때 샘플이 너무많아서 정작 본품은 제일 늦게 개봉했어요 ㅎ
요 박스안에 본품인 에센스 35ml와 리필용에센스 35ml가 같이들어있어요
I opened the actual product at last because there were so many samples.
The 35ml essence and the 35ml essence for the refill were in this box.
I opened the actual product at last because there were so many samples.
The 35ml essence and the 35ml essence for the refill were in this box.
촉촉함은 물론 풍부한영양에 화이트닝 기능까지 있네요 :)
It not only has moisture, but also has abundant nutrition and the whitening function.
오늘따라 카메라 화질이 왜이렇게 저질일까요
그동안 쭉 같은 카메라로 찍어 포스팅했었는데
속상하네요 사진들을 보니.....힝;
I don't know why the photographs are not coming out very clearly today.
I've been using this camera for my other reviews.
The crappy pictures really disappoint me.
I don't know why the photographs are not coming out very clearly today.
I've been using this camera for my other reviews.
The crappy pictures really disappoint me.
본품 에센스 모습이에요
한손에 잡기에는 약간 큰 사이즈네요 ^ ^
35ml에 불과하지만 한번 펌핑으로도 얼굴 전체를 촉촉히 바를수 있어서
생각보다 꾀 오래쓸듯 하네요 !
This is how the essence looks like.
It's sort of big to fit in one hand.
Even though it's only 35ml, I should be able to use it for a long time because I can apply it on my entire face by pumping it once.
This is how the essence looks like.
It's sort of big to fit in one hand.
Even though it's only 35ml, I should be able to use it for a long time because I can apply it on my entire face by pumping it once.
리필용 에센스구요
교체 방법은 따로 박스에 친절히 설명되있으니
따로 잘 보관해 두시면 될거에요 ㅎ
This is the essence for the refill.
The instructions for the replacement is described on the box.
So you should keep it well.
This is the essence for the refill.
The instructions for the replacement is described on the box.
So you should keep it well.
손등에 한번 발라봤어요 -
바르자마자 즉시 촉촉해 지네요 ^ ^
I applied it on the back of my hand.
My skin became moist right away.
I applied it on the back of my hand.
My skin became moist right away.
완전히 흡수되고 난 후에 찍은 사진이에요
오른쪽은 약간 광채가 돌듯이 촉촉함이 유지되있구요
안바른 왼쪽은 푸석푸석해 보이네요 ㅠㅠ;
I took this photograph after it got completely absorbed into the skin.
As you can see in the photograph, the moistness and the gloss remained on the right side.
The left looks very rough and dry.
I took this photograph after it got completely absorbed into the skin.
As you can see in the photograph, the moistness and the gloss remained on the right side.
The left looks very rough and dry.
에센스의 농도가 묽은편에 속해서
펌핑하고 잠깐 사이에 쭈-욱 하고 흘러버리네요
농도가 묽어서 1번펌핑으로도 얼굴에 다 바를 수 있는것 같아요 !
요 제품은 고농축 에센스 라고 하지만
무겁다는 느낌을 거의 못받았구요, 끈적함 보다는 살짝 쫀득한 정도 였어요 ㅎ
부스팅 에센스라고 해서 사실 별 기대는 없었지만
사용하면 사용할수록 만족스러워요 ><
막 바르고 난다음에 흡수시켜놓으면 피부가 반들반들해지니
피부가 더 좋아지는 것 같기도 하구요.......헿
지친피부에 수분뿐만아니라 영양까지 공급해주는 오휘 셀파워 넘버원에센스로
건강한 피부 만들어 보아요 ♡
The essence ran down from my hands after a while
because it was very watery.
I was able to apply it on my entire face with the amount that came out by pumping it once because it was very watery. Even though this product is a highly enriched essence, it wasn't very heavy. I can say that it was a little sticky.
In fact, I didn't expect much from this product because it was a boasting essence.
But after all, I think I am more than satisfied with this product.
It seems to enhance my skin because skin becomes very smooth and soft when I apply this product on my skin.
Why don't you make a healthy skin with OHUI Cell Power No1 Essence
that provides both moisture and nutrition to the tired skin?
The essence ran down from my hands after a while
because it was very watery.
I was able to apply it on my entire face with the amount that came out by pumping it once because it was very watery. Even though this product is a highly enriched essence, it wasn't very heavy. I can say that it was a little sticky.
In fact, I didn't expect much from this product because it was a boasting essence.
But after all, I think I am more than satisfied with this product.
It seems to enhance my skin because skin becomes very smooth and soft when I apply this product on my skin.
Why don't you make a healthy skin with OHUI Cell Power No1 Essence
that provides both moisture and nutrition to the tired skin?
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