2013년 4월 28일 일요일

OHUI Dual Tint Gloss 10g Review

OHUI Dual Tint Gloss 10g Review

OHUI Dual Tint Gloss 10g

오휘 듀얼 틴트 글로스
용량 : 10g

OHUI Dual Tint Gloss
Volume: 10g 

제가 요 앞전에 메이블린 립밤 리뷰 쓰면서 립밤과 함께 틴트 사용한 발색샷을 올렸는데,
어떤 틴트냐는 쪽지가 오셔서, 제가 쓴 제품은 오휘 듀얼 틴트 글로스로 전 기초제품 사면서 핸드폰고리로 받은 요 제품이예요!

I uploaded the photographs of the colors of the lip balm and the tint while I was writing my review on Maybelline Lip Balm and someone sent me a message asking what sort of tint it was. The name of this product is OHUI Dual Tint Gloss and it's a mobile phone ring that I received when I buying the basic cosmetics. 

정품 용량도 좋지만,
요런 틴트같은경우에는 요것도 오래오래 쓴다는+_+

An original product that has a bigger volume would be good. 
But a small tint like this can also be used for a long period of time. 

핸드폰고리 틴트라고 무시하면 안되요!
요 작은 솔도 부드럽고 바르기 너무 편했어요.

You shouldn't underestimate this just because it's a mobile phone ring tint. 
This small brush was extremely convenient to use. 

스윽 두번 그어줬어요.
여리여리한 핑크빛이 보이시죠+_+

I drew two lines like in the photograph. 
Can you see the light pink?

1분정도만 지나면~
요렇게 점점 붉은색상이 되요.

The color becomes strong after about a minute
like in the photograph. 

젤 타입이라, 따로 립밤을 사용하지 않아도 되지만~
좀 더 글로시한 입술 표현을 위해 립밤을 살짝 발라줬어요.

Even though I didn't have to use a lip balm because it's a gel-type,
I applied the lip balm for a more glossy expression of the lip. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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