OHUI The First Cell Revolution Essence Advanced 50ml Review
OHUI The First Cell Revolution Essence Advanced 50ml
오휘의 기본 성분인 줄기세포배양액 재조합 핵심성분과
활력에너지를 풍부하게 담아 피부를 더욱 더 윤택하게 해주는
에센스에요 ~
It's an essence that makes the skin even more glossy,
for it contains vital energy and core ingredients of culture fluids of stem cells, which is a basic ingredient of OHUI.
It's an essence that makes the skin even more glossy,
for it contains vital energy and core ingredients of culture fluids of stem cells, which is a basic ingredient of OHUI.
제형은 약간 노란기가 있는 몽글한 제품입니다.
점성은 없구요, 살짝 묵직한 편이에요.
The texture is sort of yellow and lumpy.
It's not sticky at all and it's sort of heavy.
The texture is sort of yellow and lumpy.
It's not sticky at all and it's sort of heavy.
발랐을때 텍스처 입니다.
수분감이 넘치는(즉 제형이 약간 물같은)제형은 아니에요.
살짝 탄탄하니~어느정도 무게감이 있더라구요.
This is the texture when applied on the skin.
It's not a texture that has a great sense of moisture. (In other words, it's sort of watery)
It was sort of hard and heavy.
This is the texture when applied on the skin.
It's not a texture that has a great sense of moisture. (In other words, it's sort of watery)
It was sort of hard and heavy.
앞서 말씀드린듯이, 점성은 거의 없는편!
(그러나, 3종세트중에서도 꽤 많은편 이더라구요^^;;)
As I've mentioned before, it didn't have much viscosity.
(But it had the most viscosity among the three set of products)
As I've mentioned before, it didn't have much viscosity.
(But it had the most viscosity among the three set of products)
왼쪽은 안바른쪽, 오른쪽은 바른쪽입니다.
바르고나면 무거운 제형치곤 유분감이 안느껴 졌어요.
그리고, 마무리감이 파우더리하고, 생각보다 발랐을때도, 무거운 느낌이 없었어요.
피부를 감싸주는 느낌?
요즘은 보습이 많이 필요한 겨울철이라서, 이런제품이 저한텐 딱 맞는것같아요 :)
요즘은 보습이 많이 필요한 겨울철이라서, 이런제품이 저한텐 딱 맞는것같아요 :)
제가 평소 촉촉하게 스며드는 제품을 주로 써서,
이런 제형의 마무리감인제품은 약간 낯설었는데요.
막상 바르고 자면, 다음날 얼굴이 당기지도 않고,
잘 흡수시켜서 메이크업하면 지속력도 좋네요!
촉촉한 제형보다 살짝 무겁고, 파우더리한제품 찾는 분께는 추천해요!
특히, 유분감에 민감한 저인지라..유분감 제로라는게 플러스네요 ㅠㅠ!
I applied the essence on the left and didn't apply anything on the right.
For a heavy texture, I was not able to feel much oil.
Also, it had a powdery finish and it wasn't very heavy when I applied it on my skin.
It was sort of like covering the skin.
It think products like these match very well on me because the skin needs a lot of moisture in a cold weather like these. I was not very familiar with products that have this sort of texture because I've been only using product that get absorbed into the skin moistly.
However, I was not able to feel the tension on my skin when I applied the product in the evening before I went to sleep and it also made my makeup to last longer because it got absorbed very well. I strongly recommend this product for those people who are looking for a powdery product that is slightly heavier than those products that are moist in their texture.
The fact that it doesn't have any oil in it is something that I really like
because my skin is especially sensitive to oil.
I applied the essence on the left and didn't apply anything on the right.
For a heavy texture, I was not able to feel much oil.
Also, it had a powdery finish and it wasn't very heavy when I applied it on my skin.
It was sort of like covering the skin.
It think products like these match very well on me because the skin needs a lot of moisture in a cold weather like these. I was not very familiar with products that have this sort of texture because I've been only using product that get absorbed into the skin moistly.
However, I was not able to feel the tension on my skin when I applied the product in the evening before I went to sleep and it also made my makeup to last longer because it got absorbed very well. I strongly recommend this product for those people who are looking for a powdery product that is slightly heavier than those products that are moist in their texture.
The fact that it doesn't have any oil in it is something that I really like
because my skin is especially sensitive to oil.
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