OHUI The First Cell Revolution Eye Cream 20ml Review
OHUI The First Cell Revolution Eye Cream 20ml
쳐지거나 주름이 생기기 쉬운 눈가에 부드럽게 발리고 쫀득하게 마무리 되며
더 퍼스트의 핵심 성분인 rHSCP(재조합 줄기세포배양액 핵심성분)와
더 퍼스트의 핵심 성분인 rHSCP(재조합 줄기세포배양액 핵심성분)와
눈가를 맑게 하는 헤스페리딘 유도체가 만나
연약한 눈가를 생기 넘치고 탄력있게 가꾸어 주는 고농축 토탈케어 아이크림입니다.
It's a highly enriched total care eye cream that applies very smoothly on the areas near your eyes, which are considered to be the fragile areas for wrinkles. It's a product that helps to make the fragile areas near your eyes flexible and vital with rHSCP, which is a core ingredient of The First, and hesperidin derivatives that are known to make the areas near your eye bright.
It's a highly enriched total care eye cream that applies very smoothly on the areas near your eyes, which are considered to be the fragile areas for wrinkles. It's a product that helps to make the fragile areas near your eyes flexible and vital with rHSCP, which is a core ingredient of The First, and hesperidin derivatives that are known to make the areas near your eye bright.
고가의 프리미엄 제품답게 포장이 아주 멋집니다..
세련됨과 정성이 박스에서 부터 느껴집니다..
화장품에 대해서 전혀 모르는 신랑도 셀 레볼루션 아이크림보고 "와"~~ 이러더라구요...
옅은 상이빛의 아이보리색 박스와 골드의 조화 너무 멋집니다.
Just like how an expensive premium product should be like, the packaging was extremely nice.
I was able to feel the classiness and the amount of the attention they've put into this product from the box. Even my husband who is not much aware of cosmetics said "wow' when he saw
the Cell Revolution Eye Cream.
The combination of light ivory and gold is just amazing.
Just like how an expensive premium product should be like, the packaging was extremely nice.
I was able to feel the classiness and the amount of the attention they've put into this product from the box. Even my husband who is not much aware of cosmetics said "wow' when he saw
the Cell Revolution Eye Cream.
The combination of light ivory and gold is just amazing.
본품과 함께 스파츌라, 설명서가 박스안에 얌전하게 들어 있어요...
스파츌라도 골드.... 귀여우면서도 골드의 포스가.. 느껴집니다..
The product comes along with the eye cream, spatula and the instruction manual.
The spatula is also gold. It looks very cute.
The product comes along with the eye cream, spatula and the instruction manual.
The spatula is also gold. It looks very cute.
사용설명서 너무 마음에 들더라구요...
작은 책자처럼 되어 있어 아이크림에 대한 제품 설명 뿐만 아니라
더퍼스트 전라인 상품에 대한 설명, 전성분 표시,
더 퍼스트의 제품의 장점등이 한글,영어, 중국어, 일본어등으로 표기되어 있어요..
사실 사용설명서 잘 안 읽는 경우도 많은데
보기도 싶고 글자도 큼지막해서 보기 너무 좋게 잘 만들어 졌다는 생각이 들었습니다.
I really liked the instruction manual.
It was like a small book and it contained product description, information on The First's products, ingredients and the advantages of The First's products in Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese. I don't usually read these instruction manuals. But I really wanted to read this one because the characters were printed in big size and it was very easy to read.
I really liked the instruction manual.
It was like a small book and it contained product description, information on The First's products, ingredients and the advantages of The First's products in Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese. I don't usually read these instruction manuals. But I really wanted to read this one because the characters were printed in big size and it was very easy to read.
동글동글한 케이스가 귀엽기도 하고 골드빛의 바디가 고급스럽습니다.
사용법: 에멜전 사용후, 약지에 적당량을 덜어
손가락의 체온으로 살짝 녹여 눈가 주위를
넓게 원을 그리듯 톡톡 두드리며 가볍게 펴 발라줍니다.
The round case was very cute and the gold body looked very luxurious.
How to use: After applying the emulsion, apply the the appropriate amount on your ring finger and tap it on the areas near your eyes by using the temperature of the finger as if you are drawing a circle.
The round case was very cute and the gold body looked very luxurious.
How to use: After applying the emulsion, apply the the appropriate amount on your ring finger and tap it on the areas near your eyes by using the temperature of the finger as if you are drawing a circle.
뚜껑을 돌려 열면
제품 보증을 위한 씰이 붙어 있어요..
There is a virgin seal on the top that guarantees the freshness of the product.
There is a virgin seal on the top that guarantees the freshness of the product.
씰이 떼어 내면 속뚜껑이 하나더 나옵니다..
씰은 제거하기 아주 쉬우며 자국이 남는다거나 하지 않아요
There is another protection film when you take off the seal.
The seal comes off very easily and it doesn't leave any mark around it.
There is another protection film when you take off the seal.
The seal comes off very easily and it doesn't leave any mark around it.
속뚜껑을 따면 아이크림이 보입니다.
옅은 상아빛을 띄고 있고 향기는 은은한 향이 납니다.
강하지 않고 은은한 냄새가 좋은것 같아요
You can see the eye cream when you take off the protection film.
The cream has an ivory color and it has a very delicate smell.
The smell isn't strong. I really liked the delicate smell.
You can see the eye cream when you take off the protection film.
The cream has an ivory color and it has a very delicate smell.
The smell isn't strong. I really liked the delicate smell.
되직한 타입의 고농축 아이크림입니다..
피부의 체온가 만나면 부드럽게 녹으면서 피부에 스며듭니다..
피부가 팽팽해지는걸 느낄수 있어요.
It's a highly enriched eye cream that's quite thick in its texture.
It smoothly melts and gets absorbed into the skin when it touches the temperature of the skin.
You can feel that your skin is becoming flexible.
It's a highly enriched eye cream that's quite thick in its texture.
It smoothly melts and gets absorbed into the skin when it touches the temperature of the skin.
You can feel that your skin is becoming flexible.
스파츌라로 살짝 떠보았습니다..
고농축의 아이크림이 느껴집니다.
I scooped out some cream with the spatula.
I can feel that it's a highly enriched eye cream.
I scooped out some cream with the spatula.
I can feel that it's a highly enriched eye cream.
소량으로도 넓은 부위를 바를수 있습니다..
부드럽게 잘 스며들고 흡수 또한 빠릅니다..
You can apply a wide area even with a small amount.
It gets absorbed very smoothly and it gets absorbed very quickly.
You can apply a wide area even with a small amount.
It gets absorbed very smoothly and it gets absorbed very quickly.
눈가가 예민한 편인데 자극이 전혀 없었어요..
바르는 즉시 눈가가 팽팽해지는걸 느낄수 있습니다
빌리지 않고 전량 흡수 되었어요..
부드럽게 발리고 촉촉해지면서 피부가 쫙~~ 조여지는게 느껴집니다...
괜히 1000억이라는 경이적인 판매고를 올린게 아니였구나 느껴집니다..
적은 양으로도 넓은 부위가 펴발리지니 소량씩 바라고
제기능을 모두 할 것 같은 생각이 들었어요
국내 최고의 줄기세포 응용 화장품 '더 퍼스트' 전라인 다 정품으로
사용해보고 싶다는 생각이 들었어요..^^
It didn't irritate my skin even for a person like me who has an extremely sensitive skin.
The areas near my eyes immediately became flexible when I applied the product.
The cream didn't get pushed away and all of them got absorbed into the skin.
It applies very smoothly and it made my skin very tight.
I was able to realize the reason why they were able to sell this product that much.
It seemed to play its roles very well because it can be applied on wide areas on the skin even with a small amount. It made me want to try out all of the products of 'The First', which is one of the best cosmetics of South Korea that has applied stem cells technology into cosmetics.
The areas near my eyes immediately became flexible when I applied the product.
The cream didn't get pushed away and all of them got absorbed into the skin.
It applies very smoothly and it made my skin very tight.
I was able to realize the reason why they were able to sell this product that much.
It seemed to play its roles very well because it can be applied on wide areas on the skin even with a small amount. It made me want to try out all of the products of 'The First', which is one of the best cosmetics of South Korea that has applied stem cells technology into cosmetics.
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