OHUI For Men Leports Suncream 50ml BB Cream Sun Block Review
OHUI For Men Leports Suncream 50ml BB Cream Sun Block
땀이나 물에 지워지지 않아 일상 및 레저활동에 적합하며 알프스 퓨어 콤플렉스 성분이 유해환경으로부터 피부를 보호하고 마치현 및 지실 성분이 피부 손상으로부터 보호해주며 끈적이거나 번들거리지 않는 남성전용 자외선 차단제품 입니다.
요새는 나름 선블록들이 오일프리라서 끈적이는 제품은 아주 싼거
아니면 그다지 많지 않죠. 오휘 남성용도 끈적이지 않아요.
향도 진하지는 않지만 은근히 매력적인 향이구요.
여성용 바르시는 남성분들은 차라리 이게 나을꺼예요
여성용 선블럭은 메이크업 베이스까지 겸비되서
잘못 바르게되면 남자한텐 무지 웃기지만 남성용 선블럭은
백탁현상이 거의 없어서 좋네요.
It's a great product for sports and leisure because it doesn't get removed by sweat or water.
It's a men's sun cream that isn't glossy or sticky in which the alps pure complex protects the skin from harmful environment and the portulaca extracts protects the damage of the skin.
Most of the sunblocks that are being released recently are oil free products and it's not very easy to find a product that's sticky unless they are really cheap ones. OHUI products for men are also not sticky.
The smell isn't strong. But it's a very attractive smell.
I personally recommend this product for those men who use women's cosmetics.
I personally think this one is much better. It can make your face really funny if a guy applies a sunblock for women in a wrong way. The sunblock for men is really nice because it doesn't make the face white.
It's a great product for sports and leisure because it doesn't get removed by sweat or water.
It's a men's sun cream that isn't glossy or sticky in which the alps pure complex protects the skin from harmful environment and the portulaca extracts protects the damage of the skin.
Most of the sunblocks that are being released recently are oil free products and it's not very easy to find a product that's sticky unless they are really cheap ones. OHUI products for men are also not sticky.
The smell isn't strong. But it's a very attractive smell.
I personally recommend this product for those men who use women's cosmetics.
I personally think this one is much better. It can make your face really funny if a guy applies a sunblock for women in a wrong way. The sunblock for men is really nice because it doesn't make the face white.
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