OHUI Sun Science Powder Sunblock Natural Skin SPF50 11g Review
OHUI Sun Science Powder Sunblock Natural Skin
SPF50 11g
저는 리퀴드 타입으로 메이크업베이스겸용으로 사용할 수 있는
크림제품을 사용하고 있답니다
하지만 강한 자외선에 나설 때는 자주 덧발라 줄 수 없는 단점이 있어서
파우더 팩트 제품에 관심이 가기는 하는데 혹시 넘 겉돌고 하얗게 뜨면 어쩌나 싶어 선뜻 선택이 안되더라구요
I am currently using a liquid type product that can also be used as a makeup base.
However, I am more interested in power pacts because they have the advantage which allows me to reapply it when I am exposed to strong ultraviolet rays. But I was not able to buy it because I am worried that my skin might not take it well and also because I am worried that it would turn my skin white.
I am currently using a liquid type product that can also be used as a makeup base.
However, I am more interested in power pacts because they have the advantage which allows me to reapply it when I am exposed to strong ultraviolet rays. But I was not able to buy it because I am worried that my skin might not take it well and also because I am worried that it would turn my skin white.
그런데 마침 제가 선호하는 브랜드 오휘로 부터 파우더 선블록 제품을 체험할 수 있는 좋은 기회를 받았지 뭐에요 
파우더 선블록 네츄럴 스킨
미세 공기층(Secret Air Formuia TM)을 함유하여
탁월한 밀착감으로 공기처럼 가볍게 발리며,
톡톡 두드려 주면 피부를 자연스러우면서도 환하게 해주는 팩트타입
톡톡 두드려 주면 피부를 자연스러우면서도 환하게 해주는 팩트타입
어떤 세련된 멋스러움은 없지만 동글동글 귀여운 모양입니다
Just in time, I've earned the opportunity to try out the sunblock at OHUI, which is one of my favorite brands.
Powder Sunblock Natural Toner
It's a pact that applies extremely lightly on the skin, for it contains Secret Air Formula TM.
It's also a pact that creates a natural and bright expression of the skin.
Even though it not that classy or luxurious, the round shape looks very cute.
Just in time, I've earned the opportunity to try out the sunblock at OHUI, which is one of my favorite brands.
Powder Sunblock Natural Toner
It's a pact that applies extremely lightly on the skin, for it contains Secret Air Formula TM.
It's also a pact that creates a natural and bright expression of the skin.
Even though it not that classy or luxurious, the round shape looks very cute.
손에 요래 쏘옥 들어오는 작은 사이즈 입니다
화장품파우치에 넣어다니기도 편하고
작은 백에도 자리차지없이 쏙 들어가지 싶어요
The size is very small and it fits very well in one hand.
It's very convenient to carry it around in your pouch.
It should fit very well even in small bags without taking too much space.
The size is very small and it fits very well in one hand.
It's very convenient to carry it around in your pouch.
It should fit very well even in small bags without taking too much space.
콕~! 눌러주면 딸깍~!
It opens with a click sound when you press the button.
It opens with a click sound when you press the button.
작은 크기지만 꽉 채운 맑은 거울은 사용함에 불편함이 없고
수시로 거울이 필요할 때 꺼내 보기도 좋은 것 같아요
Even though it's very small, the huge and clear mirror is very convenient to use.
The mirror is extremely handy for various purposes.
Even though it's very small, the huge and clear mirror is very convenient to use.
The mirror is extremely handy for various purposes.
연한 크림 핑크의 부드러운 퍼프는 그 느낌이 넘 좋네요
손에 착~ 붙는 질감에 촉촉하게 말랑거리는 느낌...
The light cream pink-colored puff is extremely soft.
It's very moist and flexible.
The light cream pink-colored puff is extremely soft.
It's very moist and flexible.
파우더 보호캡은 튼튼한 재질로 여닫기 아주 편하게 만들어져 있어요
You can easily open and close the protection lid of the powder.
You can easily open and close the protection lid of the powder.
주인공 파우더의 모습입니다
살짝 진한 크림빛인가 싶었는데 연한 상아색을 띄고 있구요
태양을 상징하는 문양이 너무 예뻐 퍼프를 갖다대는데 살짝 망설임이 있었네요^^
This is how the powder looks like.
I first thought that it had a strong cream color. But it was actually light ivory.
I didn't want to erase the pattern on the powder that looked like sun because it was so pretty.
This is how the powder looks like.
I first thought that it had a strong cream color. But it was actually light ivory.
I didn't want to erase the pattern on the powder that looked like sun because it was so pretty.
솔직히 하얀빛에 가까운 색상이다보니
아가들 베이비파우더 같기도 하고
일본의 가부끼 분장이 되면 어쩌나 싶은 우려가 일기도...
It was sort of like a baby powder because the color was almost white.
Also, I was worried that my face would become the face that had the Japanese Kabuki makeup on it.
It was sort of like a baby powder because the color was almost white.
Also, I was worried that my face would become the face that had the Japanese Kabuki makeup on it.
우선 손에 묻혀 발라보았는데
처음엔 너무 뽀한가 싶은 생각이 들기도 했지만
삭삭~톡!톡! 문질러 주니 부드럽게 색이 입혀짐을 확인하고...
At first, I used my finger to apply it.
It seemed a bit too white at first, but
the color became lighter when I gently rubbed it with my fingers.
At first, I used my finger to apply it.
It seemed a bit too white at first, but
the color became lighter when I gently rubbed it with my fingers.
본격적으로 테스트에 들어갑니다.
I'll now really test the product.
I'll now really test the product.
퍼프에 묻혀낼 때 가루날림은 없었구요
퍼프에도 과하지않게 적당하게 묻어났습니다
The powder didn't fly in the air when I was coasting it on the puff.
The right amount came off on the puff.
The powder didn't fly in the air when I was coasting it on the puff.
The right amount came off on the puff.
★수분크림단계까지 마친 피부에 슥슥~펴 발라보았어요
정말 제품설명처럼 공기층이 함유되어있어서인지 가벼운 느낌으로
생각보다 과하게 피부에 발려지지 않았구요
부드럽게 피지를 제거해주는 정도...
뭐 처음엔 살짝 뽀얀감도 있기는 하지만 거부감이 이는 정도는 아니구요
톡톡 퍼프로 두드려주면 부드럽게 제 피부색으로 정리가 되는 느낌이었어요
I applied the product on my skin that has finished up to the step of the moisturizing cream.
Just like the product description, it applied very lightly on the skin because it contained the air space. It seemed to remove the dead skin smoothly.
It sort of made my skin white at first, but it wasn't to excessive or anything.
The color changed to my skin color when I gently tapped my skin with the puff.
I applied the product on my skin that has finished up to the step of the moisturizing cream.
Just like the product description, it applied very lightly on the skin because it contained the air space. It seemed to remove the dead skin smoothly.
It sort of made my skin white at first, but it wasn't to excessive or anything.
The color changed to my skin color when I gently tapped my skin with the puff.
파우더 선블록 네츄럴 스킨 은 아무래도 파우더 팩트 타입이다보니
촉촉하게 수분크림으로 피부에 수분을 주신 후 사용해 주시면 더욱 좋아요
또 특히나 지성피부이신 분들께 파우더 선블록 네츄럴 스킨을 권해 드립니다
요즘 BB제품들을 많이 사용하시는데요
지성피부이신 분들은 BB크림은 그리 적절하지 않다고 하네요
파우더 선블록 네츄럴 스킨은 파우더 제형이다 보니
물에 의한 번짐은 없을까 걱정이 되어 테스트를 해보니
워터푸르프기능도 적당하게 갖추고 있는것 같네요
쉽게 물에 지워지지 않았고 손으로 문질러 보니 얇은 막이 살짝 씌어져 있는 듯한 느낌이었답니다
아! 선케어 제품을 기초화장 마지막 단계로 볼 수 있지만
클린징단계에서는 메이컵으로 보셔야 해요
그러므로 클린징제품을 사용하여 꼼꼼하게 닦아내시는 것이 좋아요
요즘 자외선 차단 제품들은 대부분 워터푸르프 제품들이라 일반 비누나 물로 잘 지워지지 않는 답니다
It's recommended that you use Powder Sunblock Natural Skin after providing some moisture on the skin because it's power pact. Also, I recommend Powder Sunblock Natural Skin especially for those people who have oily skin. A lot of people are using BB products these day. But I've heard it from somewhere that BB creams are not very good for those people who have oily skin.
I tested whether it smudged in water because Powder Sunblock Natural Skin is a powder texture and it seemed to have a waterproof function to a certain extent.
It didn't get erased by water very easily and it seemed to have created a thin layer on the surface of the skin.
Also, you can regard sun care products as the last step of your basic cosmetics, but
you should regard it as makeup in the phase of cleansing.
Therefore, it is recommended that you wipe it off cleanly by using a cleansing product.
The sunblocks that being released these days do not get erased very easily with soap or water because they are waterproof.
It's recommended that you use Powder Sunblock Natural Skin after providing some moisture on the skin because it's power pact. Also, I recommend Powder Sunblock Natural Skin especially for those people who have oily skin. A lot of people are using BB products these day. But I've heard it from somewhere that BB creams are not very good for those people who have oily skin.
I tested whether it smudged in water because Powder Sunblock Natural Skin is a powder texture and it seemed to have a waterproof function to a certain extent.
It didn't get erased by water very easily and it seemed to have created a thin layer on the surface of the skin.
Also, you can regard sun care products as the last step of your basic cosmetics, but
you should regard it as makeup in the phase of cleansing.
Therefore, it is recommended that you wipe it off cleanly by using a cleansing product.
The sunblocks that being released these days do not get erased very easily with soap or water because they are waterproof.
자외선 주위보까지 예보가 될 만큼 그 피해가 걱정되는 만큼
끈적임 없고 산뜻하고 투명하게 자외선을 차단하는 파우더형 선불록 제품으로
휴대성이 간편하여 언제 어디서나 간편하게 덧바를 수 있는 파우더 선블록 네츄럴 스킨
하나 정도 늘 소지하고 다니면 좋을 것 같네요
I think it's a great idea to always carry around this Powder Sunblock Natural Skin that protects the ultraviolet rays without stickiness on the skin, for it can be reapplied whenever and wherever you are, as the weather forecasts are warning about the damages of ultraviolet rays these days.
I think it's a great idea to always carry around this Powder Sunblock Natural Skin that protects the ultraviolet rays without stickiness on the skin, for it can be reapplied whenever and wherever you are, as the weather forecasts are warning about the damages of ultraviolet rays these days.
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