Sooryehan Hyo Fermented Essence 40ml Review
Sooryehan Hyo Fermented Essence 40ml
발효화장품으로 국내에서는 가장 유면한 브랜드 수려한에서
2012년 신년 한정으로
아트 콜라보레이션 효 발효에센스 기획세트를 선보였어요.
Sooryehan, which is one of the most famous brands in South Korea for fermented cosmetics, has released a limited version of the Art Collaboration Hyo Fermented Essence Set for celebrating the beginning of year 2012.
Sooryehan, which is one of the most famous brands in South Korea for fermented cosmetics, has released a limited version of the Art Collaboration Hyo Fermented Essence Set for celebrating the beginning of year 2012.
기념 신년 달력도 함께 들어있네요.
6명 작가의 작품이 한쪽에 나와있고 다른쪽에는 2개월씩 볼 수 있도록 되어있어요.
한페이지에 2개월씩 있어서 조금 작은편이지만, 장기적인 계획세우기에 좋을것 같아요.
It came along with the new year's calendar.
The artworks of six artists are on one side and there is the calendar on the other side. You can see two months at a time. The calendar is kind of small because there are two months in one page, but I think it's good for planning a long-term plan.
It came along with the new year's calendar.
The artworks of six artists are on one side and there is the calendar on the other side. You can see two months at a time. The calendar is kind of small because there are two months in one page, but I think it's good for planning a long-term plan.
효 발효에센스 기획세트는 기존 패키지와 다르게
상자에 예쁜 모란꽃이 그려져 있어요.
마치 수를 직접 놓은듯한 모습이 고급스러워 보여요.
Unlike the previous packages,
Sooryehan Hyo Fermented Essence has a pretty picture of peony blossom on it.
The design that looks like an embroider figure looks very luxurious.
Unlike the previous packages,
Sooryehan Hyo Fermented Essence has a pretty picture of peony blossom on it.
The design that looks like an embroider figure looks very luxurious.
안쪽에는 정품 효 발효초 에센스와
팔자주름에 사용이 가능한 극주름
에센스, 아이크림, 발효크림,수면팩 증정품이 들어있어요.
세트 구성이 알차요.
The Hyo Fermented Essence and the essence for enhancing the wrinkles, eye cream, fermented cream and free gifts (sleeping pack) are in the box.
I really like the composition of the set.
The Hyo Fermented Essence and the essence for enhancing the wrinkles, eye cream, fermented cream and free gifts (sleeping pack) are in the box.
I really like the composition of the set.
아트 콜라보레이션이라는 이름처럼 제품패키지도 아름답게 변화했어요.
제품 아래쪽에는 꽃문양이 들어있고
위쪽에는 이렇게 화려한 꽃문양이 들어 있답니다.
소장하고 싶은 통이에요~
Just like its name 'Art Collaboration', the package of the product was so much more beautiful this time. There was a pattern of flowers on the bottom of the product and the colorful patterns of flowers were on the top.
It's a kind of bottle that I want to have.
Just like its name 'Art Collaboration', the package of the product was so much more beautiful this time. There was a pattern of flowers on the bottom of the product and the colorful patterns of flowers were on the top.
It's a kind of bottle that I want to have.
뚜껑을 열면 이렇게 펌핑형식으로 되어있어요.
It's a pumping-type product.
It's a pumping-type product.
둥근모양의 한손에 잡히는 크기.,
용량은 40ml로 상당한 대용량이에요.
It's round and it fits in one hand.
The volume is 40ml and I think's it's fairly huge.

It's round and it fits in one hand.
The volume is 40ml and I think's it's fairly huge.

발효 "초"라서 식초 성분이 들어있어 향이 시큼하지 않을까 걱정했는데
시큼한 향은 느껴지지 않는 한방향이었어요.
아무래도 기존의 비한방 화장품에 익숙하다보니 한방향이 처음엔 어색햇지만
자극적이지 않은 한방향이라서 은은히 퍼지는 향이 마음을 안정시켜주네요.
I was worried that it would have a sour smell because it contains vinegar.
But it was an oriental smell that wasn't sour.
At first, I was not very used to the oriental smell because I was very much used to the non-oriental cosmetics. But the smell seems to calm down my mind because it's a mild oriental smell that's not very irritating.
I was worried that it would have a sour smell because it contains vinegar.
But it was an oriental smell that wasn't sour.
At first, I was not very used to the oriental smell because I was very much used to the non-oriental cosmetics. But the smell seems to calm down my mind because it's a mild oriental smell that's not very irritating.
색상은 약간 갈색빛이 도는 투명한색이고, 에센스특유의 묽은 질감이에요.
특히 겨울에 사용해도 좋을만큼 수분감이 많이 느껴져서 좋았어요.
피부에 금방 흡수가 되어서 톡톡 두르리니 바로 매끄러운 피부로 변신했네요.
The color was sort of brown and transparent and the texture was quite watery.
It was very good because I was able to feel a lot of moisture to the point that I can use it during winter. My skin has become smooth right away when I tapped in the essence into my skin.
The color was sort of brown and transparent and the texture was quite watery.
It was very good because I was able to feel a lot of moisture to the point that I can use it during winter. My skin has become smooth right away when I tapped in the essence into my skin.
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