Sooryehan Mibaekjin Baekchul Jingo 30ml Review
Sooryehan mibaekjin baekchul Jingo 30ml
출산이후로 피부빛이 칙칙해지더니
기미, 주근깨가 많이 늘어 화장을 할때도 칙칙함을 감추기에 바빴답니다.
30대 이후로 일반화장품이 아닌 기능성 화장품의 필요성을 절실히 깨닫게 되었지요.
가리고 다니지만 말고, 근본을 개선시켜야겠다는 생각을 하게 되었답니다.
수려한 백출 진고....사용한지 약 한달이 되었습니다.
연고 형식의 튜브에 담겨진 하얀색의 옅은 향이 나는 화장품이었어요.
멜라닌 생성을 억제하여 미백의 근본부터 다스려 준다고 하길래
폭염이 푹푹 내리쬐고 땀이 삐질 삐질 흘러내리는 한여름에도
다른건 몰라도 백출진고만은 꼬박 꼬박 아침, 저녁으로 사용을 했었답니다.
처음에는 기미나 주근깨등의 변화가 눈에 확 띄지는 않았답니다.
그런데 한달가량 사용하고 난 지금, 피부톤이 맑아지는 느낌이 들더군요.
칙칙함으로 화장을 해도 어둡던 피부톤이 깨끗해졌다는 느낌이 들었답니다.
얼굴의 얼룩들이 완전히 없어진건 아니지만,
기미나 주근깨 등의 갯수가 더 늘어나지 않았고,
옅어지며, 바탕색이 맑아졌다는건 사실이랍니다.
앞으로 꾸준히 사용한다면 지금보다
더 많은 효과를 볼 수 있는 제품이기에 대만족중입니다.
My skin has become a lot darker after a childbirth and I was busy trying to cover up the darkness of the skin when I was doing my makeups because I got so many freckles and wrinkles on my face. I've finally realized the necessity of functional cosmetics in my thirties.
It made me think that I should stop covering up and that should be enhancing the foundation of the skin. It's been about a month since I've started using Sooryehan Mibaekjin Baekchul Jingo.
It was a white tube-type cosmetics that had light fragrance.
I didn't forget about applying the product in the morning and the evening even during hot summer because it was known to take care of the foundation of the skin by suppressing the production of melanin. At first, I couldn't see much changes on my freckles or wrinkles.
But my skin tone has definitely become brighter after using the product for about a month.
My skin tone was always dark even if I covered it up with the makeup. But it became a lot brighter after using this product regularly. Of course, it didn't get rid of all the blemishes on my face. but what was great was that I didn't get any more freckles or wrinkles and the colors of has definitely become brighter. I am personally really satisfied about this product because I am quite confident that it will bring more changes to my skin if I use it regularly.
My skin has become a lot darker after a childbirth and I was busy trying to cover up the darkness of the skin when I was doing my makeups because I got so many freckles and wrinkles on my face. I've finally realized the necessity of functional cosmetics in my thirties.
It made me think that I should stop covering up and that should be enhancing the foundation of the skin. It's been about a month since I've started using Sooryehan Mibaekjin Baekchul Jingo.
It was a white tube-type cosmetics that had light fragrance.
I didn't forget about applying the product in the morning and the evening even during hot summer because it was known to take care of the foundation of the skin by suppressing the production of melanin. At first, I couldn't see much changes on my freckles or wrinkles.
But my skin tone has definitely become brighter after using the product for about a month.
My skin tone was always dark even if I covered it up with the makeup. But it became a lot brighter after using this product regularly. Of course, it didn't get rid of all the blemishes on my face. but what was great was that I didn't get any more freckles or wrinkles and the colors of has definitely become brighter. I am personally really satisfied about this product because I am quite confident that it will bring more changes to my skin if I use it regularly.
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