2013년 4월 28일 일요일

SUM37 Water-Full Moisture Cream 50ml Review

SUM37 Water-Full Moisture Cream 50ml Review

SUM37 Water-Full Moisture Cream 50ml

저번 필리핀 여행에서 또 한가지 득템한  것은 
숨37 워터풀 타임리스 모이스처라이징 크림이닷~!!ㅋㅋ

The 'SUM37 Water-Full Moisture Cream' is the product that I bought
while I was traveling in the Philippines last time~!! LOL :) 

워낙 숨 워터풀 수분크림이 좋다하길래 궁금해서 구입했다~!!

크리니크 수분크림을 다 쓴 후에 미소를 지으며 이제껏 화장대에 모셔만 두었던ㅋㅋ

숨37 워터풀 모이스처라징 크림을 꺼냈다!!! 크하하하하하핰ㅋㅋㅋ

뚜껑을 열어보면 이런모습~!

I bought it because I've been hearing a lot of people say that 'SUM37 Water-Full Moisture Cream' is good and I was curious about~!! i I opened up the 'SUM37 Water-Full Moisture Cream' that I've carefully placed on my dressing table after finish using the CLINQUE moisture cream. LOL :) This is how it looks like when you open the lid.

크림제형이라 투명하진 않고 약간 푸른 색이다.
It is rather blue than transparent because it is a cream-type product.

바르면 촉촉하다. 크리니크와 비교한다면 약간은 무거웠지만 오랫동안 촉촉하고 좋다.

그리고 향은..ㅋㅋ

해양심층수같은 향이라고 해야되나???ㅋㅋ  
상쾌하기도 하고 뭔가... 하여간 해양심층수 향이다,,ㅋㅋ

손등 위쪽이 안바른면이고 아래쪽이 바른 면이다.

The skin becomes moist when you put on them. In the overall sense, the cream was a bit heavy as compared to CLINIQUE products, but it was quite nice with a long-lasting sense of moisture. And the fragrance...was perhaps a bit like the deep sea water.
It was very refreshing and I don't know how to put it... but anyways, it's the fragrance of the deep sea water. LOL :) The upper side of my hand is the part that I didn't put the lotion on and the lower part is the part that I put the lotion on.

역시 아래쪽이 좀 촉촉한듯!

사실 이제품은 인터넷면세점에서 잘못구매했다,ㅠ

원래는 숨37 워터풀 타임리스 젤크림을 사려고 했던 거였는데,, 오히려 잘산듯

후회는 없다. 지복합이지만 건조함도 많이 느꼈었기에 약간은 무거운 느낌이었지만

가을, 겨울에 쓰기에는 딱이다!!

As you can see, the lower part seems a bit more moist!
In fact, I bought this product on the online duty-free shop by a mistake. :(
I actually wanted to buy the SUM37 Water-Full Timeless Gel Cream, but I guess this wasn't a bad choice after all. I don't have much regrets. Even though my skin type is a combination of oily skin and despite the fact that it was a bit heavy on my skin, it was actually a perfect product to use during autumn and spring because I've been feeling the dryness of the skin recently!

나의 평점  ★★★★☆
My personal evaluation ★★★★☆

숨37 워터풀 타임리스 모이스처라이징 크림의 장점
The advantages of SUM37 Water-Full Timeless Moisturizing Cream 

1. 하루종일 정말 촉촉하다
2. 향도 상쾌하고 잘 발린다.
3. 가벼운 영양크림에 가까워 지복합성은 건조한 날씨에 바르면 좋을 것 같다. 
    여름엔 조금씩 발라도 촉촉!

1. It stays moist for the entire day.
2. The fragrance is refreshing and it applies very well on your skin.
3. It would be a great choice in dry weather for those who have oily combination skin because it is rather similar to a light nutrient cream. 

숨37 워터풀 타임리스 모이스처라이징 크림의 단점
The disadvantages of SUM37 Water-Full Timeless Moisturizing Cream

1. 기존에 쓰던 것보단 무거운 느낌이라 처음엔 약간 당황.  그렇지만 거부감이 드는 정도는 아님.
2. 지복합성 피부에는 여름보다는 봄, 가을, 겨울 한참 건조할때 좋을 듯 하다.

1. You may get surprised when you're using it for the first time because it gives a heavier sense of feeling. However, it isn't too discomforting.
2. For those who have oily combination skin, it would be better to use it during spring, autumn and winter when the weather becomes extremely dry, rather than using it during summer. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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