Whoo Bichup - Ja Saeng Essence 45ml Review
Whoo Bichup - Ja Saeng Essence 45ml
후 비첩 자생에센스 리뷰
요고요고 입소문 정말 많이 난 상품인데 지인에게 선물로 받게되었답니다 으헤헤~
비첩 자생에센스는 피부에 힘을 주어 피부고민을 케어해주는 후브랜드의 대표에센스라고해요! 피부 자생력의 근본이 담긴 초자하비단과 그 귀하다는 궁중 삼대 비방인 공진비단,경옥비단,청심비단이 담겨져있어 2주이상 매일 사용했을시 피부 스스로 갖는 힘이 커진다고 하네요
주름개선/초보습/피부탄력/안색에 도움이되는제품!
그럼 본격적인 리뷰를 시작해볼께요
This is an extremely famous product among people and I got it as a gift from a friend of mine.
Whoo Bichup - Ja Saeng Essence is known as The Whoo's representative essence that takes care of the skin troubles by providing energy to the skin. The product contains extremely precious ingredients that are known to be effective for vitalizing the skin. It is known that your skin will receive a tremendous amount of energy when you use this product everyday for about to weeks. It's a product that helps to enhance wrinkles, provide high moisture, provide flexibility and enhance the look of the face.
Let me now begin my review.
This is an extremely famous product among people and I got it as a gift from a friend of mine.
Whoo Bichup - Ja Saeng Essence is known as The Whoo's representative essence that takes care of the skin troubles by providing energy to the skin. The product contains extremely precious ingredients that are known to be effective for vitalizing the skin. It is known that your skin will receive a tremendous amount of energy when you use this product everyday for about to weeks. It's a product that helps to enhance wrinkles, provide high moisture, provide flexibility and enhance the look of the face.
Let me now begin my review.
이렇게 개별포장 되어있는 상태로 선물받았어요 >.<
곽 또한 굉장히 고급스럽고 정성이 담긴 예쁜디자인이라
열어보기 전 부터 두근두근했답니다
입체적이고 튼튼한 곽이기 때문에 선물할때도 별도의포장없이 바로 줘도 될만한 고급스러움이 느껴지는 상자에요
This was how the product looked like when I received it.
I was very excited even before opening the product because the case was very luxurious and pretty. They've packaged the product so well and I think it can be a great product for a gift.
This was how the product looked like when I received it.
I was very excited even before opening the product because the case was very luxurious and pretty. They've packaged the product so well and I think it can be a great product for a gift.
부드러운 황금색실크에 쌓여있는 모습입니다
후는 예전부터 참 화장품뿐만 아니라 외관에도 신경을 정말 많이 쓴다고 느꼈는데
이 에센스는 특히 정말 예쁘네요
I opened the product.
The product lied on a smooth golden silk.
Whoo has always paid a great attention on their product design and
I believe the design of this product is especially pretty.
I opened the product.
The product lied on a smooth golden silk.
Whoo has always paid a great attention on their product design and
I believe the design of this product is especially pretty.
에센스치고 꽤 사이즈가 큰 것 같더라구요.
한손에 잡히는 크기이긴 하지만 용기가 크고 예쁜것같아요
통 자체는 가벼운데 안에 내용물때문에 무게감이 느껴졌구요 뚜껑까지 너무귀엽네요 >.<
The size was pretty big as an essence.
Even though It fits in one hand, it was very big and pretty.
The container itself was very light, but it felt heavy because of the content inside.
The lid was also very cute.
The size was pretty big as an essence.
Even though It fits in one hand, it was very big and pretty.
The container itself was very light, but it felt heavy because of the content inside.
The lid was also very cute.
보통 부어서쓰는 경우가 많은데 이녀석은 펌프로 사용가능해서 좋았어요
또 눌리는 부분이 손락이 딱 눌렀을때 안정적인 느낌으로 모양이 잘 나있어서
세심한 배려까지 느낄 수 있었답니다.
굉장히 부드럽게 펌핑이 되고 적당량이 나오기때문에 신경써서 만든건
뭔가 달라도 다르구나 라는걸 느꼈어요!
I had to pour the essence for most other product, but this product used a pumping type container. Also, the area that you lay your finger was very stable.
The product pumped very smoothly and the right amount came out when I pumped it.
I was able to realize that a carefully designed product was really different.

I had to pour the essence for most other product, but this product used a pumping type container. Also, the area that you lay your finger was very stable.
The product pumped very smoothly and the right amount came out when I pumped it.
I was able to realize that a carefully designed product was really different.

흰 용기에 짰을때 저렇게 황금빛이나면서 투명한느낌이었구요
손가락으로 만졌을때 살짝 끈적이면서 늘어나는 타입이었답니다.
발라서 흡수시키면 저렇게 살짝 반짝이는 느낌으로 부드럽게 잘 스며들어요
이 제품 쓰면서 정말 놀랐던게
저렇게 끈적이는 제형인데도 불구하고 흡수력이 정말좋아서
얼굴 전체에 부드럽게 발라서 몇번 지긋이 눌러주면 흡수완료!
진짜 이런느낌 처음이었어요ㅋㅋ 굉장히 부드럽구요
저는 지성이라 끈적이는 타입 화장품자체를 너무너무 싫어하는데 이제품만은 예외였어요
살짝 끈적이는 제형이지만 굉장히 발림성이 편안하고 좋았구요~
왜 입소문 제대로 난 제품인지 확실히 느꼈답니다
여러분들도 꼭 한번은 써보시길 바래요
후 매니아가 될지도 모르겠네요 :)
The content was transparent and had a golden color.
It was sort of sticky when I touched it with my fingers.
It gets absorbed very smoothly into the skin when you apply it and let it absorb.
What was amazing about this product was that
it got absorbed so quickly into the skin when I gently pressed it with my fingers
even though the texture was quite sticky. I've never used a product like this in my life.
It's extremely soft. I personally do not like cosmetics that are sticky because I have an oily skin. But this product was different. Even though the texture was a bit sticky, it applied very comfortably on the skin. I was able to understand why this product was so famous among people.
I really encourage you to use this product.
You might become a big fan of 'Whoo'. :)
The content was transparent and had a golden color.
It was sort of sticky when I touched it with my fingers.
It gets absorbed very smoothly into the skin when you apply it and let it absorb.
What was amazing about this product was that
it got absorbed so quickly into the skin when I gently pressed it with my fingers
even though the texture was quite sticky. I've never used a product like this in my life.
It's extremely soft. I personally do not like cosmetics that are sticky because I have an oily skin. But this product was different. Even though the texture was a bit sticky, it applied very comfortably on the skin. I was able to understand why this product was so famous among people.
I really encourage you to use this product.
You might become a big fan of 'Whoo'. :)
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