Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence 85ml Review
Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence 85ml
비첩 순환에센스는
55.5%의 공진비단 배양액과 해울환 성분이 피부 순환 기운을 촉진시켜
피부 순환을 도와주고
부기와 화기는 내려주고 생기는 부여한다고 해요
주요 성분은 피부 보약이라 불리는 공진비단 배양액과 해울환이예요
The 55.5% silk culture fluid in the Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence is known to accelerate the blood circulation of the skin, reduce the swollen areas and provide vitality.
The main ingredients are resonance silk culture fluid and Hae Wool Whan.
The 55.5% silk culture fluid in the Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence is known to accelerate the blood circulation of the skin, reduce the swollen areas and provide vitality.
The main ingredients are resonance silk culture fluid and Hae Wool Whan.
비첩 순환 에센스는 아름다운 피부의 기본인 순환을 도와
늘 생기있는 피부를 만들어주는
후의 첫단계 에센스랍니다
Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence is an essence that helps to create a vital skin by helping the blood circulation of the skin, which is the foundation of a beautiful skin.
Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence is an essence that helps to create a vital skin by helping the blood circulation of the skin, which is the foundation of a beautiful skin.
요런 느낌이예요
일단 향이 너무 좋아요
한방향이 거북하지 않고 마음을 편안하게 해 주면서
촉촉한 보습력 덕분에
발림성도 꽤 부드러워요
It sort of feels like this.
First of all, it smells so good.
The oriental smell isn't very strong and the smell makes your feel comfortable.
It also applies very smoothly on the skin because of its great sense of moisture.
It sort of feels like this.
First of all, it smells so good.
The oriental smell isn't very strong and the smell makes your feel comfortable.
It also applies very smoothly on the skin because of its great sense of moisture.
부드럽게 발리고
산뜻하고 촉촉함이 살아있어요
피부를 한결 생기있게 만들어주면서
피부가 숨을 쉬는 느낌!
세안 후 피부와 처음 만날 때의 그 촉촉함과 부드러움은
정말 감동이예요
It applies very smoothly on the skin and
it's refreshing and extremely moist.
It makes the skin have vitality and makes the skin breathe.
The sense of moisture and the smoothness are really amazing
when it touches your skin after washing your face.
It applies very smoothly on the skin and
it's refreshing and extremely moist.
It makes the skin have vitality and makes the skin breathe.
The sense of moisture and the smoothness are really amazing
when it touches your skin after washing your face.
끈적임이 전혀 없고
흡수도 빠르면서
즉각적인 생기부여와 함께
피부가 한결 편안해짐을 느낄 수 있어요
It's not sticky at all and
it gets absorbed very quickly.
Your skin will feel a lot more comfortable,
for it provides immediate vitality to the skin.
It's not sticky at all and
it gets absorbed very quickly.
Your skin will feel a lot more comfortable,
for it provides immediate vitality to the skin.
첫단계 에센스를 쓰고 안 쓰고의 차이를 이제야 알 것 같아요
세안 후 피부가 원하는 니즈를 충족시켜 주면서
스킨케어를 맞이 할 준비자세를 완벽하게 취하고 있는 느낌이랄까요?
끈적임없이 피부에 쏙 스며들면서
촉촉하게 살아 숨쉬면서
다음 단계의 흡수를 도와주는 부스팅 역할까지...
스킨의 흡수가 남다르고
첫단계에센스와 스킨만 써도 피부가 참 좋게 느껴지네요
임신과 출산을 반복하다 보니
피부는 칙칙해지고 푸석거려서 거울 볼 때마다 속상했는데
순환에센스를 만나고 나니
한결 피부가 살아나면서 생기를 되찾았어요
촉촉하고 생기있어지니 화장품을 바르니 흡수도 잘 되고
화장품이 피부 깊숙한 곳까지 전달되는 느낌이 들어서
그리고 아침에 바르면 메이크업도 한결 잘 먹는 느낌이 들면서
피부가 하루종일 생기있어 보이면서
얼굴 좋아보인다는 말까지 들었어요
이게 다 비첩 순환에센스 효과라도 할 수 있을 것 같아요
피부가 쫀쫀해지고 촘촘하게 메꿔주는 느낌이 들면서
부족한 부분을 채워주는 느낌이예요
I think I finally understand the difference between using an essence in the first step and not using it. I guess I can say that it sort of satisfies the needs of the skin after washing the face and prepares itself for the skin care. It gets gets absorbed without stickiness and it makes the skin breathe. The skin gets absorbed into the skin very well and my skin feels a lot better even when I've only used the essence and the skin the first step. I was really disappointed about my skin because it was very rough and dry after giving a childbirth. But my skin has restored the vitality after using this product. It really makes me feel good because it feels like the cosmetics are going very deeply into the skin. Also, my skin took the makeup a lot better in the morning and people had been telling me that my skin got better. I guess these are the effects Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence. It makes the skin chewy and it seems like it's restoring the areas that needs to be restored.
I think I finally understand the difference between using an essence in the first step and not using it. I guess I can say that it sort of satisfies the needs of the skin after washing the face and prepares itself for the skin care. It gets gets absorbed without stickiness and it makes the skin breathe. The skin gets absorbed into the skin very well and my skin feels a lot better even when I've only used the essence and the skin the first step. I was really disappointed about my skin because it was very rough and dry after giving a childbirth. But my skin has restored the vitality after using this product. It really makes me feel good because it feels like the cosmetics are going very deeply into the skin. Also, my skin took the makeup a lot better in the morning and people had been telling me that my skin got better. I guess these are the effects Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence. It makes the skin chewy and it seems like it's restoring the areas that needs to be restored.
푸석거리던 피부에 생기를 찾고
피부결이 고르지 못했는데 한결 부드럽고 매끈한 피부결을 선물해주네요
그리고 피부톤이 얼룩덜룩 칙칙하고 균일하지 못했는데
균일하고 깨끗한 피부톤을 선물해 준 고마운 제품이예요
원활하게 피부 순환을 도와주니
피부에 활력이 생겼어요^^
I was able to restore vitality to my rough and dry skin.
My skin was not very smooth before, but this product has definitely made my skin a lot smoother. Also, my skin was quite dirty and not even in the past. I am really thankful to this product because this product has enhanced all those. I was able to gain vitality because it helps the circulation of the skin.
I was able to restore vitality to my rough and dry skin.
My skin was not very smooth before, but this product has definitely made my skin a lot smoother. Also, my skin was quite dirty and not even in the past. I am really thankful to this product because this product has enhanced all those. I was able to gain vitality because it helps the circulation of the skin.
화장품 너무 많이 바른다고 다 좋은 건 아니잖아요
흡수가 중요하고 피부속까지 얼마만큼 전달되는지가 중요한 관건인데
그 가장 기초적인 역할을 해 주는 게
바로 후 비첩 순환에센스인 것 같아요
이제는 생활화가 되고 내 피부가 좋아짐이 눈에 보인
자연스레 비첩 순환에센스에 제일 먼저 손이 가네요
익숙해지니 이제는 빼지 않고 더하기를 하게 되네요^^
세안 후 첫 단계에 바르는 '처음 에센스'로 산뜻하고 촉촉한 제형이 특징인
비첩 순환에센스!
요즘 화장대에서 가장 마음에 드는 제품이네요^^
건강한 피부의 순환을 도와 활기와 생기를 부여해 주니
요즘 같은 환절기에 꼭 필요한 제품!
더이상 화장품이 피부에 흡수되지 않는다고 투덜댈 필요도 없고,
피부 안색이 안 좋다며 걱정할 필요도 없어졌어요
정말 다 쓰면 정품 꼭 사서 함께 하고 싶은 제품
처음 에센스라고 불리우는 부스팅 세럼의 매력을 확실하게
가르쳐 준 피부의 숨은 보약과도 같은 제품이네요.
You know that it's not always good to apply a lot of cosmetics on your skin.
What's actually more important is the absorption and how much it gets delivered to the skin.
I personally think Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence plays out that role extremely well.
After experience all these, I always tend to use this product.
Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence is a refreshing essence that you apply right after you wash your face. This product is one of the products that I like the most these days.
It's a must-have item during the change of seasons. After using this product, I didn't have to complain about the cosmetics not getting absorbed very well or worry about my bad look on the face. It's definitely a product that I want to buy after finish using the samples.
It's definitely a product that has taught me the advantages of a boasting serum.
You know that it's not always good to apply a lot of cosmetics on your skin.
What's actually more important is the absorption and how much it gets delivered to the skin.
I personally think Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence plays out that role extremely well.
After experience all these, I always tend to use this product.
Whoo Bichup - Soon Hwan Essence is a refreshing essence that you apply right after you wash your face. This product is one of the products that I like the most these days.
It's a must-have item during the change of seasons. After using this product, I didn't have to complain about the cosmetics not getting absorbed very well or worry about my bad look on the face. It's definitely a product that I want to buy after finish using the samples.
It's definitely a product that has taught me the advantages of a boasting serum.
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