Whoo Gongjinhyang - Jin Hae Yoon Sun Cream SPF50+ PA+++ 60ml Review
Whoo Gongjinhyang - Jin Hae Yoon Sun Cream SPF50+ PA+++ 60ml
자외선이 노화의 원인중의 하나로 알려지면서
선크림은 이제 필수아이템이 되어버렸는데요.
자외선에 대한 두려움으로 자외선 차단제에 관심이 큰데요..
이 제품은 자외선차단 기능성 화장품으로..
SPF50+, PA+++ 의 높은 자외선 차단효과로 태양으로부터
피부를 효과적으로 지켜주는 선크림이며..
청사익기단 궁중 비방이 태양의 나쁜 기운을 막으면서도
성분이 열을 다스려 태양으로부터 손상된 피부를 편안하게 해주며,
항산화 효과로 촉촉하고 투명한 피부를 만들어 주는 자외선 차단제입니다.
이것이 한방의 태양이라고 하는데요..
자외선 차단에서 그치는 것이 아니라 동시에
피부케어까지 할 수 있다는 점이 매력적인듯 합니다.
Sun cream has become a must-have item because
ultraviolet rays are known to be the factors for the aging of the skin.
A lot of people are interested about sunblocks because they are afraid of ultraviolet rays.
This product is a sunblock that has the protection level of SPF50+, PA+++.
It's a highly effective sun cream that protects your skin against strong ultraviolet rays.
It not only relieves the damaged skin from the sun, but it also creates a moist and transparent skin.
What's amazing about this product is that it not only protects ultraviolet rays, but
it also takes care of your skin very effectively.
Sun cream has become a must-have item because
ultraviolet rays are known to be the factors for the aging of the skin.
A lot of people are interested about sunblocks because they are afraid of ultraviolet rays.
This product is a sunblock that has the protection level of SPF50+, PA+++.
It's a highly effective sun cream that protects your skin against strong ultraviolet rays.
It not only relieves the damaged skin from the sun, but it also creates a moist and transparent skin.
What's amazing about this product is that it not only protects ultraviolet rays, but
it also takes care of your skin very effectively.
제품의 외형이예요.
꽤나 고급스러운 자태를 뽐내는데요.
This is how the product looks like.
I guess it's pretty luxurious .
This is how the product looks like.
I guess it's pretty luxurious .
뚜껑부분이 둥근듯 하지만..
아랫부분이 평평하게 되어있어..
The lid looks round,
but the area on the bottom is flat.
화장대에 쉽게 세워두고 사용할수 있습니다.
So you can place it on your dressing table.
제형의 출구 부분은 너무 넓지 않게 되어 있어..
그 양 조절이 용이합니다.
You can control the amount very conveniently because the mouth isn't very big.
You can control the amount very conveniently because the mouth isn't very big.
우선 제 손등에 더히스토리오브후 공진향 진해윤 선크림을 올립니다.
I first put the Whoo Gongjinhyang - Jin Hae Yoon Sun Cream on the back of my hand.
I first put the Whoo Gongjinhyang - Jin Hae Yoon Sun Cream on the back of my hand.
자세히 보면 아이보리 색상의 제 형은 꽤나 영양가 있어보입니다.^^
If you look at it closer, the ivory texture seems to have a lot of nutrition in it.
If you look at it closer, the ivory texture seems to have a lot of nutrition in it.
비교를 위해 반쪽만 발라봅니다.
반쪽을 펴 바르는데.. 나름 감동적입니다.
선크림 고유의 단점적 특징들이 나타나지 않습니다.
백탁현상, 끈적임, 선크림 고유의 답답함이 전혀 느껴지지 않습니다.
선크림을 발랐다는 느낌보다는 발림성이 좋은 영양크림을 바르는 기분이였어요.
I only applied on one side for the comparison.
It was quite impressive.
It doesn't seem to have the disadvantages of sun creams.
It doesn't make your skin white. It isn't sticky and it doesn't seem to suffocate the skin as ordinary sun creams do. It was as if I was applying a smooth nutrition cream rather than applying a sun cream.
반쪽부분 만 바른것인데요.
안바른 부분과 비교가 되며..
그 느낌이 자외선 차단제라는 느낌보다는 스킨케어 제품을 바른듯한 느낌입니다.
끈적임이 전혀 없기에 그 텍스쳐를 봐보았는데요.
I applied the product only one side.
You can see the differences quite clearly.
The product was more like a skin care product rather than a sunblock.
I took a look at the texture because it wasn't sticky at all.
I applied the product only one side.
You can see the differences quite clearly.
The product was more like a skin care product rather than a sunblock.
I took a look at the texture because it wasn't sticky at all.
텍스쳐가 쩍쩍 달라 붙지 않고 똑똑 떨어지는 느낌입니다.
이런 제형 떄문에 끈적임이 발생하지 않나 봅니다.
The texture wasn't sticky and I was able to take off my hands very easily.
The texture wasn't sticky and I was able to take off my hands very easily.
유분감을 보았기위해 진해윤선크림과 타사 제품들을 기름종이로 비교해 보았는데요.
I ran an oil test with other products to see how much oil it had.
I ran an oil test with other products to see how much oil it had.
1시간이 지난후 결과를 보니 손등에 발랐을때
꽤 고영양으로 느껴져 유분기가 많이 나오지 않을까 하는..
예상과는 달리.. 유분감이 적었습니다.
이러한 유분감이 번들거림이나 끈적임이 발생하지 않는점에 한몫 하는듯 했습니다.
I've expected it to have a lot of oil in it. But after an hour, I found out that it didn't have that much oil in it. I personally thought such factors made the product less stickier.
본격적으로 얼굴에 발라 보는데요.
우선 사용전 모습입니다.
I applied it on my face.
This is before applying the product.
I applied it on my face.
This is before applying the product.
바른후 모습입니다.
은은한 한방의 향기가 너무도 매력적으로 다가옵니다.
더히스토리오브후 공진향 진해윤 선크림 SPF50+의 특징을 정리해 보도록 하겠습니다.
1. 백탁현상이 없는 자외선 차단제
2. 끈적임이 없는 자외선 차단제
3. 자외선 차단제 고유의 답답함이 없는 자외선 차단제
4. 발림성이 좋은 자외선 차단제
3. 은은한 한방의 향을 즐길수 있는 자외선 차단제
이렇게.. 대표적으로 뽑으면 적당할듯 싶습니다.
여기에 더불어 피부케어 효과까지 준다고 하니~
너무도 매력적인 제품입니다.
단점을 찾기 힘든 선크림을 찾는 분들께 추천드릴께요^^
This is after applying the product.
The delicate smell Chinese medicine was really attractive.
Let me summarize the characteristics of Whoo Gongjinhyang - Jin Hae Yoon Sun Cream SPF50+.
1. A sunblock that doesn't turn your face white.
2. A sunblock that isn't sticky.
3. A sunblock that doesn't suffocate the skin as other sunblocks do.
I guess these are the three main characteristics of the product.
It's such an attractive product because it is also known to take care of the skin.
I strongly recommend this product for those people who are looking for a product that does not have much disadvantages. :)
This is after applying the product.
The delicate smell Chinese medicine was really attractive.
Let me summarize the characteristics of Whoo Gongjinhyang - Jin Hae Yoon Sun Cream SPF50+.
1. A sunblock that doesn't turn your face white.
2. A sunblock that isn't sticky.
3. A sunblock that doesn't suffocate the skin as other sunblocks do.
I guess these are the three main characteristics of the product.
It's such an attractive product because it is also known to take care of the skin.
I strongly recommend this product for those people who are looking for a product that does not have much disadvantages. :)
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