Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol - Brightening Cleansing Foam 160ml Review
Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol - Brightening Cleansing Foam 160ml
이번에 오휘제품을 구매하면서 대량으로 받은 샘플중 하나인
더 후 공진향 설 청안 클렌징 폼을 소개해볼까해요.
화장은 하는것보다 지우는것이 더 중요하다고 하잖아요.
그만큼 클렌징의 역할도 중요하단말인데요.
저같은 경우에 클렌징제품은 모공속까지 깨끗하게 해주면서
사용후에는 촉촉함이 오래 유지되는걸 좋아하는데요.
딱히 시중제품중에서는 아직 만나본제품이 없어요.
보통의 세정력이거나 혹은 사용후 건조함이 생기기 쉬운데요.
이제품은 모공속 노폐물까지 제거해주면서 미백의 효과까지 엿볼 수 있는
그런 한방미백클렌징폼인것같아 기대가 크네요.
I would like to introduce the Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol - Brightening Cleansing Foam, which is one of the samples that I received when I was buying the Ohui products.
People often say that erasing the makeup is more important than doing the makeup.
I think this is another way of saying that the role of the cleanser is that much important.
I personally like cleansing products that cleanses deeply into the pores and products that leave a sense of moisture after using.
I've never found such a product in the market yet.
The products that they sell in the market usually do not have powerful cleansing effects and they often make the skin dry after using.
I am expecting a lot from this product because this product seems like a product that
removes the residues in the pores and is also a product provides whitening effects.
I would like to introduce the Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol - Brightening Cleansing Foam, which is one of the samples that I received when I was buying the Ohui products.
People often say that erasing the makeup is more important than doing the makeup.
I think this is another way of saying that the role of the cleanser is that much important.
I personally like cleansing products that cleanses deeply into the pores and products that leave a sense of moisture after using.
I've never found such a product in the market yet.
The products that they sell in the market usually do not have powerful cleansing effects and they often make the skin dry after using.
I am expecting a lot from this product because this product seems like a product that
removes the residues in the pores and is also a product provides whitening effects.
더후에서는 많은 라인이 있는데요 그중에서도 공진향 설 라인은
눈에 보이는 기미부터 보이지 않는 숨겨진 잡티까지
맑고 투명하게 다스리는 궁중 한방 미백 전문라인입니다.
숨겨진 잡티케어 신성분, 칠향팔백산 - 노화된 오장을 조화롭게 해주어
피부를 밝게 지켜줄 뿐 아니라 세월에 지친 정신까지 맑게 해주는
피부 미백 궁중 한방 비방
보이는 잡티케어 신성분, 감국추출성분 - 눈에 보이는 멜라닌 독의 근원까지
확실하게 제거해주는 LG 세계 특허 신 미백성분
There are many different series in the The Woo.
There are many different series in the The Woo.
The Gongjinhyang Seol is a series of products that especially focuses in making the skin transparent. It is known as a product that even covers the freckles and small blemishes that cannot be seen with your eyes very easily.
It not only takes care of the hidden blemishes with licorice extracts and makes the skin bright,
but it also makes the tired mine clear. The licorice extracts are known to remove the origin of the melanin toxins as well.
It not only takes care of the hidden blemishes with licorice extracts and makes the skin bright,
but it also makes the tired mine clear. The licorice extracts are known to remove the origin of the melanin toxins as well.
제가 샘플로 받은 청안 클렌징 폼이예요.
40ml로 적지 않은 용량이구요. 휴대성도 좋아 여행갈때나
사우나 갈때 가지고 다닐수도있어요.
더후제품은 엘지생활건강에서 만든제품이구요.
용기는 튜브형으로 되어있으며 미백라인답게 색상은 하얀색입니다.
This is the Brightening Cleansing Foam sample that I got.
The volume is 40ml and it's very portable. You should be able to carry it around when you are traveling or when you are going to the sauna.
The Whoo is a brand of LG Care.
It's a tube-type container and the color is white.
This is the Brightening Cleansing Foam sample that I got.
The volume is 40ml and it's very portable. You should be able to carry it around when you are traveling or when you are going to the sauna.
The Whoo is a brand of LG Care.
It's a tube-type container and the color is white.
손등에 덜어봤는데요. 색상은 정말 깨끗한 하얀색이구요.
한방라인이라 살짝 향이 걱정되시죠?
근데 이제품은 한방향이 아주 은은하게나서 전혀 거부감이 없더라구요.
보시다시피 좀 쫀존하고 탄력성이 살짝 느껴지는 제형이예요.
I put some on the back of my hand. The color was extremely white.
It's a Chinese medicine cosmetics and you are probably worried about the smell.
The smell of this product wasn't very strong.
As you can see in the photograph, the texture was very chewy and flexible.
I put some on the back of my hand. The color was extremely white.
It's a Chinese medicine cosmetics and you are probably worried about the smell.
The smell of this product wasn't very strong.
As you can see in the photograph, the texture was very chewy and flexible.
사용전 제 피부예요.
모공속까지 화장품으로 가득 차있네요..
요즘은 선비비하나바르고 파우더로 마무리하기때문에 그다지 두텁지는 않지만
그래도 피부속에 남아있는 노폐물을 말끔히 제거해야겠지요?
This is my skin before using the product.
My pores are filled with the cosmetics.
My makeup isn't very thick these days because I usually apply the Sun BB and finish it with a powder. However, I should be removing the residues in the skin cleanly.
This is my skin before using the product.
My pores are filled with the cosmetics.
My makeup isn't very thick these days because I usually apply the Sun BB and finish it with a powder. However, I should be removing the residues in the skin cleanly.
제형에비해서는 거품이 그다지 잘 나는편은 아니더라구요.
좀더 많이 문질러주면 조금더 나긴하지만요.
대체적으로 쉽게 거품이 많이 발생하지는 않더라구요.
혹시 집에 버블망이 있으신분들은 그걸 사용하시면 훨씬 더 많이 거품을 내실수있어요.
Having considered the texture, the product didn't cream that much foams.
Of course, you can create more foams if you rub it harder.
But the product didn't create that much foams in the overall sense.
You should be able to create a lot more foams if you use a bubble net.
Having considered the texture, the product didn't cream that much foams.
Of course, you can create more foams if you rub it harder.
But the product didn't create that much foams in the overall sense.
You should be able to create a lot more foams if you use a bubble net.
사용후 물기만 닦고 바로 찍었어요.
거품은 비록 원하는 만큼 나지 않았지만
사용시에는 굉장히 부드럽고 쫀존하게 클렌징 되는걸 느꼈구요.
사용후에는 정말 당김이 거의 없었어요.
사진을 찍고 보니까 모공까지 말끔이 클렌징 된걸 알수 있었어요.
비록 클렌징 제품이더라도 미백라인이라 살짝쿵 기대했었는데요.
세안후 반짝 환해보이기는 하지만 그건 이제품의 효과는 아닌듯했어요 ^^;;
그래도 성분이 워낙 좋구 세정력이나 세안후 당김이 없어
가격만 조금더 저렴했더라면 자주 애용할수 있는 제품이 될것같아요.
I took this photograph right after wiping off the water.
Even though I was not able to create the amount of foam that I wanted, but
it was very smooth and cleansed the skin in a very chewy way.
I didn't feel the tension on my skin after using this product.
I can see through the photograph that it had even cleansed the pores very cleanly.
Even though it was a cleansing product, I expected a bit of whitening effects.
It seemed to make my face a bit bright at first, but it wasn't that dramatic.
I would personally use this product a lot if it was a bit cheaper
because the ingredients are very good and also because I didn't feel the tension on my skin after using the product.
I took this photograph right after wiping off the water.
Even though I was not able to create the amount of foam that I wanted, but
it was very smooth and cleansed the skin in a very chewy way.
I didn't feel the tension on my skin after using this product.
I can see through the photograph that it had even cleansed the pores very cleanly.
Even though it was a cleansing product, I expected a bit of whitening effects.
It seemed to make my face a bit bright at first, but it wasn't that dramatic.
I would personally use this product a lot if it was a bit cheaper
because the ingredients are very good and also because I didn't feel the tension on my skin after using the product.
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