Lacvert Plant Water Oasis Serum 40ml Review
Lacvert Plant Water Oasis Serum 40ml
플랜트워터 라인은 계절에 맞게 가볍고 수분감 전달에 집중한 수분라인이에요.
플랜트 워터라인은 LIVE수액을 그대로 사용했다는 것에 포인트를 가지고 있는데요.
LIVE수액은 잎 끝에 맺힌 물방울은 식물의 일액현상이
만들어 낸 맑고 깨끗한 수분이라고 해요.
만들어 낸 맑고 깨끗한 수분이라고 해요.
일액현상은 식물이 뿌리를 통해 흡수한 물이 잎의 끝으로
이동하면서 정화된 깨끗한 물이 잎끝의 수공을 통해 배출되는 현상입니다.
Plant Water line is a product in the moisture series that focuses on delivering the feeling of moisture according to the season. Plant water line uses LIVE toner. Live toner is clean moisture that created on a plant when it discharges the clean water through its water hole when the water is moving to the end of the leaf.
이동하면서 정화된 깨끗한 물이 잎끝의 수공을 통해 배출되는 현상입니다.
Plant Water line is a product in the moisture series that focuses on delivering the feeling of moisture according to the season. Plant water line uses LIVE toner. Live toner is clean moisture that created on a plant when it discharges the clean water through its water hole when the water is moving to the end of the leaf.
플랜트 워터라인은
워터젤스킨, 오아시스세럼, 워터크림, 워터미스트, 워터겔마스크의
워터젤스킨, 오아시스세럼, 워터크림, 워터미스트, 워터겔마스크의
총 5가지 제품으로 구성된 라인인데요.
제가 써보게 된 제품은 이 중에서
워터젤스킨, 오아시스세럼, 워터크림의 3가지 제품이에요.
워터젤스킨, 오아시스세럼, 워터크림의 3가지 제품이에요.
제품이 전체적으로 저한테도 잘 맞고 무난하게 촉촉해서,
미스트도 좀 관심이 가고있어요ㅋㅋㅋ
미스트도 좀 관심이 가고있어요ㅋㅋㅋ
The plant water line consists of water gel toner, oasis serum, water cream, water mist, water gel mask. I tried three of them, which are the water gel skin, oasis serum and the water cream.
I am really interested in the mist as well because they entirely matched with my skin type .
아무튼 이 중에서 제가 이번에 리뷰를 올릴 제품은
메인제품인 연아세럼 오아시스세럼이에요!
Anyway, the product that I am going to introduce today's Yuna oasis serum, which is one of the main products.
메인제품인 연아세럼 오아시스세럼이에요!
Anyway, the product that I am going to introduce today's Yuna oasis serum, which is one of the main products.
라끄베르 플랜트워터 오아시스 세럼
Lacvert Plant Water Oasis Serum
Lacvert Plant Water Oasis Serum
용량 : 40ml
Volume : 40ml
Volume : 40ml
바르는 순간 물이 터져 나오는 듯한 풍부한 수분감을
피부에 즉각 공급하고 전달하고 시간이 지날수록
피부가 촉촉하고 매끄러워지는 고수분 에센스
피부가 촉촉하고 매끄러워지는 고수분 에센스
3D Hydrogel 유화 기술로 70%의 수분을 고농축으로 함유한 에센스.
고농축으로 응집된 라이브 수분이 순간적으로 터져 풍부한 수분감이 느껴지고
댜량의 보습 및 오일 성분이 지속적으로 방출되어 보습효과가 오랫동안 유지됩니다.
A high-moisturizing essence that immediately delivers a sense of moisture to the skin as if water is popping up and makes the skin moist and smooth as time goes by.
It's an essence that contains 70% of highly enriched moisture with 3D Hydrogel oil technology.
You can feel the sense of moisture when the live moisture that's been cohered in high enrichment pops up in an instant and it also maintains the moisturizing effects for a long time, for the the numerous moisturizing and oil ingredients are released continuously.
* 사용법
스킨 에멀전 사용 후, 2~3회 정도 펌핑하여 양볼, 턱, 코, 이마에 나누어
골고루 펴 바른 후 두드리듯 흡수시켜 마무리 합니다.
잠시 양손으로 감싸 완전히 흡수시키면 더욱 좋습니다.
How to use
After applying the skin emulsion, pump the product 2-3 times and apply it evenly on your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead and tap it to let it absorb.
It would be even better if you cover your face with both of your hands to let it get absorbed completely.
How to use
After applying the skin emulsion, pump the product 2-3 times and apply it evenly on your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead and tap it to let it absorb.
It would be even better if you cover your face with both of your hands to let it get absorbed completely.
녹색의 산뜻하고 시원한 느낌이 드는 케이스에요.
워터젤스킨 제품은 유리용기라서 많이 묵직한데,
오아시스세럼은 용기가 비교적은 가벼운 편이에요.
오아시스세럼은 용기가 비교적은 가벼운 편이에요.
40미리로 용량도 넉넉한 편이라서 여름까지 충분히 사용할 수 있는 양이에요.
It's a green case that makes you feel refreshing.
Water Gel Skin product are usually very heavy because they are made of glass, but
Oasis Serum is pretty light.
You should be able to use the product until summer because there is a lot in it. (40ml)
여담이지만, 역시 수분라인은 파란색이라고 생각했는데...
생각보다 녹색도 산뜻하고 예쁘더라구요ㅋㅋ
생각보다 녹색도 산뜻하고 예쁘더라구요ㅋㅋ
(그래도 수분라인은 역시 녹색,파란색을 벗어나지는 못하는 듯...
하나 더 추가하면 화이트정도? 근데 화이트는 화이트닝이 있어서;;)
I personally liked moisturizing products that were blue, but
a green product was also very pretty.
(It looks like most of the moisturizing products are green, blue or white.
But white has whitening... )
하나 더 추가하면 화이트정도? 근데 화이트는 화이트닝이 있어서;;)
I personally liked moisturizing products that were blue, but
a green product was also very pretty.
(It looks like most of the moisturizing products are green, blue or white.
But white has whitening... )
펌핑용기라서 양 조절도 편하고 깔끔하게 사용하실 수 있어요.
저 뚜껑의 커팅이 좀 독특한 곡선이라서,
바닥에 안세워질 줄 알았는데..세워지기는 하더라구요ㅋㅋ
바닥에 안세워질 줄 알았는데..세워지기는 하더라구요ㅋㅋ
근데 일자형보다 보기에도 예쁘고 그렇기는 한데..아침에 바쁠 때
모양맞춰서 닫아야해서 그게 좀 귀찮아요ㅠ3ㅠ
You can control the amount very conveniently and you can also use it in a very clean way because it's a pumping container. The cutting of the lid is quite unique and I thought that it wouldn't stand. But I had no problem letting it stand.
It looks prettier than the straight one, but it's sort of annoying in the morning when I am closing the lid because I have to close it very carefully.
You can control the amount very conveniently and you can also use it in a very clean way because it's a pumping container. The cutting of the lid is quite unique and I thought that it wouldn't stand. But I had no problem letting it stand.
It looks prettier than the straight one, but it's sort of annoying in the morning when I am closing the lid because I have to close it very carefully.
아주 연한 녹색을 띄는 제형이에요.
제형을 보시면 아시겠지만, 크리미한 느낌보다는 수분겔에 가까운 느낌이에요.
수분라인 에센스는 대부분 이렇게 가벼운 사용감을 주는 제형을 택하고 있죠.
향은 시원한 면인데....독특한 편은 아니구요.
크게 거슬리지는 않는데 살짝 약한 풀향기같이 나요.
The texture is sort of green.
As you can see, the texture is rather close to a moisturizing gel rather than creamy.
Most moisturizing essences use a light texture like this one.
The smell is quite refreshing, but it's not that unique or anything.
It doesn't really bother me, but it sort of smells like grass.
크게 거슬리지는 않는데 살짝 약한 풀향기같이 나요.
The texture is sort of green.
As you can see, the texture is rather close to a moisturizing gel rather than creamy.
Most moisturizing essences use a light texture like this one.
The smell is quite refreshing, but it's not that unique or anything.
It doesn't really bother me, but it sort of smells like grass.
수분감이 많이 느껴져서 시원한 느낌도 들어요.
발림은 당연히 좋은 편이고, 흡수되는 정도는 보통입니다.
맨얼굴에 바르면 모르겠지만...에센스니까 보통 그 앞에 스킨을 바르고 바르잖아요.
앞에 바르는 스킨이 그냥 물스킨이면 조금 더 흡수가 빨리되고,
앞에 젤타입이나 쫀득한 스킨을 쓰면 그만큼 흡수가 늦더라구요.
유분감보다는 수분감이 많은 제형이다보니까
앞에 바르는 스킨케어에 따라서 흡수정도가 좀 차이가 납니다.
I also feels quite refreshing because there is a lot of moisture in it.
Of course, it applies very well on the skin and the level of absorption is quite normal.
You know how we often apply the serum after applying the skin because it's an essence.
It got absorbed quite quickly when I've applied the watery skin and it got absorbed quite slowly when I've applied a gel-type skin.
The level of absorption really depends on the kind of skin that you're using because it has more moisture than oil.
앞에 바르는 스킨케어에 따라서 흡수정도가 좀 차이가 납니다.
I also feels quite refreshing because there is a lot of moisture in it.
Of course, it applies very well on the skin and the level of absorption is quite normal.
You know how we often apply the serum after applying the skin because it's an essence.
It got absorbed quite quickly when I've applied the watery skin and it got absorbed quite slowly when I've applied a gel-type skin.
The level of absorption really depends on the kind of skin that you're using because it has more moisture than oil.
흡수되면 가벼우면서 촉촉해요!
확실히 수분라인으로 나온 제품인만큼 수분공급은 괜찮아요.
계절에 따라서 좀 차이가 있겠지만,
요새 제 피부가 날이 더워지면서 얼굴의 반은 건조하고,
반은 유분기가 슬슬 올라오는 상태라서
반은 유분기가 슬슬 올라오는 상태라서
너무 쫀쫀한 제품은 기름지고, 너무 산뜻한 제품은 건조한 그런 상태거든요.
부담없는 수분에센스라고 생각해요.
제형의 가벼움도 그렇고, 봄/여름 시즌에
누가 사용해도 크게 무리없이 사용하기 좋은 제품이라는 느낌.
누가 사용해도 크게 무리없이 사용하기 좋은 제품이라는 느낌.
물론 수분라인이기때문에 어떤 다른 기능을 원하기에는 무리가 있습니다만...
수분라인은 다른거 필요없이 수분공급만 잘되면 상관없죠^^;;
그런 의미에서는 만족스러운 제품이에요.
It's really light and moist on the skin when it gets absorbed.
The sense of moisture was definitely good because it's a moisturizing product.
It may depend on the season, but half of my face is dry and the other half is quite oily as the weather is getting hot. So the products that are chewy tend to make my face oily and refreshing products tend to make my skin dry.
I personally think it's a moisturizing essence that can be used any time.
I think it's a product that can be used by any person during any season
because the texture is extremely light.
You shouldn't be expecting other functions from this product because it's simply a moisturizing product. Well.. I guess everything is fine as long as it provides moisture to the skin.
In that sense, it's a very satisfying product.
It's really light and moist on the skin when it gets absorbed.
The sense of moisture was definitely good because it's a moisturizing product.
It may depend on the season, but half of my face is dry and the other half is quite oily as the weather is getting hot. So the products that are chewy tend to make my face oily and refreshing products tend to make my skin dry.
I personally think it's a moisturizing essence that can be used any time.
I think it's a product that can be used by any person during any season
because the texture is extremely light.
You shouldn't be expecting other functions from this product because it's simply a moisturizing product. Well.. I guess everything is fine as long as it provides moisture to the skin.
In that sense, it's a very satisfying product.
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