Lacvert Re-blossom Eye Cream 25ml Review
Lacvert Re-blossom Eye Cream 25ml
사실 요즘 천연화장품이 뜨면서 '자연','생명' 과
연관되는 화장품이 굉장히 많이 출시되고 있다.
화장품의 거의 대부분의 성분에는 "천연"이라는 단어가 결코 빠지지 않는 것 같다.
화장품의 거의 대부분의 성분에는 "천연"이라는 단어가 결코 빠지지 않는 것 같다.
그만큼 사람들이 피부에 좀 덜 자극적인 화장품을 찾기 시작했다는 뜻이고,
회사에서도 시대에 발 맞춰가고 있다는 거 아닐까?
라끄베르 = 푸른 호수 라는 단어의 뜻 처럼 생명력이
라끄베르 = 푸른 호수 라는 단어의 뜻 처럼 생명력이
가득한 피부를 만들고자 하는 마음을 담았다고 하니 어디 그 속내를 살펴보자.
A lot of companies are releasing cosmetics that are related to the 'nature' and 'life' because natural cosmetics are very popular these days.
I think the products that are being released these days are always using the word 'nature'.
I guess this is another way of saying that people have begun to look for cosmetics that are less irritating to the skin. The definition of Lacvert is 'green lake' and this product is known to create a skin that's full of vitality. Let's see if that's really true.
일단 용기 디자인. 뭐 깔끔하다.
역시 내가 우려했던대로 라끄베르는 고품격을 우선시 하는 것 같다.
역시 내가 우려했던대로 라끄베르는 고품격을 우선시 하는 것 같다.
왠지 좀 귀해보이는 디자인 아닌가? 블링블링한 ~
사람들이 용기 디자인을 보고 화장품을 고르는 건 아니지만
그래도 적어도 그 화장품을 사용하는 연령대의 이미지에 맞는
용기디자인도 충분히 필요하다고 본다..
10대가 사용하는 화장품을 30대들이 좋아하는 용기에 담으면 좋아할 사람 있겠나
사실 20대 후반 쯤되면 어느 정도 사회적으로 자기 자리에 대한
인식이 생기기 때문에 너무 어린애틱한것도 좀 그러니까..
이 정도면 10점 만점에 8점 정도는 되는 듯 ! (나 인심 후한 여자야)
The design is quite neat. I personally think Lacvert care a lot about their luxurious look.
Doesn't it look quite luxurious? Not all people decide their cosmetics by looking at the design of the product, but I personally think the companies should focus on their design to the people who are using them. If they use the container that's designed for those people who are in their thirties, it's evident that teenagers won't like to buy that product. Well.. but this product doesn't look extremely old or anything. I would give 8 points out of 10 for the design.
The design is quite neat. I personally think Lacvert care a lot about their luxurious look.
Doesn't it look quite luxurious? Not all people decide their cosmetics by looking at the design of the product, but I personally think the companies should focus on their design to the people who are using them. If they use the container that's designed for those people who are in their thirties, it's evident that teenagers won't like to buy that product. Well.. but this product doesn't look extremely old or anything. I would give 8 points out of 10 for the design.
뚜껑을 열면 요로케.......
여기서 크림 제품의 아쉬운 점 하나.
요로케 떠서 사용해야 하는 크림 제품의 경우
필수적으로 스페츌러가 좀 딸려있었음 한다.
사실 손가락으로 톡 찍어 사용해도 되지만 그럴 경우
손가락의 온도로 인해 미세하게나마 화장품 성분이 변할 수도 있고
한 두번 쓰는 것도 아니고 계속 쓸건데 그러다보면
화장품 전체적으로 성분이 별 할 가능성이 미미하게 나마 있다는 사실.
게다가 여자들 중에는 손톱을 기르는 사람들도 있는데
아는 사람들은 알다시피 크림 손톱 사이에 끼이는 것 만큼 짜증나는 것도 없다 -_-
This is how the product looks like when you open the lid.
What's a little disappointing about this product is that
it would have been better if they had a spoon with it because you have to scoop out when you are using the product. Of course, you can use your fingers, but it can contaminate the ingredients in the product. Also, some people like to have the fingernails long and it's really annoying when the cream gets stuck in your nails. I always tend to lose the cream spoon. So I personally like products that have spoons in them. And I don't want to buy the spoon separately because they always say that they don't have them.
This is how the product looks like when you open the lid.
What's a little disappointing about this product is that
it would have been better if they had a spoon with it because you have to scoop out when you are using the product. Of course, you can use your fingers, but it can contaminate the ingredients in the product. Also, some people like to have the fingernails long and it's really annoying when the cream gets stuck in your nails. I always tend to lose the cream spoon. So I personally like products that have spoons in them. And I don't want to buy the spoon separately because they always say that they don't have them.
자... 이제 본격 크림 타임.
색상은 부드럽고 밝은 아이보리 톤으로 누리끼리한 아이보리가 아닌 좀 더 밝은 색상....
조금 노란 끼가 도는 미색이라고 하는게 나으려나?
중간 따콩을 열자마자 풍겨져 나오는 꽃향기... 아.. 아 이름이 블라섬이었지...
진짜 화장품 이름이 왜 그런지 알 수 있을 정도로 꽃행기가 확실했다.
머리가 아플 정도의 코를 찌르는 듯한 꽃향기가 아니라
푸근한 봄날 바람을 따라 슬그머니 들어오는 따뜻한 꽃향기라고 할까?
따뜻한 봄 날 화원에 들어가 본 사람이라면 알 수 있을 것이다.
촉촉하며 따뜻한 화원 안에 가득찬 꽃향기를..
라끄베르 리블라섬 크림의 향기가 딱 그런 것이었다...
촉촉하고.. 따뜻한... 꽃향기..
Let's take a close look at the product.
The color is ivory and it's sort of yellow.
It's actually brighter than ivory.
I was able to smell the fragrance of flowers when I first opened the lid.
I was able to understand why they've named their product this way.
The smell wasn't that strong or anything. I guess I can say that the smell was quite warm.
Let's take a close look at the product.
The color is ivory and it's sort of yellow.
It's actually brighter than ivory.
I was able to smell the fragrance of flowers when I first opened the lid.
I was able to understand why they've named their product this way.
The smell wasn't that strong or anything. I guess I can say that the smell was quite warm.
손등에 적당량을 덜어서 부드럽게 발라보았다~~
수분이 느껴지는 제형이 아니였지만 발림은 부드러웠다
I applied some on the back of my hand~
Even though I was not able to feel the moisture in its texture, it applied very smoothly.
I applied some on the back of my hand~
Even though I was not able to feel the moisture in its texture, it applied very smoothly.
How to use
How to use
에멀젼 사용 후 약지손가락을 이용하여 소량씩
눈가 주변에 부드럽게 바른 후 두드려서 흡수 시킵니다.
Use your ring finger to apply the cream on the areas near your eyes after using the emulsion.
바르고 천천히 만져봤는데 제형때문에 수분의 기능을 의심했었는데
다 바른다음에 만져보니촉촉함이 계속 남아있었다
일반 아이크림들은 가벼운 느낌이 있는 반면, 이 아이크림은 든든한 느낌이 들었다.
I slowly touched my skin after applying the product. I've actually doubted the function of the moisture because of its texture. But the moisture remained on the skin.
Ordinary eye creams are usually light, but this one was quite hard.
I slowly touched my skin after applying the product. I've actually doubted the function of the moisture because of its texture. But the moisture remained on the skin.
Ordinary eye creams are usually light, but this one was quite hard.
눈가 피부를 위한 저자극의 천연 유래 당지질 유화시스템으로
Live Nectar콤플렉스 성분이 눈가 피부에 보습과 탄력을
부여하여 탱탱하고 촘촘한 눈가 피부로 만들어주는 고영양 아이크림이니
꾸준히 사용하면 눈가를 환하게 할수 있을 듯 하다.
눈가가 건조하고 탄력을 원하시는 분들이 사용하심 좋을 듯 하다.
It has a used the system that's not very stimulating to the skin skin around the eye.
You should be able to make the areas near your eyes bright because it's a high-nutritional cream in which the Live Nectar Complex components provide moisture and elasticity to the skin .
It should be a great product for those people who have dry skin near their eyes and also for those people who want flexibility to their skin.
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