Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening BB Cream (spf 30 pa++) 50ml Review
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening BB Cream (spf 30 pa++) 50ml
오늘 리뷰할 제품입니다
수려한에서 만든 수밀 비비크림이라는 제품이죠 ㅎ
일전에 한방화장품을 쓰는 친구에게 어렸을때부터
그런거 쓰면 안좋다고 타박이란 타박을 다 했던 적이 있는데
좋긴 좋더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
근데 사실 20살 이럴때 어머니의 로망을 바르기엔 좀 애매하긴 하죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
그 제품은 매우 좋아서 무겁거나 하지 않지만요 ㅎㅎ
This is the product that I am going to write a review about.
The name of this product is Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening BB Cream.
I remember myself complaining to a friend of mine about using the oriental cosmetics.
But I found out that oriental cosmetics are extremely good after all.
It actually feels kind of weird to be using an oriental cosmetics when you are in your early twenties because they are meant to be for your mothers.
Of course, the product wasn't that heavy or anything.
박스를 벗기고 난 비비크림의 모습입니다
수밀이라는 말에서 아셨겠지만 수려한에서 나온 수분라인에 속해있어요
그래서 전체적으로 약간 옥색? 을 띄고 있어서 볼때 시원한 느낌을 받을 수 있어요
This is how the BB cream looks like when you take off the cover.
You might have already noticed by the name 'Soomil' that it's a product that belongs in the moisturizing series. That's why the color is sort of like jade and it gives a very cool feeling when you look at it.
좀더 자세히 살펴보니 50ml의 용량이었군요
자외선 차단 기능도 있습니다
SPF와 PA 둘다 차단합니다
I found out that the volume was 50ml when I looked at it closer.
It also has the function for protecting the ultraviolet rays.
It protects both SPF and PA.
전 이런게 너무 좋아요
자세히 보시면 2011.06.20 제조 라는 글이 보이시죠?
제조일자가 잉크로 적혀있는것보다 이렇게 찍혀있음 변조도 못하잖아요 ㅎㅎ
여름에 만들어진 따끈한 아이로군요 ㅎㅎ
I really like these things.
Can you see the expiration that's written over there? It says June.20, 2011.
You won't be able to change the words if it's written in ink.
It's a fresh product that's been manufactured in summer.
새 제품이라는 표시죠.
뚜껑과 본체를 스티커로 붙여놓았습니다.
This mark represents that it's a new product.
They've pasted a sticker between the body and the lid.
구멍이 좀 작은 편이예요
그래서 양 조절하기가 매우 편리하지만
이런 튜브형의 모든 단점은 하나죠
쓰고나서 입구부분을 깨끗이 해두어야 한다는거요 ㅎ
그래도 다른것들에 비해서 깨끗하게 유지되고 있어요
전 딱히 관리 안하는 사람인데 밀이죠 ㅋ
It's very convenient to control the amount
because the hole is kind of small.
But the disadvantage of these tube-type products is that
you have to clean the mouth after using them.
However, even though I am a kind of person that doesn't really bother about these things,
the area near the hole is pretty clean until now.
펴 바르면 요렇게 됩니다.
색이나 느낌이 좀 감이 오시나요?
It becomes like this when you spread it.
Can you feel the the color and the feeling of it?
아이라이너로 손등 반으로 갈라놓고 비교샷입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ
왼쪽은 이니스프리 그린티 비비크림이구요
오른쪽은 수려한 수밀 비비크림입니다
이니스프리 제품은 확실히 묽은 편이고
수려한은 이니스프리에 비해 매트한 편입니다.
그리고 이니스프리보다 색이 한단계 더 어둡네요
고로 결론을 말씀드리자면
1. 밀착성이 좋습니다.
2. 커버력이 높습니다.
3. 매트한 질감에 비해 의외로 촉촉합니다
달리 수분라인이 아닌거죠ㅋㅋ
I've divided the back of my hand with an eyeliner for a comparison.
The left is the Innisfree Green Tea BB Cream
and the right is the Sooryehan Soomil BB Cream.
Innisfree's product was definitely watery and
Sooryehan was more matt than Innisfree.
Also, the color was a bit darker than Innisfree.
For conclusion,
1. It has a great level of adhesion.
2. It has a great covering ability.
3. Having considered the matt texture, it was a lot more moist than I've expected.
In other words, it's actually not a product in the moisturizing series.
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