Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist 120ml Review
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist 120ml
수려한 소비자 테스트용으로 받아 본 수려한 비책 수밀 라인의 페이셜 미스트 에요 ~
여름에는 특히 더운 날씨에 금새 목이 마르듯
피부도 수분을 수시로 보충해 주는게 필요하더라고요.
그럴때 꼭 필요한 뷰티 아이템이 페이셜 미스트인데요.
수려한의 수분라인 비책 수밀 미스트를 소개해드릴께요.
This is Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist sample that I got as a tester of Sooryehan's products. Similar to how a person gets thirsty very quickly in a hot weather, it's extremely important that we constantly supplement moisture to our skin.
A facial mist and a beauty item that we need in those situations.
Let me introduce the Sooryehan's Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist to you.
This is Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist sample that I got as a tester of Sooryehan's products. Similar to how a person gets thirsty very quickly in a hot weather, it's extremely important that we constantly supplement moisture to our skin.
A facial mist and a beauty item that we need in those situations.
Let me introduce the Sooryehan's Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist to you.
수려한 비책 수밀 라인은요,
봄, 여름철의 열사와 가을, 겨울철의 메마른 기운인 조사,
시간의 흐름에 따라 피부 속에 쌓여 가는 사기는 피부 속 수분을 말라 붙게 하고
시간의 흐름에 따라 피부 속에 쌓여 가는 사기는 피부 속 수분을 말라 붙게 하고
수분이 줄어들수록 피부가 건조해지고 탄력이 떨어지면서 노화가 가속화 되는데요.
수려한 비책 수밀 라인은 메말라가는 피부 속을 물의 기운으로 촘촘히 빈 곳 없이
수려한 비책 수밀 라인은 메말라가는 피부 속을 물의 기운으로 촘촘히 빈 곳 없이
밀도 있게 차오르게 해 탄력있고 촉촉한 피부로 가꾸어 주는 수분 라인이에요.
The heatstroke of spring and summer and the dryness of autumn and winter tends to dry the moisture in the skin and the aging of the skin accelerates as skin tends to become dry and lose its flexibility. Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist is a product in the moisturizing series that helps you to fill up the moisture in the skin to create a moist and flexible skin.
The heatstroke of spring and summer and the dryness of autumn and winter tends to dry the moisture in the skin and the aging of the skin accelerates as skin tends to become dry and lose its flexibility. Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist is a product in the moisturizing series that helps you to fill up the moisture in the skin to create a moist and flexible skin.
수밀 미스트는 미세한 고보습 수분 입자가 고르게 분사되어
피부 사이사이에 즉각적인 수분을 공급해 주고,
촉촉하고 편안하게 진정시켜 피부를 산뜻하게 유지시켜 주는 수분 미스트에요.
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist is a moisturizing mist that provides immediate moisture in between the gaps of your skin and is also a product that maintains a refreshing skin by calming down the skin, for the fine high-moisturizing particles get sprayed evenly on the skin.
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist is a moisturizing mist that provides immediate moisture in between the gaps of your skin and is also a product that maintains a refreshing skin by calming down the skin, for the fine high-moisturizing particles get sprayed evenly on the skin.
미스트는 건조함이 느껴질 때 마다 수시로 뿌려주면 좋은데요.
얼굴에서 약 20cm 떨어진 거리에서 눈을 감은 채 2 ~ 3회 정도 가볍게 뿌려주세요.
저는 세안하러 욕실에 들어가기 전에 미스트를 간단하게 챙겨서
저는 세안하러 욕실에 들어가기 전에 미스트를 간단하게 챙겨서
세안 후 얼굴 전체에 가볍게 뿌려 스킨이나토너 전에 사용하는데요.
세안 후 수분이 날아가는 것을 막아주고, 수분 보충도 덩달아 해주고 좋은 것 같아요.
수려한, 비책 수밀 미스트는 한방 화장품 제품이라서,
수려한, 비책 수밀 미스트는 한방 화장품 제품이라서,
한방 향이 날 거라고 생각을 했는데요.
상큼한 레몬 향 비슷한 향이 풍기면서,
프레시한 느낌을 많이 주는 향이에요.
미스트는 무엇보다 펌핑 되는 정도와 분사했을 때의 느낌이 가장 중요한데요,
손등 위에 1번 분사한 후 인데요, 1번 분사했지만, 손 등 위에 골고루 분사되고,
미스트의 촉촉함이 그대로 느껴지더라고요.
It's good to spray the mist on your skin whenever your skin feels dry.
You should spray it onto your skin with your eyes closed from 20cm distance away.
I usually bring my mist in the bathroom when I am going into the bathroom to wash my face.
I usually gently spray it on my entire face before using the skin or a toner.
I think it's good because it prevents moisture from flying away and also because it supplements moisture.
I've expected Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist to have an oriental smell because it's an oriental cosmetics.
But it actually smells like refreshing lemon.
The two important things for a mist is the amount that gets pumped and the feeling that you get when it gets sprayed on your skin. This is when I've sprayed the mist on my back of my hand once. Even though I've only sprayed it once, it got sprayed very evenly and I was able to feel the moistness of the mist.
It's good to spray the mist on your skin whenever your skin feels dry.
You should spray it onto your skin with your eyes closed from 20cm distance away.
I usually bring my mist in the bathroom when I am going into the bathroom to wash my face.
I usually gently spray it on my entire face before using the skin or a toner.
I think it's good because it prevents moisture from flying away and also because it supplements moisture.
I've expected Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Water Mist to have an oriental smell because it's an oriental cosmetics.
But it actually smells like refreshing lemon.
The two important things for a mist is the amount that gets pumped and the feeling that you get when it gets sprayed on your skin. This is when I've sprayed the mist on my back of my hand once. Even though I've only sprayed it once, it got sprayed very evenly and I was able to feel the moistness of the mist.
비교를 위해서 3~4번 정도 분사 했을 때의 모습이에요.
1번 분사 했을 때 보다 더 골고루 넓게 분사가 된 모습이에요.
This is when I've sprayed the mist for 3-4 times for a comparison.
Compared to when I've only sprayed it once, it looks like it got sprayed a lot wider.
This is when I've sprayed the mist for 3-4 times for a comparison.
Compared to when I've only sprayed it once, it looks like it got sprayed a lot wider.
수밀 미스트를 직접 뿌려 보니, 분사 능력이 정말 좋은 제품이에요.
왠만한 스프레이 형태의 미스트들은 좀 많이 뿌리는 편인데요.
수밀 미스트는 1번 에서 2 ~ 3 번 정도만 뿌려 주어도
얼굴 전체가 충분히 촉촉해 질 만큼 이라서 좋아요.
I sprayed the Soomil Water Mist on myself and I've found out that it was a product sprayed extremely well. I usually tend to spray a lot of mist on my skin.
But for this product, I didn't have to spray that much. I only had to spray once or twice to make my entire face moist.
I sprayed the Soomil Water Mist on myself and I've found out that it was a product sprayed extremely well. I usually tend to spray a lot of mist on my skin.
But for this product, I didn't have to spray that much. I only had to spray once or twice to make my entire face moist.
수밀 미스트를 뿌려주고 나서, 흡수가 되고 난 이후의 모습이에요.
피부 속에 충분히 흡수되고 나서는 수분 보충을 해주는 미스트지만
한층 더 부드럽고, 촉촉해지고 깔끔한 느낌을 많이 줘서 좋았어요 !
그리고 전혀 끈적임 없이, 미스트가 빠르게 흡수되어서
뿌린 후가 더 마음에 드는 거 있죠!
정말, 요즘 같은 때에 파우치 속에 꼭 필요한 제품이 수분 미스트 인 것 같아서,
프레쉬하고 촉촉한 부드러움이 느껴지는 미스트를 찾으신다면 추천해드리고 싶어요 !!
This is whenr Soomil Water Mist had been absorbed into my skin.
The product was really great because it made my skin a lot more smooth and moist
even though it's merely a mist that supplements moisture.
Also, I really liked the product because it wasn't sticky and also because it got absorbed into the skin very quickly.
I would like to strongly recommend this product to you if you had been looking for a mist that feels moist and soft because it seems like a water mist that everyone needs to have in their pouch.
This is whenr Soomil Water Mist had been absorbed into my skin.
The product was really great because it made my skin a lot more smooth and moist
even though it's merely a mist that supplements moisture.
Also, I really liked the product because it wasn't sticky and also because it got absorbed into the skin very quickly.
I would like to strongly recommend this product to you if you had been looking for a mist that feels moist and soft because it seems like a water mist that everyone needs to have in their pouch.
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