Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Gel Cream 60ml Review
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Cream 60ml
수 려 한 SooRyeHan
비책 Bichaeck 수밀 젤크림 Soomil Gel Cream
맑고 깨끗한 물의 기운으로 수분과 탄력을 동시에 다스리는 한방크림
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Gel Cream
An oriental cream that takes care of both moisture and flexibility with the energy of clean water.
Sooryehan Bichaek Pure Whitening Soomil Gel Cream
An oriental cream that takes care of both moisture and flexibility with the energy of clean water.
젤타입의 크림
비오템 수분크림이나 크리니크 수분크림(젤타입)과 비슷합니다.
한방제품이란 느낌이 전혀 들지 않습니다.
한방제품이란 느낌이 전혀 들지 않습니다.
A gel-type cream
It's quite similar to Biotherm's moisturizing cream and Clinique's Moisturizing Cream (gel-type).
It doesn't feel like an oriental product in any way.
한반크림답지않게 가벼운 느낌의 크림입니다.
타사 수분젤크림과 다를봐 없어보이는 체형입니다.
Unlike many other oriental creams, the cream is extremely light.
The texture doesn't seem to be different than moisturizing gels of other brands.
Unlike many other oriental creams, the cream is extremely light.
The texture doesn't seem to be different than moisturizing gels of other brands.
시원한 쿨링감을 가져서 여름에 사용하기 좋은 제품입니다. 
건성피부보다는 지성이나 중성피부에 적합할 듯 합니다.
건성피부라면 젤타입 아닌 제품을 추천해요.
It's a great product to use during summer because it has a cool and refreshing feeling.
It should match very well on those people who have oily or normal skin rather than those people who have dry skin. I personally recommend those products that are not gel-types if you have a dry skin.
It's a great product to use during summer because it has a cool and refreshing feeling.
It should match very well on those people who have oily or normal skin rather than those people who have dry skin. I personally recommend those products that are not gel-types if you have a dry skin.
바른 쪽이 확연히 촉촉해보이죵~
굉장히 도톰하게 발리면서 실리콘 느낌도 많이 납니다.
실리콘 성분에 민감하신 분들은 피하시는게 좋아요.
하지만 덮어주는 느낌, 피부 위를 코팅해주는 느낌은 괜찮아서 보습막을 형성해줘요.
손등에 테스트해 볼 때에는 굉장히 가볍게 느껴졌는데
실제 얼굴에 발랐을 때는 유수분 밸런스가 잘 조화된 느낌을 받았어요.
간혹 피부 위에서 따가운 느낌이 살짝 들 때도 있었는데요.
한동안 수분라인을 멀리 해서 피부에 수분감이 부족했던 때에는
약간 따끔거리는 듯한 느낌을 받았고 보통 때에는 피부가 편안했습니다.
넉넉하게 바르고 자면 수분팩 기능도 해주는 제품입니다.
The side that has applied the cream definitely looks more moist.
It applied very thickly and it also gave me the feeling of silicon.
I encourage you to avoid using this product if you are sensitive to silicon.
However, it creates a moisturizing layer on your skin because it seems to cover the skin with a coating layer. It was very light on the skin when I tested on the back of my hand and the balance of oil and moisture was quite nice when I applied it on my face. It sometimes hurt my skin a little bit, but I think that was because my skin lacked much moisture because I hadn't been using moisturizing products for a long time. The skin was very comfortable in normal circumstances.
It's a product that can also play the role of a sleeping pack when you apply some more on your face.
수분크림을 잘못 바르면 모공이 도드라져보이는 현상이 나타나는데요.
(저는 엘지생활건강 계열의 수분크림을 바르면 모공이 더 도드라져보이는 현상이 심해요)
이 제품은 모공이 더 커보이지는 않았고 적당히 쫀쫀하게 마무리되었어요.
디메치콘 성분에 민감하신 분들은 권하지 않고요.
무난하게 수분공급과 더불어 보습막을 코팅해주는 듯한 도톰한 질감의 수분젤을 찾으시면 괜찮습니다. 젤타입이라고 아예 가벼워서 20대 초반이 좋아하는 안바른듯한 느낌은 아니고요.
적당히 유분감도 느껴지면서 끈적이지 않고 가벼운 수분젤이에요.
Your pores may stand out if you do not apply the moisturizing cream properly.
(My pores especially stand out a lot when I apply the moisturizing creams of LG Care)
However, this product didn't make my pore look big and it gave a chewy finish.
I don't recommend this product for those people who are sensitive to dimethicone.
I think it's a great product if you had been looking for a product that has a thick texture, provides moisture and creates a moisturizing layer on your skin. The product doesn't actually provide a feeling that makes you feel as if you didn't apply anything on your face, which is a kind of feeling that people who are in their early twenties tend to prefer. It's a non-sticky and light moisturizing gel that allows you to feel the right amount of oil.
실리콘 성분에 민감하신 분들은 피하시는게 좋아요.
하지만 덮어주는 느낌, 피부 위를 코팅해주는 느낌은 괜찮아서 보습막을 형성해줘요.
손등에 테스트해 볼 때에는 굉장히 가볍게 느껴졌는데
실제 얼굴에 발랐을 때는 유수분 밸런스가 잘 조화된 느낌을 받았어요.
간혹 피부 위에서 따가운 느낌이 살짝 들 때도 있었는데요.
한동안 수분라인을 멀리 해서 피부에 수분감이 부족했던 때에는
약간 따끔거리는 듯한 느낌을 받았고 보통 때에는 피부가 편안했습니다.
넉넉하게 바르고 자면 수분팩 기능도 해주는 제품입니다.
The side that has applied the cream definitely looks more moist.
It applied very thickly and it also gave me the feeling of silicon.
I encourage you to avoid using this product if you are sensitive to silicon.
However, it creates a moisturizing layer on your skin because it seems to cover the skin with a coating layer. It was very light on the skin when I tested on the back of my hand and the balance of oil and moisture was quite nice when I applied it on my face. It sometimes hurt my skin a little bit, but I think that was because my skin lacked much moisture because I hadn't been using moisturizing products for a long time. The skin was very comfortable in normal circumstances.
It's a product that can also play the role of a sleeping pack when you apply some more on your face.
수분크림을 잘못 바르면 모공이 도드라져보이는 현상이 나타나는데요.
(저는 엘지생활건강 계열의 수분크림을 바르면 모공이 더 도드라져보이는 현상이 심해요)
이 제품은 모공이 더 커보이지는 않았고 적당히 쫀쫀하게 마무리되었어요.
디메치콘 성분에 민감하신 분들은 권하지 않고요.
무난하게 수분공급과 더불어 보습막을 코팅해주는 듯한 도톰한 질감의 수분젤을 찾으시면 괜찮습니다. 젤타입이라고 아예 가벼워서 20대 초반이 좋아하는 안바른듯한 느낌은 아니고요.
적당히 유분감도 느껴지면서 끈적이지 않고 가벼운 수분젤이에요.
Your pores may stand out if you do not apply the moisturizing cream properly.
(My pores especially stand out a lot when I apply the moisturizing creams of LG Care)
However, this product didn't make my pore look big and it gave a chewy finish.
I don't recommend this product for those people who are sensitive to dimethicone.
I think it's a great product if you had been looking for a product that has a thick texture, provides moisture and creates a moisturizing layer on your skin. The product doesn't actually provide a feeling that makes you feel as if you didn't apply anything on your face, which is a kind of feeling that people who are in their early twenties tend to prefer. It's a non-sticky and light moisturizing gel that allows you to feel the right amount of oil.
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