Sooryehan Dabityoon Jiyoon Powder Review
Sooryehan Dabityoon Jiyoon Powder
이렇게 네모네모 케이스 안에 있는 것들을 끄집어 내니...
팩트와 리필퍼프1, 저 검정덮개??주머니??랑 사용 설명서.
설명서ㅂㅂ 난 뫅 흥분해서 글씨가 눈에 들어오지 않았찌ㅋㅋㅋ
I took out the contents in this rectangular box. A pact, a refill puff, a black lid, a pocket and the instruction manual were in the box. I got so excited that I didn't even bother to look at the description.
I took out the contents in this rectangular box. A pact, a refill puff, a black lid, a pocket and the instruction manual were in the box. I got so excited that I didn't even bother to look at the description.
쨘ㅡ손에 쏙 들어오는 크기!!!
It fits it one hand.
팩트를 개봉해보니 찬란한 금빛!!!! 꺄아ㅡ눈이 부셔
ㅎㅎㅎㅎ완전 맘에 들어요ㅠㅠ
널 다 쓰는 마지막까지 계속 이렇게 튼튼하게 있어주겠니??ㅎㅎ(앗 내 손이 나왔자나??)
I opened the pact and there was the gold pact. It's looked so amazing. I really like it.
I hope the pact doesn't break up until I am done using.
I opened the pact and there was the gold pact. It's looked so amazing. I really like it.
I hope the pact doesn't break up until I am done using.
그리고 위생을 위한 덮개..난 덮개 없는 팩트가 정말 너무너무 싫어!!!ㅠㅠ
This is the protection lid. I really hate those pacts that do not have a protection lid.
This is the protection lid. I really hate those pacts that do not have a protection lid.
그리고 자세히 들여다 보면...팩트의 겉면과 비슷한
복잡복잡한 꽃무늬가 수놓아 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다~~ㅎㅎ
타 제품처럼 브랜드 마크 적혀있는 것보다는 개인적으로...
훨씬 멋진 것 같아 좋아요!!! 뭐, 몇번 쓰다보면 사라지겠지만....
And if you look at it close, you'll be able to find the complicated flower patterns on the pact.
I personally prefer a product that has patterns like this one than those other products that have the company's brand mark. Well.. they're going to disappear anyway.
And if you look at it close, you'll be able to find the complicated flower patterns on the pact.
I personally prefer a product that has patterns like this one than those other products that have the company's brand mark. Well.. they're going to disappear anyway.
팩트로 샥샥ㅡ가볍게 쓸어봤..다고 말하고 싶지만...얼굴에 분칠 한번 샥샥 해봤습니다ㅎㅎㅎ
처음이라 너무 떨려서 팩트도 가장자리만 몰아서 조금 쓰기ㅋㅋㅋ난 소심하니까.......
퍼프가 아주 탄력성이 좋아요!!! 맘에 듭니다!!!
저 정도로도 얼굴 충분히 고루고루 잘 쓸어줄 수 있어요ㅎㅎ
리필퍼프 안 잃어버리게 잘 넣어놔야지....ㅎㅎㅎ
쌩얼공개는...음....ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ내 피부가 도자기 피부가 되는 그 날 공개ㅋ
고로 비포에프터는 손등으로...ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I applied the power on the my face.
I applied the powder on the edge only because I don't want to make it dirty. I am so timid.
The puff is extremely flexible. I really like it.
You can apply the powder on your entire face with that much.
I should put the puff back into the case well because I don't want to lose it.
I am not going to show you the photograph of my face. I'll show you my face when I have a clean face. I am just going to show you the before and after photograph of my hands.
I applied the power on the my face.
I applied the powder on the edge only because I don't want to make it dirty. I am so timid.
The puff is extremely flexible. I really like it.
You can apply the powder on your entire face with that much.
I should put the puff back into the case well because I don't want to lose it.
I am not going to show you the photograph of my face. I'll show you my face when I have a clean face. I am just going to show you the before and after photograph of my hands.
나의 손등ㅋ 화질이 구려서 잘 안 보이시나요......반쪽만 샥샥 발라줬는데...
피부톤 보정이 잘 되는 것 같아요. 실제로 보면 바른 쪽이
확실히 보송보송하고 고른 피부톤을 자랑해줍니다!!ㅎㅎ
냄새도 너무 좋고..사실 한방제품이라서 좀 구릴 줄 아셨죠?? 냄새 정말 좋아요!!!ㅎㅎ
호수도 피부에 맞게 잘 고른 것 같고요.
일단 팩트가 없어서 가난하게 지냈다가 갑자기 단비!!!라서 너무 평이 좋을지도 몰라서..
별점은 안 쓸거예요ㅎㅎ
일단 한방제품인데도 냄새가 좋아요. 파우더냄새가 심하지도 않고,
한약냄새도 많이 안 나고 은은한 냄새가 살짝 풍기는데 내 입맛에 딱!!ㅎㅎ
그리고 원래 피부가 21호와 23호 중간 정도라서 화장품 고르기가 좀 애매한데.
전 화장 스킬이 풍부하지 못하기 때문에...
화사하게 21호를 쓰고 싶지만만만...안전노선 23호 사용하고 있습니다.(가끔 21호 섞기도 하고요ㅎ)
This is the back of my hand. Perhaps you can't see it very clearly because of the bad resolution. I applied the powder on one side. It seems to correct the skin tone very well. When you actually look at it, it has definitely become soft.
It is such a nice smell. Did you think that it would have a crappy smell? It smells really good.
I think I chose the right color for me.
I am not going to give stars for this product
because I am worried that I might give too many stars because I've been living very poor without a pact for quite a long time.
First of all, it smells very good even though it's an oriental cosmetics. It doesn't have a strong smell of the powder and it has a very delicate smell. It's really a product that I was looking for!
It's sort of hard for me to choose a cosmetics because my skin color is in between no.21 and no.23. I wanted to use the bright no.21 because I am not very good at doing makeups. But I've just decided to use no.23 because no.23 is a very safe color. (I often mix it with no.21)
근데 23호 진한 살구빛, 진한 진한!!!! 이라서 많이 걱정했는데
(왓*스에서 테스터 할 때는 23호만 쓰고 21호를 못 써봐서 좀 불안했거든요ㅠㅠ)
많이 어둡지 않아서 정말 다행이였어요...
오히려 다른 제품 23호보다 저에게 더 색이 잘 맞았어요^^
그리고 정말로 제가 중요하게 생각하는 자외선차단기능 함유!!!!!빰빰♪
맨날 아침에 늦게 일어나서...정신 없어서 선크림 빼먹고 파데 들어가서...완전 짜증....ㅠㅠ
근데 다빛이 너는 SPF 30, PA++ 구낭....완전 너랑 친해질 것 같은 느낌이 들어 나는
설명서를 보면
서시옥용단이 부드럽고 촉촉한 감촉으로 피부를 편안하게 유지시켜 주며,
자수정과 진주파우더를 함유하여 피부를 화사하고 보송보송하게 표현해 주는 한방 컴팩트입니다.
자외선으로부터 피부를 보호하고 뛰어난 밀착감으로 자연스럽고 깨끗한 화장을 오랫동안 지속시켜 줍니다.
라고 하는데요. 오 자수정과 진주파우더~~귀가 솔깃ㅋ
오랫동안 지속시켜줄지는 써보면서 알아봐야 할 것 같고...
아무튼 부드럽고 촉촉한 감촉과, 화사하고 보송보송한 피부표현,
그리고 밀착감이 뛰어난 점은 사실인 것 같네요^^
아무튼 전 정말로 마음에 들어요^^
I worried a lot because no.23 is quite strong.
(I was sort of worried because I only tried out no.23 and didn't get to try the no.21 when I was testing the product as a tester)
I was such a relief because the color wasn't that dark.
In fact, the color matched a lot better on me than no.23.
Also, I personally consider the protection level of ultraviolet rays very important.
It was really annoying that I had to apply the foundation without having applied the sun cream in the morning because I was always busy in the morning. But Sooryehan Dabityoon Jiyoon Powder is SPF 30, PA++. I think I am going to really like this product.
The instruction manual says that this product is an oriental compact that maintains a comfortable skin with its moist feeling and also a compact that expresses a bright and soft look on the face, for it contains amethyst pearl powder and various other precious ingredients.
It is known to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and maintain a clean makeup very naturally with its outstanding level of adhesion.
The amethyst pearl powder really catches my eyes.
I would have to actually try out the product to find out whether it really maintains the makeup for a long time. Anyway, the soft and moist feeling, the bright and soft expression of the skin and the level of adhesion seem to be true.
Anyway, I personally really like this product.
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