2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream 25ml Review

SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream 25ml Review

SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream 25ml

아무 기대없이 있다가 받게되는 선물은
전후 사정이야 어쨌든 더 반갑고 기분좋은 일

이벤트당첨의 공지도 없었고 막연히 기다리는 중이었는데
이제나 저제나의 학수고대쪽이 아닌
언젠간 ~~ 이란 느긋함쪽이었던지라
느닷없는 택배기사님의 호출은 화들짝이었었지요 ㅎㅎ

택배상자의 메세지처럼
상품이 랜덤이었던 지라 뽁뽁이 풀어볼때까지도 뭔지 감 못잡았어요

Whatever the reasons may be, 
it's always a great pleasure to receive a gift that you've never expected. 

I didn't get a prior notice for winning the event and I was simply waiting for the product to arrive at some point. And I was extremely surprised when the product arrived unexpectedly. 

I didn't know what the product was until I completely unwrapped the package
because the product was sent randomly. 

어머낫^^ 이게 왠 횡재수예요*^^*
수분크림,보습크림 입에 달고 있었더니
지극히 원하면 온다고 ~~~
정말 보습크림이 제 눈앞에 턱! 하니 펼쳐나오네요
그것도 수려한의 초보습 크림으로 말이예요

Wow! I think I've won the lottery. 
I've always been wanting a moisturizing cream and it really came!
What's more amazing is that it's SooRyeHan's moisturizing cream. 
I am so happy about this. 

양단공단으로 곱게 차려입은  고대미인???의 포스가 느껴지네요
금과 동의 세련된 색감의 조화와
고상하고 우아한 꽃무늬의 양각이
플라스틱 본체의 가볍고 맑은 기운에 무게를 실어주고

투명하고 자그마한 스패출러의 내장의 기분좋은 배려
그리고 속마개와 용기사이의 진공처리상태등이
개봉만으로도 흐뭇한 미소를 짓게 합니다

하이루론산이 함유된 보습크림이지만
서시옥용단의 성분까지 더해져 유수분밸런스가 잘맞는,
딱 제 피부를 위한 제품이지요~~*

The case itself gives the impression of an ancient woman who's wearing a gorgeous outfit. 
The luxurious balance of gold and bronze and the noble and luxurious flower patterns add the weight to the light plastic bottle. The product came along with a small transparent spatula. Also, the protection lid and the vacuum processing inside the bottle make me smile. 

Even though it's a moisturizing cream that contains hyaluronic acid, 
it's a perfect product that matches on my skin and is also a product that has a great balance of oil and moisture because it has jade in it. 

수려한 보윤 초보습크림은 딱보자마자!!!
슈크림빵 생각이 났어요~~~~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
슈크림같다는!!!찰진 슈크림???????

SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream reminded me of a cream puff. 
It looked like a chewy cream puff. 

손등에 먼저 테스트를 해봅니다~~~~~

At first, I tested on the back of my hand. 

촉촉하니 흡수력도 빠른편이에요~~~
바른쪽과 안바른쪽 확실한 차이가 보이죠?ㅋㅋ
바른쪽이 윤기가 있고 훨씬 촉촉해보여요.ㅋ
특히 가장 맘에 들은건 바로 향이었어요!!!
혹시 후 자생에센스 아시나요????
제가 좋아하는 제품 중 하나인데~ 그 제품과 비슷한 향이.ㅋㅋㅋ
자꾸 맡고 싶어지는 향이에요.ㅋㅋ

It was moist and it got absorbed quite quickly. 
I am sure that you can see the differences quite clearly. 
The area that has applied the cream looks a lot more glossy and moist. 
What I liked the most about this product was the smell. 
Do you know about the Whoo  JA SAENG Essence?
It's one of the products that I like and the smell of this product was quite similar to that essence. 
It's a kind of smell that you always want to smell. 

그 다음 유분기 테스트를 해보았어요!!!
아무래도 크림이다보니 유분기를 무시할 수가 없는데요~~~
수려한 보윤 초보습크림을 기름종이위에 올려놓고
10분 어떻게 변했나 살펴보았어요.ㅋㅋ
수려한 보윤 초보습크림 주위로 유분기가 보이는것을 확인할 수 있었는데요~~~
그래도 많은 유분기는 아니였어요~
그러므로 지성보다는 건성이나 중성이신 분들께 추천해드리고 싶은 제품이에요^^
지성인 저는 웁니돠.ㅋㅋㅋ

수려한 보윤 초보습크림!!
촉촉함과 영양 두가지를 모두 잡아준다는 점에서 우선 합격점을 주고 싶어요^^
향은 가장 마음에 드는 점이었구요~
그러나 지성인 제 피부에는
유분기가 좀 있는게 아쉬웠구요~~~~
건성이신 엄마께서는 피부에 너무 잘 맞는다고 하셨어요.ㅋㅋ
그러므로 건성과 중성분들이 쓰시면 강추인 제품이에요^^

 I tested the oil for the next step. 
Oil is something that I cannot ignore about because it's a cream. 
I placed the SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream on an oil paper and waited for about ten minutes to see the changes. I was able to see the oil near the SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream. However, it wasn't that much. 
Therefore, it's a product that I want to recommend for those people who have a dry skin or normal skin. I don't really want to recommend this product for those people who have oily skin. 

SooRyeHan Extra Moisturizing Cream!
I would like to give a passing mark to this product in the first place, for it provides both moisture and nutrition at the same time. Fragrance was what I liked the most about this product and 

the fact that it had a quite a bit of in it was sort of disappointing for me because I have an oily skin. My mom said that it matched very well on her dry skin. 
Therefore, it's a product that I would like to strongly recommend for those people who have dry and normal skin. 

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