2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Black Bean Nose Pack Review

SKINFOOD Black Bean Nose Pack Review

SKINFOOD Black Bean Nose Pack

검은콩 코팩이에요!
총 7장이 들어있네요^_^

This is the Black Bean Nose Pack!
There are seven pieces in total. :)

오목하게 들어간 부분이 코 윗쪽,
볼록 튀어나온부분이 콧볼 쪽으로 오게 붙입니다
앞면은 부직포같은 재질이에요^_^뒷면이 코랑 닿는맨들맨들한 부분이에요
투명한 비닐을 떼어서 맨들맨들한 부분을 코에 붙여주시면 됩니다.

(※세안 후, 붙이기전에 코에 물을 충분이 적셔주어야 합니다. 
그렇지않으면 접착력이 떨어져요※)

The area that went in concavely is for the top of the nose
and the part that is bulging out is where you place your each sides of your nose. 
The front is made with a material that's close to a felt. :) The smooth area is the part that touches your nose. Take off the transparent vinyl and paste the smooth area on your nose. 

(You have to make your nose wet before you put this on. Or else it will fall off very easily)

세안을 한 뒤, 코에 물을 적셔주고 부착해봤어요!
안쪽에서 바깥쪽으로 공기를 빼내듯이 밀어서 부착합니다
요상태로 15분 정도 있었어요^_^

(여름철에는 15분 정도, 겨울철에는 10분 정도 기다려주시면 됩니다)

I attached the pack after washing my face and making my nose wet!
Attach it to your nose as if you are taking the air out from the insdie. 
I stayed like this for about 15 minutes. :)

(You should stay like this for 15 minutes during summer and 10 minutes during winter)

15분뒤 살살 떼어냈어요
엄청 큰피지가 쏙빠졌네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
혐오샷 죄송해요 ㅠㅠ좀 더 확실하게 비교를해볼께요

I took it off very gently after 15 minutes. 
A lot sebum came out. LOL
I am sorry for the disgusting photograph. Let me compare it in a more clear way. 

왼쪽은 사용하기 전, 오른쪽은 사용 후 에요!
자세히 보여드린다고 접사를 했는데
제가봐도 못봐줄 코 사진이네요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
블렉헤드는 빠져나가서 구멍이 숑숑 생겼고, 화이트헤드는 외출을했네요

The left is before using the product and the right after using the product!
I took a closeup picture so that you can see the differences more clearly. 
It's a really ugly picture even to myself.  LOL
I got the holes in my nose because the blackheads came off and the whitehead is nowhere to be seen. 

요건 옆모습!
각도가 달라서그런건지 빛을 받아서 그런건지 코에있던 제 점이
사라졌네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오잉?어디갔지
아무튼 일부러 지운거아니에요 ㅠㅠ
마찬가지로 블렉헤드는 빠져서 모공속이 다보이고 화이트헤드는 나와있어요
(이럴때 면봉으로 화이트헤드를 제거 해주고 토너로 닦아내세)

This is from the side!
I took the photograph from a different angle and my dots have somehow disappeared! 
LOL Where did it go?
I didn't erase them with Photoshop or anything. 
Similarly, I can see the pores because the blackheads got removed and the whitehead is still there.
(In cases like this, you should remove the whitehead with a cotton bud and wipe it off with a toner)


★스킨푸드 검은콩코팩 제품사용 결과★

저렴하면 보통 효과도 없고 자극이 심한편 인데, 스킨푸드는 나름 효과가 있네요^_^
스팀타월로 모공을 열어주고 하면 훨씬 좋을 것 같아요!
하고나서 손으로 만져봐도 차이가 나더라구요
드라마틱한 효과는 아니지만 저렴한 가격면을 생각하면 추천해요!

My personal evaluation on SKINFOOD Black Bean Nose Pack

Most cheap products aren't really effectively and they often tend to irritate the skin. 
But Skinfood was really different. :) I think it should be better if you use this product after opening up the pore with a steam towel! I touched my nose after using this product and I felt the difference. The effects aren't dramatic, but I would still recommend this product to you by considering its price!

Click here to purchase the product.

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