2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Carrot Cleansing Foam 150ml Review

SKINFOOD Carrot Cleansing Foam 150ml Review

SKINFOOD Carrot Cleansing Foam 150ml

제가 항상 클렌징종류를 빨리 쓰는편이라
스킨푸드 당근 클렌징폼을 사봤어요

I bough the SKINFOOD Carrot Cleansing Foam 
because I always tend to use cleansing creams very quickly. 

스킨푸드는 디자인이 깔끔하면서 예쁜것 같아요 

I think SKINFOOD has a such a pretty design. 

순해서 학생들이 쓰게에 좋은것 같아요

I think it should be good for students because it's very mild. 

제일 눈에 띄는건 무파라벤 같아요
얼마전에 파라벤의 진실을 알게 됬어요 ㅠㅠ
좋은거 씁시다 ;ㅂ;

What caught my eyes was that it didn't have paraben in it. 
I found out how bad paraben is several days ago. 
Let's use good stuff!

씰 뗐어요 ㅎ

I took off the seal. 

원하시는 만큼 짜서 쓰시면 되요 ㅎㅎ

You can simply squeeze out the amount that you want. LOL

향은 당근향인지는 모르겠는데
화장품냄새도 아니고 과일향도 아니에요
암튼 처음맡아보는 향이 였어요

It's white. 
I couldn't really smell the carrot. 
It didn't really smell like cosmetics nor smelled like any fruit. 
It was a kind of smell that I smelled for the first time. 

섬세한 거품이에요
요새 이런 거품이 좋더라구요

Take a look at the foam.
I've become fond of these foams recently. 

성분도 괜찮고 가격도 그리 부담되는
가격은 아니니 한번 써보시는것도 좋은것 같아요

I encourage you to try it out 
because the ingredients are pretty good and it's not that expensive. 

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