2013년 4월 30일 화요일

The Face Shop Rice&Ceramide Moisture Cream Review

The Face Shop Rice&Ceramide Moisture Cream Review

The Face Shop Rice&Ceramide Moisture Cream

추워지니 어김없이 당기는 피부를 해결 하고자
퍽퍽 바를 크림을 찾던 중.
가격이 저렴해서 ㅎㅎ
발라보고 트러블 나면 몸에 바르자! 하는 생각으로 질렀는데
꽤 괜찮다 :0

I was looking for a cream in order to resolve the skin problems that I had been having in this cold weather and bought this product because it was very cheap. I bought this with the mind that I should use it on my body if it creates problems on my face.
But after all, I've found out that it was quite good. :)

라이스 성분이 들어 있는 걸 알려주기 위해 
겉용기에 米가 써 있는 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The word 'rice' is written in Chinese characters in order to show people 
that it contains rice.  LOL

고보습 제품으로 유분기가 꽤 강하다.
건성이라면 아침 저녁으로 발라도 무리 없을텐데
지성은 아침 저녁으로 바르면 망할듯 ^_ㅠ

생크림 같은 제형이다.
향은 강한 편.
테스트 필수! 라고 적고 싶었는데
온라인에서만 구매 가능한 느낌 ㄷㄷ

As a highly-moisturizing product, it has quite a bit of oil.
It wouldn't be much of a problem if you have a dry skin, but
it would devastate your skin if you have an oily skin and applied it every day and night.

The texture is similar to fresh cream.
The smell is quite strong. 
I wanted to write 'you must test it before buying them!',
but it looks like you can buy this only online. 

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