2013년 4월 30일 화요일

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Emulsion, Toner Review

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Emulsion, Toner Review

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Emulsion, Toner

스킨푸드 선물 받은 상자랍니다 ㅋㅋ
1957년 부터라니 ㅋㅋㅋ 

This is the Skin Food box that I got as a gift. LOL
The company operated since 1957.. LOL

스킨푸드 피치사케 토너/스킨푸드 피치사케 에멀전
피지조절/지성용 피치사케 스킨/ 로션

안에 요렇게 들어있답니다~ 종이로 뽁뽁 눌러서 싸여있더라구요~
보이시죠? 일본어로 사케라고 써있네요~ㅋ

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Toner / SKINFOOD Peach Sake Emulsion
Sebum Control / Peach Sake Skin & Lotion for oil skin

It's package looks like this. It was wrapped up with this paper~
Can you see them? The word 'sake' is written in Japanese. LOL

스킨푸드 피치사케 에멀전(왼)/
스킨푸드 피치사케 토너(오)

용량: 135ml

지성용/여드름용/피지조절용/모공케어 스킨푸드 스킨, 로션이랍니다!!ㅎ

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Emulsion (left)
SKINFOOD Peach Sake Toner (right)

Volume: 135ml

For the Oily Skin / For Pimples / For Controlling the Sebum / Pore Care

선물 받은지 꽤 되서 당시로 따지면 따끈한 애들이랍니다 ㅋㅋ

The product was very new when I got them. LOL

스킨푸드 토너를 무작정 오른손에 투척!!
그리고 열심히 발랐답니다.
엄청 빨리 흡수되요.
알콜도 함유되어 있으니 날아가면서 산뜻함과 시원함을 주구요!

I put some Skinfood toner on my right hand!!
And rubbed it very hard. 
It gets absorbed very quickly. 
It gives a cool and refreshing feeling because it contains alcohol!

바르고 난 다음이랍니다!
안 바른 엄지 손가락에 튼부분이 보이시나요?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오른쪽을 위주로 발라서~
향기가 전 맛있을 거 같아서 좋았어요 ㅋㅋ
스킨푸드는 대부분 이런듯? 먹고싶게...ㅠㅠㅎ

This is after applying the product!
Can you see the roughness of my right thumb? That's the area that I didn't apply anything. LOL
I focused on the right side~
I really liked the smell because it smelled so delicious. LOL
I think most of Skinfood's product have a smell like this. It makes me want to eat them.

스킨푸드 피치사케 에멀전

로션 뚜껑을 열면 이렇게 플라스틱 마개로 막아져있어요~
전 계속 이렇게 막아놓고 써요!
그게 위생상에도 좋고~ㅎㅎ

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Emulsion

When you open the lotion's lid, the top is covered with a plastic lid~
I usually it cover it up like this!
It's more clean in this way. LOL

점성 봐주세요~ㅋㅋㅋ 사실 애는 유분이 얼마 없어서 그런가
좀 유분 많은 스킨과 같은 밀도였어요!>_<//

발림성이 좋아요~ㅎㅎ
진짜 얼굴이 유전이신분들 완전 강추!!!!!!!+_+

Take a look at its viscosity. LOL 
Perhaps it was because it didn't have much oil in it that
It was similar to a skin that had a lot of oil. 

It applies to the skin very well. LOL
I strongly recommend it for those who have a lot of oil on their face. 

피치사케 에멀전 투하!! 하고 발라봤어요~
지성용이라 산뜻하게 발리네요!ㅎㅎ
복숭아향이 샤라락~

I applied the Peach Sake Emulsion~
It applies very refreshingly because it's a product for the oily skin. 
The peach smell is coming up~

산뜻하고 수분감이 있어요!
바르기 전에 갈라진 부분 보이시나요? 오른쪽 보면 좀더 수분감 있는게 보이시죠?
지성도 수분이 필요한거 잘 아실꺼에요~후후

유수분 밸런스가 깨지면 여드름이 나잖아요~ㅠ
사실 전 복합성이라 유분이 필요한 부분은 좀 떙기더군요..ㅠ그게 아쉬워요~

It is very refreshing and has a lot of moisture!
Can you see the rough areas before applying the product? My hand in the photograph on the right definitely has more moisture. You are probably aware that oily skin also requires moisture.

You know how you get pimples on your face when the oil & moisture balance breaks up. 
The areas that need oil were a bit rough because I have a combination skin. 
I am little disappointed about that point~


일주일 사용해본 결과 확실한 모공축소 효과는 없었다.
하지만 증상 완화시켜준다!!!

향이 좋다!
가격이 저렴하다.

복합성은 수분크림과 함께 쓰길 권고하며 건성분들은 거들떠 보지 마시길..ㅋㅋ
여드름 피부! 천연 유전이신 분들께 강추하는 제품!!



지금 2주 넘게 사용해본 결과 모공케어 및 트러블 완화 효과 확연!!
지금 코에 있던 블랙헤드와 모공이 변화가 눈에 보여요!>_<////

지금 혼자 만족만족 ㅋㅋ

Conclusion :

After testing the product for about a week, it didn't reduce the pores.
But it enhances the symptoms to a certain extent. 

It smells good. 
It's cheap. 

For those people who have combination skin, I recommend that you use it with a moisturizing cream. 
Do not even think about using this product if you have a dry skin. LOL


After testing the product for over two weeks, I found out that it definitely cares the pores and relaxes the troubles on the face. The blackheads and the pores on my nose definitely had shown big changes!! 

I am really satisfied with it. LOL

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