2013년 4월 30일 화요일

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Silky Finish Powder Review

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Silky Finish Powder Review

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Silky Finish Powder

[스킨푸드] 피치사케 실키 파우더

지난번에 스킨푸드에서 비타톡 살때 같이산 피치사케 실키 파우더 ㅎ.ㅎ
비타톡은 언니꺼 써보고산거라 바로후기올렸었는데
피치사케 실키 파우더는 안써본거라서 써보고올릴라구 이제올려용

[Skinfood] Peach Sake Silky Finish Powder

SKINFOOD Peach Sake Silky Finish Powder is a product that I bought when I was buying the Vita Tok last time. LOL I uploaded the Vita Tok review right away because I tried out my sister's, but I am writing this review now because I wanted to write the review after trying it out. 

내가조아하는복숭아 ㅎㅎ,ㅎ 복숭아화장품모으기한참했엇는데 별로모은것도없지만 
암튼이것도사실 딱히 필요해서.. 라거나 뭐 좋다는얘길들어서
그런것보다는 그냥 복숭아라고 이걸 고1땐가부터 봤던것같은데
고2땐지 암튼그때부터 복숭아라고 사고싶다고 언젠간산다고 
 벼르고 벼르고 벼르다가 결국 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이제삼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
가게에서 사기전에 향맡아봤는데 복숭아향나는게 좋더라구용 ㅠ.ㅠ 
찐하게나는건아니지만 ㅎ,.ㅎ은은하게 복숭복숭아~ 하고나요

Peach is my favorite fruit. LOL I tried collecting the peach cosmetics for a while. 
I haven't collected much.. I bought this product not because I really needed it or anything. 
I remember seeing this product since I was in ninth grade. 
I've always wanted to buy this, but never was able to. Well.. I finally bought it. LOL
I smelled the product at the store and it smelled so nice. 
It really doesn't smell like cosmetics! It has such a great smell. 
The smell isn't strong, but you can smell the peach in a very delicate way. 

뭐라뭐라 영어설명한글설명
제조일자랑 유통기한도있구용 ㅎ,ㅎ
엄청기네 이것도 유통기한!!
파우더 유통기한이 보통 저정도 된다고 생각해도 되겠죵?? ㅎ.ㅎ

The instructions are written on the back in Korean and English. 
There's also the manufacturing date and the expiration date. LOL
The expiration date is quite long!
Isn't the expiration date for powders is this long?

스티커오픈하면 뭐 읽지도않고 읽어도 주의하지않는
사용시의 주의사항이뜨고 ㅎㅎㅎ
안에들어있는플라스틱은 분리수거하라고 되있네용
겉에케이스는 종이로되있어요!!

You'll be able to find the warnings of the product when you take off the sticker. 
No one really care about this. LOL
It says that the plastic case must be recycled.
The case on the outside is made of paper!!

가지고다니기에는 불편함이좀 있어보이지만;;
디자인은 참예쁜것같아요 ㅠ,ㅠ!!
피치사케가 뭐죠?? 어디서주워듣기론 술이라고했던것같은데 정확히모르게따..
암튼 가루파우더는 안써봤는데 팩트만서봣지 ㅎ,ㅎ

It's sort of big to carry it around.. but..
I think the design is really pretty!1
What is a peach sake? I remember someone telling me that it's an alcohol. 
I've never used a powder before. I only used a pact. 

저기 뚜껑에 빵꾸보이시나용 ㅎ,ㅎ 저거 잘닫히게 할라고 있는빵꾸!
저기로 파우더 가루가 새지는 않으니 걱정마시구용 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아 저거샘플중에 오미자.. 뭐였지
오미자세럼인가 그거 한번써봤는데 뭔가좋은것같애요
그거샘플두갠데 내가오늘도서보고 괜찮으면 사야겠어
뭔가 피부가 보들 해지고 좋아진기분이야
기능은 미백인가 였던것같은데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭔가좋아!!

Can you see the hole over there? That hole makes the opening and the closing of the box easier! Do not worry.. the powder won't leak into that hole.  LOL
The ones on the back are the samples. I tried using the Omija Serum and it was pretty good. 
I have two samples and I wanna buy them if it's good. 
I feel that my skin has become smoother. 
I also had whitening effects.. and I think it's really good!

첨엔 이렇게 스티커가있구용 ㅎㅎ
스티커를 떼어낸후에
사용하시면 된다는건당연히알꺼에요
저플라스틱은 왠만하면 안여시는게 좋을것같애욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
제가이따 밑에사진으로 보여드릴테니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
잘못열면 대참사날것같아요 열기힘들어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

There is a the sticker at first  and
you probably know that you can use it by simply taking it off. 
I don't recommend you to open that plastic. 
I'll tell you why later. LOL
It's really hard to open and I think it can be disastrous. LOL

퍼프 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 귀여워용
새퍼프는 항상 쓰기아까워 ㅠ,ㅠ 사진은 새거였지만
지금은 몇번써서 더러워졌어 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ안타깝다..

The puff is very soft and cute. 
I don't want to use it because it's new!
The puff is new in the photograph, 
but it's already dirty because I've used it several times. 

파우더가루뭍힌거 ㅎㅎㅎ 뭐가이렇게 밀가루같고 눈같고 뽀송같고 이쁘냐
근데 피부에 바르실때 골고루여러번 잘두두리셔야할것같아요 ㅋㅋㅋ
저모양대로 뿅뿅뿅 나거든욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
내가요령을 잘몰라서그런가 ㅋㅋㅋ첨에깜짝놀래가지구 몇 번 두드렸는데
안없어지고 점박이되가지고 엄청난스피드로 
막 두드려서 겨우 평평한피부를 완성시켯짘ㅋㅋㅋ

This is when I've applied the powder on the puff. LOL The powder looks like flour and it's very soft and pretty. But you should apply them very carefully on your face because it leaves that mark on your face. LOL Maybe it's because I don't know how to use it properly. I was very surprised because of the marks. The mark didn't get erased very easily. So I tapped my face like crazy and somehow finished the make-up. LOL

플라스틱뚜껑열면 이렇게생겼어용 ㅎ,ㅎ 
너무이뻐서 손으로꾹꾺누르고싶은거 겨우참았어요 ㅠ.ㅠ
아 색상같은거는 손등에 두드려도 별로티가안나가지구 ㅠ.ㅠ
그냥말로설명드릴께요 ! 많이바르면 엄청하얘지겠지만 많이는 안발라봤구요 ㅎㅎ
펄이아주약간 있는것같더라구요 그래서더이뻐용 ㅎㅎ 티는거의안나요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이게 저는 혹시나 뜰까봐 살짝만바르는데 하얘진다기보단 뽀얘지는 그런느낌이구요
살짝발라서 그런지 아직까지 뜨지는않았어용 ㅎㅎ
마무리는 엄청나게 보들보들 애기피부처럼 ㅠ,.ㅠ♥
그리고 기름기잡아주는거 진짜 짱인것같애요 
티존을 완전 보송보송하게만들어줍니당 ㅠ.ㅠ
단 10시간 이렇게까지는 안가구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 5시간정도는 괜찮은것같애요 ㅎㅎ 
그 이상은 뭐 수정화장해주셔도되고 제가얇게발른것치고는 
이래저래 맘에드는 피치사케 실키 파우더 ㅋㅋ
대신 파우더라서 커버는 역시 전혀안되더라구요
재구매는 아마 피치사케 실키 파우더 다쓰고 난후의 피부 상태에따라 틀릴꺼같애요 ㅋㅋ
트러블나는시기면 커버되는 팩트를살것이고
피부가좋은시기면 ㅋㅋㅋ 요 복숭아 파우더를! 살꺼같네용 ㅎㅎ
그럼이만 ㅎ.ㅎ!

It looks like this when you open the plastic lid. LOL
I wanted to press it with my fingers because it was so pretty. 
The color was very light and it was as if I didn't put on anything. 
You face would become white if you tap it several times, but I haven't tried that. 
And I think it had some pearls in it. So it's really pretty. But it doesn't really show. LOL
I use this product very lightly because I am worried that it might not take. 
It made my skin like a baby's skin and it removes the oil almost perfectly. 
It's really awesome. It actually doesn't last for 10 hours. I think it lasted for about 5 hours. 
I think it lasted for quite a bit of time by considering how much I put on my face. 
I think I am starting to like this SKINFOOD Peach Sake Silky Finish Powder.  LOL
But its covering capabilities were very poor. I don't really know whether I am going to buy this again. I would think about that question after finish using it. I would buy a pact that has covering capabilities if I am getting troubles on my face and I would buy the peach power if my skin is good during that time. That's probably it.  LOL

Click here to purchase the product.

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