2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Patch Review

SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Patch Review

SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Patch 

피부에도 여러가지 타입이 잇지만 모든 분들의 공통점은 눈가건조함인거같아요
저역시도 과잉피지로 고민하고잇긴하지만 눈가는 건성피부분들못지않게 어쩌면 더 
건조함을느끼는데요..따로 아이크림같은걸로 관리를 안해주면
바로 자글자글 건조해지고 잔주름도 눈에 확 띄는데요.
그래서 눈가관리제품을 구매하고자 스킨푸드로 갓는데요..
연어아이패치를 추천해주시는거에요
겔타입으로 된거더라구요..
연어아이크림은 전에 써본적이 잇어서 이 갠찬겟다 싶어서
언능 사가지고 왓죵 ㅋㅋ

There are many different types of skins and I think the common thing that most people experience is the dryness of the eye. I am also very worried about the sebum on my face and I feel the dryness of the skin even more than those people who have dry skin. My skin gets wrinkled and the wrinkles are brought into greater attention if I don't manage it well. 
I went to a Skinfood store to buy a product for my wrinkled eyes. 
And they recommended the Salmon Brightening Eye Patch. 
It was a gel-type product. 
I bought it right away because I've used this before and it was pretty good. LOL

작은 박스에 포장돼잇고 스킨푸드답게 화려하지않으면서 
모랄까 스킨푸드만의느낌잇자나요.
연어그림과 함께 스킨푸드 로고도 보이네용 ^^

The product is wrapped up in a small box. Even though it wasn't really fancy or anything,
 it had the feeling of a Skinfood product. 
I can see the picture of a salmon and the Skinfood's logo. :)

제품을 꺼냇모습이에요..박스외관하고 디자인똑같죠?
       지금 보시는 제품 8개가 한박스에 들어잇어요

This is when I took out the product from the box. It has a same design with the design of the box. Eight of these are in a single box. 

아이패치를 꺼내봣는데요 어머 이게 머야 하실거에요..ㅋㅋ
   흰식과 투명필름을 패치 양쪽에 붙엿는데요..
      아이패치 두개를 서로 맞붙여놓앗죠~

I took out the eye patch. You might be saying 'what the hell is this?" LOL
I put the transparent film on each side..
I stuck two eye patches together~

필름을 제거해봣어요..완죤 탱글탱글한 겔타입인데요..
오메가 3를 함유하고 잇다하네용.칙칙한 눈가를 환하게 가꿔주는 아이패치
사진에선 잘 안보이지만 자세히 보시면 연어무늬로 돼잇어요 ㅎㅎ

I tried removing the film. It's a very sticky gel-type. 
It is known to contain Omega-3. It's an eye patch that makes your dark eyes bright. 
You may not be able to see it very clearly in the photograph, but it has the pattern of a salmon. LOL

눈가에 붙여봣는데요..고농축에센스라 영양은 듬뿍 들어잇겟죠?
처음사진에서 보면 탄력감이 느껴지죠?
10분동안 에센스 흡수시키고 봣는데요 쫙 흡수가 돼서 아이패치가
힘을 잃은거 보이시죠?일반시트팩같이 날라가는게 아니라
피부에 쫘악 흡수가 되요..한 10분정도 지나고 
아이패치를 뒤집어서 반대쪽 면으로붙여주세요..
아이패치를 알뜰하게 사용하는법이라고 할가요?
팔자주름이 잇으신분들은 팔자에 해도 큰 효과보실수잇어요..

I put it on my eyes.. I am sure that contains a lot of nutrition because it's a highly-enriched essence. Can you feel the flexibility in the first photograph?
I absorbed the essence for about 10 minutes and the eye patch lost its flexibility because it  all got absorbed into the skin. Rather than flying away into the air like most other products, it gets absorbed into the skin. Flip over the patch after about 10 minutes. 
It's a way to make the most out from an eye patch. 
Those people who have wrinkles should also be able to see some huge changes..

아이패치 양쪽면 다 흡시키고 제거한모습인데요..
잔여물같은거 안남아잇고 그대로 피부에다 흡수 됫는데요..ㅋㅋ
저 윤기 보이세요?그냥 피부겉에서만 보이는게 아니고
촉촉함?탱탱함?건조하던눈가에 힘이 들어간모습이에요..
첨에는 가격땜시 좀망설엿는데요..사길 잘한거같아요..

This is after taking off the patches from each side. 
It doesn't not have any residue and everything got absorbed into the skin. LOL
Can you see that brightness? It really turned the skin bright from the inside. 
I hesitated a little for buying this product, but it looks like it was a great choice. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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