2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Royal Honey Toner Review

SKINFOOD Royal Honey Toner Review

SKINFOOD Royal Honey Toner

선물상자를 딱!열면~~
3개의 골드뚜껑 병이딱~~

There are three golden lids 
when you open the gift package. 

용기는 꽤 고급스러워요~

The bottle is quite luxurious~

뒷면에는 성분이 표기되어있는데요
로얄제리와 꿀 함유표시가

피부에 양보하세요!
라는 스킨푸드 광고문구가 떠오르네요 ㅋ

토너향은 조금 강한편이지만
고유의 천연재료 향 성분이 섞여있어서

토너를 손등에 발랐을때는
꽤 촉촉하게 발리네요
5분정도 두들기고 흡수시키니
표면에 촉촉한 막이 생깁니다
마치 액체타입의 세럼같은 느낌이에요

The ingredients are written on the back. 
It says that it contains royal jelly and honey~

It reminds me of the famous catch phrase. 
"Please do not eat them. 
Give away to your skin!"

The smell of the toner is a bit strong,
but it was okay because it was mixed with 
the natural fragrance. 

The toner applied 
to the back of my hand quite moistly.  
A moist layer was created on the surface of the skin 
after tapping it for 5 minutes. 
It was like a liquid-type serum. 

바르고 흡수시켰더니
손등이 촉촉~~^^

작년인가요? 스킨푸드에서 꿀광~ 꿀피부 ~꿀보습 이런 컨셉으로 나온 제품입니다.
보습라인이다보니 좀 꿀렁꿀렁한 에센셜토너 형태로 바를때는 미끈미끈하게 발리지만
꽤 산뜻하게 흡수되고 흡수된 뒤에는 끈적이지 않습니다.
전형적인 에센셜 토너의 구성입니다.
물 - 꿀추출물- 보습성분 - 끈적임을 줄이기 위한 에탄올 그뒤엔 블라블라 추출물등...
사용설명서에는 손으로 발라도 되고 화장솜을 써도 된다고 하는데
화장솜을 쓰는건 좀 무리죠.. 잔여물 캐치도 잘못하고 화장솜에 먹는양이 너무 많아요..
그냥 손으로 덜어 씁니다.. 보습력좋고 끈적이지 않고 달달한 꿀향도 즐길만 합니다
이니스프리의 유채꿀 라인보다는 산뜻한듯.. 가을 겨울 쓰기 좋은 제품입니다.

The back of my hand became very moist 
when I applied the product and let the skin absorb. :)

Was it last year? It is a product that was released with the concept of 'glowing skin'. 
Even though it's a little sticky when you are applying it on the skin because it's a moisturizing product, it gets absorbed quite refreshingly and it's not sticky after it gets absorbed. It's like the classic essential toner. 
Water - honey extracts - moisturizing ingredients - ethanol for reducing the stickiness and blah blah so on...
The instruction says that I can use my hand or a cosmetics cotton bud to apply the product. But I think cosmetics cotton bud is a bit too much because it doesn't catch the residues very well and the cotton takes too much toner away.. 
I usually apply it with my hand. The moisturizing effects are good, it's not sticky and the sweet smell of the honey is very enjoyable.  
I think it's more refreshing than INNISFREE's Canola Honey series. I think it's a great product for autumn and winter. 

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