2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Serum Review

SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Serum Review

SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Serum

이번 생일에 선물로 받은 연어 브라이트닝 아이세럼!
 제 눈 밑의 다크가 정말 심하긴 했나봐용ㅋㅋㅋ

This the Salmon Brightening Eye Serum that I got for my birthday gift!
It looks like my dark circles were quite serious! LOL

용기 정면에 저렇게 딱!!! 연어가ㅋㅋ
 아; 뭔가 비릴것 같은 그런 그림이에요
 30mL인데 용기가 굉장히 큰 것 같아요. 하지만 굉장히 가볍습니다.

The salmon is located at the center! LOL
The photograph looks very fishy. 
The volume is 30ml, but it's looks even bigger in reality. But it's really light. 

연어가 다크서클에 좋다는건 옛날부터 들었었는데요,ㅎ
 연어알추출물 600mg, 연어오일 0.06mg이 들어있습니다.
 그 외 성분에는 미백에 좋다는 알부틴도 들어있답니다:)

I've heard many times that salmons are good for dark circles.  LOL
The product contains 600mg of salmon egg extract and 0.06mg of salmon oil. 
Other than that, it also contains arbutin, which is a substance that is known to be 
very effective for whitening. 

위에서 찍은 모습!
 뚜껑에도 깨알같이 연어 브라이트닝 아이세럼이란 문구와 연어가 그려져 있답니다~

This is a picture from the top!
The phrase 'Salmon Brightening Eye Serum' and the picture of a salmon are also placed on the lid~

 뚜껑을 열면!
 요렇게 펌핑 방식이에요~
 왠지 색깔이 연어의 그 속살 색같은 그런색,ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

When you open the lid, 
you'll be able to find out that it's a pumping-type product. 
The color is sort of similar to the skin of a salmon. LOL

한번 펌핑한 양입니다.
 한번 펌핑으로도 충분히 양쪽 눈가에 다 바를 수 있어용!
 위 사진을 봐선 잘 모르겠지만
 밑에 사진을 보시면!

This is the amount that came out when I pumped it once. 
You can apply the serum on both of your eyes with the amount that comes out by pumping it once!

살짝 펴바른 모습입니다. 수분이 많아보이죠?ㅎ
 펌핑했을땐 그냥 쫌 촉촉해보이는 정도였는데
 스르륵~ 굉장히 묽은 제형으로 변한답니다:)

This is when I've slightly spread the serum on my arm. 
Doesn't it look like it has a lot of moisture? LOL
The serum becomes very watery when you do this. :)

여러번 문질러 봤어요

I rubbed it several times. 

저렇게 촉촉해 보이던애가 몇번 두드려줬더니 쏙! 스며들었어요
 멀리서 볼땐 모르겠지만 확대하니 피부가 촉촉해보이죠?ㅎ
 수분감이 굉장히 많은 제품이에요.

That moist cream all sank in when I tapped it several times. 
It doesn't really show from far away, but it looks like moist in a closeup. 
It's a product that has a lot of moisture in it. 

아직 써본지 몇일밖에 안되어 다크서클에 정말 효과가 좋은 제품인진 잘 모르겠어요
 하지만 아이크림 바르기전에 눈가를 촉촉하게 해줘 좋은것같아요
 보통 아이크림은 빨리 스며들지 않고 아침에 세안할때 남아 있는 경우가 많아
 별로였는데 세럼으로 피부 깊숙이 수분을 전달해주는 것 같아 좋았어요.ㅎ

I don't really know whether it's really good for dark circles because I've only used it for several days. But it's really good because it definitely made my eyes moist before applying the eye cream. I didn't really like eye creams because they usually don't get absorbed quickly and also because they remained on the face. But I liked this one very much because it seemed to be delivering the moisture deeply into the skin. LOL

Click here to purchase the product.

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