2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Lime Secret Shine Base Review

SKINFOOD Lime Secret Shine Base Review

SKINFOOD Lime Secret Shine Base

스킨푸드 라임 시크릿 샤인 베이스 65호: 라임펄 그린
브랜드:스킨푸드       용량:30g

SKINFOOD Lime Secret Shine Base No.65: Lime Pearl Green
Brand: Skinfood  Volume: 30g

라임 성분이 담겨있어 피부를 보호하는 동시에 이중 반사 펄감이
화사하고 매끈한 피부로 표현해주는 메이크업 베이스.

주요성분: 라임 에센셜 오일(30mg)

사용하시기 전에 흔들어 주세요(65호: 라임 펄 그린)

A makeup base that protects the skin and expresses a bright and smooth skin tone 
because it contains lime ingredients. 

Main ingredients: Line essential oil (30mg)
Ingredients indicated on the product: Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Sodium Dehydroacetate

Please shake the product before using. (No.65 Lime Pearl Green)

요즘 스킨푸드 리뷰많이 올라오는거 같네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
예전에 스킨푸드 지름했다고 했엇죠?ㅎㅎ

요건 따로 매장에서 구입했답니다!
제가 워낙 성현화장을 좋아하는쪽이라,하이라이터를 뭘로살까 고민하다,
그루민족이다보니까,하이라이터제품보다는 펄베이스제품이 더좋더라구요!

홀리카제품하고 아우라님이 리뷰하신스킨푸드사제품할려다, 스킨푸드로 삿답니다~

It seems like a lot Skinfood reviews are coming up recently. LOL
Didn't I tell you guys that I've bought Skinfood last time? LOL

This is a product that I bought separately at the store!
I had a hard time deciding what to buy for a highlighter because I tend to like saint makeups. I actually like pearl base products more than highlighters because I belong in the grooming race!

I tried to buy the Holika product and the Skinfood product that Aura had written a review about. But I've decided to buy Skinfood~

제품외관은 다른액상하이라이터들과 비슷비슷하답니다!
유리재질로 되어있고,스킨푸드답게 고급스러우면서,싼티(?)난답니다ㅋㅋㅋ

저는 펄그린 색상으로 삿답니다!

The product looks quite similar with other liquid-type highlighters!
It's made of glass and it's luxurious like most other Skinfood products.  It's sort of cheap too. (?) LOL

I bought the pearl green color!

제품윗부분에는 스킨푸드의 로고과 제품상태풀질로는
제조:2012.03.15      사용기한:2014.08
항상 스킨푸드의 유통기한의 마지막날짜는 없네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

어플리게이터는 딱딱하지만,외곡이되는 플라스틱이랍니다^^

The skin food logo is marked at the top of the product. 
The product was manufactured on March.15.2012 and it expires on August of 2014. 
As always, they didn't write down the the exact expiration date. LOL

Even though the applicator is stiff, it's made of flexible plastic. :)

외관에서 크기등 유심히 보아주시기 바랍니다!
핡....요즘 리뷰도 싼티나고,사진도 빈티절고ㅋㅋㅋ망했긔

Please take a close look of the product's design and size!
My reviews are becoming really cheap and the photographs are also becoming very cheap these days. 

손등에 내용물을 뭋힌 어플리게이터를 언저주었답니다!
확실히 액상타입이라서,묽고 크림같은 발림성이 선밀크같더라구요.

조금씩 자글자글한 펄이보인답니다~
향은 뭐라말할수는없지만, 정말로 달달한 라임향??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I placed the applicator with the content on the back of my hand!
The texture was definitely watery and it applied like a sun milk because it is liquid-type product. 

You can see the fine pearls in there~
I don't know how I should describe this smell. It was sort of like a sweat lime smell. LOL

다른하이라티어들도 그렇듯이,신기하게
녹색이지만, 중간에 바르면서 레드와인골드빛(?)으로 변한답니다!

남성분들이 하이라이터사용하실때 펄들도 조심하셔야하지만,
과하게발랐을때 그 강한 골드빛도조심하셔야해요!

저 하이라이터 처음에 막듬뿍발랐을때 붉은기쩔...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
사용후 사진이좀더 자글자글하게 광적표현과 빛나는 펄감도 느껴지네요!

사진상으로는 손주름등이 많이 부각되서보이네요ㅎㅎ

As with most other highlighters, it's also green and the color changes to a red wine golden color(?) while you're applying it!

Guys would have to be careful when using a highlighter because there are pearls in it. 
Also, they have to be careful of its golden color when applied too much!

My skin became extremely red when I've applied a lot when I started using a highlighter. 
The photograph after having used the product shows more light and pearls!

The wrinkles on my hand stand out a lot in the photograph. LOL

거의 무보정사진이랍니다! 자글자글 빛나는 펄들이보이시나요?

다른 하이라이터제품들보다는 펄입자가 조금더 미세하답니다.
아무래도 펄베이스니까요,

생얼메이크업을 원하시는분들중 하이라이터를 사용하셔야 하시겠다는분들은
광피부나 이런펄베이스를 추천해드립니다ㅎㅎ

This is a photograph that has not been edited. Can you see those shiny pearls?

The pearls are a bit more finer than other highlighters
because it's a pearl base. 

I recommend a pearl base like this for those people who want to use a highlighter and want do the bare face makeup. LOL

사용전:핡....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ코옆에 왕건이...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
요제품을 사용용도에 맞게,펄베이스로 사용하겠습니다!

Before using the product: Oh gosh. There is a big pimple next to my nose. LOL
I'll now use this product as a pearl base!

사용중:저는 그냥 펄베이스로 사용하기에는 아무래도 무리라서;;
제가 가지고있는 다른피부보정베이스제품과함께 
2.:1.5대 비율로 믹스하여 발라주었답니다ㅎㅎ

While using the product: I mixed the product with other skin correcting base product in 2:1.5 ratio because I really couldn't use this product as a pearl base. 

사용후:피부보정같은 경우는 무시해주세요! 원래제가 사용하는 베이스가
살짝의 광적표변이 있지만,큰사용변화가 느껴지지는 않지만,사용전보다는 확실히
미세하고 자글한펄감과 소량의 광적표현이 나타나지 않았나요?ㅎㅎ

After using the product: Please just ignore the skin correction! Even though the base that I am currently using is a little glossy and even though I cannot really feel a big difference, didn't it provide fine pearls and expressed a tiny bit of glossiness compared to not having used it at all? LOL

저는 하이라이터로 사용할때,입술밑,광대,액살,이마,인중,콧대
등에 사용해준답니다!

확실히 약간몇벌덧발라서 골드빛붉은기가 보이지만, 엄청 입체적으로보인답니다.
 진짜 사용하실때 소량씩 적게적게 사용해주세요!

하지만, 실제로 볼때는 큰티는 않난답니다ㅎㅎ

한줄평가:가격대비효능, 저렴이형식으로 잘사용할거같고,
확실히 펄베이스라서 자연스런하이라이터효과에 좋기때문에,
생얼메컵과 넘성분들에게추천한다.
하지만 미세한펄감은좋지만, 광적표현이 살짝아쉽다.

I usually apply it on the bottom of my lip, cheekbone, forehead, philtrum and nose 
when I am using it as a highlighter!

Even you can see the golden red color because I've reapplied them several times, it definitely looks dynamic. I encourage you to use only a little when using this product!

But it doesn't really show in reality. LOL

My personal evaluation: The effects are quite outstanding by considering its price. 
I highly recommended it for guys and for those people who want to do bare fare makeup because its natural highlighting effects are amazing. 
Even though its fine pearls are great, the expression of glossiness is a bit disappointing. 

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