2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Wildberry Milk Cleansing Foam (Moist) 150ml Review

SKINFOOD Wildberry Milk Cleansing Foam (Moist) 150ml Review

SKINFOOD Wildberry Milk Cleansing Foam (Moist) 150ml

와일드베리 밀크 클렌징 폼(모이스트)

용량 / 150ml   

생생한 와일드베리추출물과 부드러운 밀크추출물이 만나
촉촉한 피부로 가꾸어주고 부드럽게 클렌징 해주는 클렌징 폼

SKINFOOD Wildberry Milk Cleansing Foam (Moist) 

Volume / 150ml


The front

제품설명과 사용법,주요성분등이 나와있네요~

The back
There are the product description, instructions and ingredients~

그리고 OPEN HERE을 들어보면 주의사항이 나와있어요

You'll be able to find the warnings when you take off the OPEN HERE sticker. 

뚜껑을 열어 마개를 제거해주세요~

Open the lid and remove the sticker on the top~

그리고 뚜껑을 다시 끼워줍니다~

And then put the lid back on~

컨실러가 잘 지워지는지 시험을 위해 같이 ㅎㅎ;;

완전 풀린 거품이 아닌 압축되있는 거품같았어요^^

I applied it on my hand!
I also applied the concealer to see how well it erased the concealer. LOL

The foam seem to be compressed. LOL
It was sort of like a marshmallow. 

걸쭉한 거품같아 보이네요~

The foam looks quite thick~

손바닥에 가득 짜보았어요!

I squeezed some on my palm!

정말 찐득하고 쫀득하고 말랑말랑한 마쉬멜로우같네요ㅎㅎ

It's really like a sticky and soft marshmallow! 

물로 비비면 비누처럼?물같이 변하는 신기한 녀석!

It sort of became like soap when you rubbed it in water. 

바로 컨실러를 지워보았어요!
몇번 문질렀더니 깨끗이 사라졌네요 ㅎㅎ
(검은색깔은 멍이예요 ㅠㅠ
왜 손에 멍이 들었는지 모르겠는데 몇일전에 발견했어요ㅠ)

화장보다 클렌징이 중요하다고들 하잖아요?
잘못하면 이쁜피부 다 망칠수있다구요ㅠㅠ
클렌징도 화장만큼 열심히 하기^^

I erased the concealer right away!
It disappeared very cleanly when I rubbed it several times. LOL
(The black area is a bruise. I don't why I got that bruise... I got it several days ago)

People say that cleansing is more important than makeups. 
Because you can ruin your skin if you do not do it in a proper way. 
I should always clean my face as carefully as I do my makeups. :)

Click here to purchase the product.

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