2013년 4월 29일 월요일

SKINFOOD Salmon Dark Circle Concealer Cream Review

SKINFOOD Salmon Dark Circle Concealer Cream Review

SKINFOOD Salmon Dark Circle Concealer Cream

하아... 김해 내외동은 정말...
골목 하나에 모든 로드샵이 서로 얼굴 마주보고 옹기종기 모여있거든요...
정말이지 친구들과 들락날락하며 지름신 모시기 좋은 곳이라 생각합니다.

이 날 역시 참새가 방앗간 그냥 못지나치고 스킨푸드에 들러,
그동안 매~우 궁금했던 연어 다크서클 컨실러 크림을 사가지고 왔어요 :)

정식명 - 스킨푸드 연어 다크서클 컨실러 크림
용량 - 10g
컬러 - 1호 살몬 블루밍

All of the road-shops are gathered in once place in my neighborhood . 
I think it's such a good place to spend money with your friends. 

I visited the Skinfood store on this day 
and bought the SKINFOOD Salmon Dark Circle Concealer Cream. 
It's a product that I was really curious about. :)

Official name of the product: SKINFOOD Salmon Dark Circle Concealer Cream
Volume: 10g
Color: No. 1 Salmon Blooming

매장에서 컬러를 고르는데 고민이 좀 되서 매장 직원에게 추천을 부탁했더니
완전 시크하게 " 평소 쓰는 베이스 컬러 맞춰 사시면 되요"라고;;;
그건 나도 아는데 두 컬러 차이점을 알고 싶었던거라고요ㅜ
어쨌든 설명은 커녕 암말 없이 계속 옆에 있는게 
불편해서 그냥 원래 사려했던 1호를 샀어요

계산 하는 동안 요것 조것 보느라 몰랐는데 나중에 봉투를 열어보니 요렇게 샘플이!
음... 원래 성격이 무뚝뚝한 분인가봐요...;;;

I didn't know what to buy and I asked the clerk at the store to recommend a product for me. 
And she told me to buy a product that matched with the base color that I use. 
I already know about that! What I wanted to know was the difference of the the two colors.
I just bought the no.1 because it was sort of annoying how she stood next to me all the time. 

I found out later that they gave me this much sample~
I guess the clerk's personality is always like that. 

요것도 제가 궁금해하던 로열허니 시리즈- 패키지 진짜 귀엽네요!! 
진짜 꿀단지 같다는 아이크림부터 로션, 에센스, 크림까지 꼼꼼히 챙겨주셨네요
요건 컨실러 계산을 도와주신 남자친구 주고 전 컨실러만 가집니다 흐흣

This is the Royal Honey series that I was always curious about. The package is really cute!!
She gave me all these samples from eye cream to lotion and cream. 
I am gonna these samples to my boyfriend who made the payment and I am gonna keep this concealer. LOL

자, 주인공인 연어 컨실러입니다
요렇게 보면 크기 감이 안 오시죠??

This is the Salmon Concealer. 
You probably don't know how big it is in this way. 

요렇게 한 손 안에 쏙 들어오는 미니 사이즈에요 완전 귀요미

It's so small that it fits in one hand. It's so adorable. 

연어 컨실러니까 뚜껑엔 연어 스티커가 떡하니 붙여져있어요
연어가 다크서클에 굉장히 좋다고 하잖아요- 
이틀만 먹어도 효과가 눈에 보일 정도라하니...
비록 컨실러엔 굉장히 적은 양의 연어오일이 들었다하지만 효과를 기대해봅니다

The salmon logo is marked on the lid because it's a salmon concealer. 
Salmons are known to be very good for dark circles. 
They say that your dark circles improve a lot if you eat salmons for two days. 
Even though this concealer doesn't have much salmon oil in it, let us hope for the best. 

엉덩이 샷- 1호 색상명이 보이고 용량도 보이네요
제조일은 2011년 11월로 나쁘지 않아요

This is the back. You can see the name of the color no.1 and the volume. 
The manufacturing date is November, 2011. I guess that's pretty good. 

우와, 뽀오얀 속살~ 너무 좋아요!!!
붉은기가 있긴 하지만 제 생각보다는 덜한 듯 해요
너무 핑크빛이 돌면 눈밑만 동동 뜰까봐 걱정했거든요...

This is the inside. It's so nice!!
It's sort of red, but I it was lighter than I've expected. 
I was worried that it would make the bottom of my eyes stand out if it was too pink. 

제형은 적당히 촉촉한 편이에요
쫀득쫀득~한 질감에 손으로 문지르면 체온때문에 살살 녹아요

The texture is quite moist. 
It's sort of sticky and it melts when you rub it with your finger. 

손가락에는 요정도로 묻어나는데요, 쪼금 건조해보이죠??
하지만 보통의 컨실러보다 더 촉촉하답니다 전 이정도가 맘에 드네요
특히 다크서클 컨실러 같은 경우에는 촉촉하기만 하고 커버력이 없다던가,
너무 촉촉하면 아이 메이크업이 번지는 경우가 허다하기 때문에 
늘 고르기 까다로운 아이템이었는데
스킨푸드 제품은 일반 컨실러보다 촉촉하면서 눈 밑에 바르기 딱 좋은 제형인것 같아요

This much comes out on your finger. Doesn't it look a bit dry?
But it's more moist than ordinary concealers. I like it this way. 
I was very difficult to choose a dark circle concealer because a lot of them were only moist and didn't have great covering capabilities or it often smeared on the skin if it was too most. 
But products of SKINFOOD was more moist than ordinary concealers and the texture was just right for the skin. 

손등에 발라 보았어요, 와 제 손 완전 오동통 너구리 돋네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
컬러 괜찮죠?? 1호 색상, 우려와는 달리 
적당히 화사하면서 다크서클을 잘 가려줄 것 같아요

I applied it on the back of my hand. Oh gosh~ My hand is so fat. LOL
Isn't the color quite nice? The color is no.1. Despite my worries, I think it's fairly bright and 
it  should cover the dark circles pretty well. 

톡톡톡- 두드려주었는데요, 커버력도 괜찮아요!!

사실 요즘 눈 밑의 다크서클이 점점 짙어지고, 
외출시에 더 눈에 띄는것 같아 고민이었거든요ㅜ
이 전에는 미샤에서 나온 봉 컨실러를 사용했는데 눈 밑 주름에 자꾸 제품이 껴서
한통을 비우고는 다크서클 컨실러엔 눈길도 안주었습니다만, 
요 스킨푸드 제품이 제게 답을 주네요
적당한 커버력에 자연스러움, 그리고 적당한 화사함, 
무엇보다 건조하지 않아 눈밑 주름에 끼지 않아요

케이스도 귀요미이고 향도 오이향 비슷한것이 거슬리지 않아요
다만 한가지 걱정은 요게 대용량이라 마지막까지 촉촉할까 하는 점인데,
요건 대용량이면 항상 딸려오는 걱정이라 오히려 행복한 걱정이 되겠네요 ㅎㅎ

다크서클로 요즘 고민이신 분들이 계시다면, 연어 컨실러 한번 사용해보세요 :)

I gently tapped the cream and its covering capability was pretty good!!

In fact, I had a lot of worries these days because the dark circles on my face 
were getting big and they became so apparent. 
I used the stick concealer by Missha before and I didn't even think about buying a concealer because Missha's concealer got stuck in my wrinkles. But this Skinfood concealer really solved my problems. It covers very naturally and it's the kind of brightness that I was looking for. 
More than anything else, it doesn't get stuck in your wrinkles because it's not dry. 

The case is really cute and the cucumber smell is quite nice as well. 
The only thing that I am worried about is that it might not be moist until I am done using because there is so much in it. But I guess this is a happy worry because this sort of problem is a problem that comes along with most of the products that are in big volume. 

I encourage you to try out this Salmon Concealer 
if you'd been worrying about your dark circles recently. :)

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