2013년 4월 30일 화요일

The Face Shop Power Perfection BB Cream Review

The Face Shop Power Perfection BB Cream Review

The face shop Power Perfection BB Cream 

더페이스샵 파워 퍼펙션 비비크림 테스트를 해봤어요
워낙 입소문 제대로난 제품이라 어떨지 궁금했던 제품이에요!!
커버력과 지속력이 좋다는 평이 있던 제품이라 큰기대를 가지고 테스트 해봤어요~

I've tested the The Face Shop Power Perfection BB Cream. 
I was very curious about this product because it was a product that was quite famous among people!! I tested the product with great expectations because it is known to have amazing covering capabilities and durability. 

보라색의 광이나는 예쁜 케이스에요~!!

파워퍼펙션 비비크림은 1호 라이트 베이지와 2호 화사한 베이지가 있어요
제가 받은 1호 라이트 베이지를 받았어요~!!

It's a pretty case with a purple background~!!

The Face Shop Power Perfection BB Cream has two colors, which are no.1 light beige and no.2 bright beige. The one that I got was no.1 light beige~!!

제품 앞면과 뒷면이에요~!!
뒷면에는 흰색글씨라 사진에는 잘 안찍혔네요ㅠㅠ

This is the front and the back of the product~!!
The white letters on the back are not very clear in the photograph~!

뒷면의 자세한 내용을 찍어봤어요~!!
티타늄디옥사이드랑 징크옥사이드 성분이 함유된거 보니 
자외선 차단이 되는 제품인게 확실한 것 같아요~!!
공기처럼 가볍고 얇게 밀착된다고 하니 더욱 궁금했던 제품이에요

I took a picture of the instructions that were written on the back~!!
I think it's definitely a product that protects the ultraviolet because it says
that it contains titanium oxide and zine oxide~!!
I was more than just curious about this product because it said that it adhered to the skin very in thin layers like air. 

페이스잇 파워퍼펙션 비비크림 SPF37, PA++
01호 화사한 베이지

파워탄력, 파워보습, 파워 교정 효과로 피부에 힘을 실어주는 토탈 스킨 트리트먼트 비비크림
주름개선 + 미백 + 자외선 차단 3중 기능성 화장품

오메가-3와  비타스킨 콤플렉스가 함유되어 촉촉하고 화사한 피부톤과 매끈한 피부결로 교정해 줍니다. 에어리 터치 처방으로 공기처럼 가볍고 얇게 밀착되면서도 피부결점을 밀착력있게 커버하여 타고난 듯 윤기 넘치는 건강한 피부를 표현해 줍니다.

사용법기초단계 사용 후 적당량을 덜어 피부에 고르게 펴 발라준 다음 손바닥으로 가볍게 패팅하면서 완전히 흡수 시켜줍니다.

효능성분티타늄디옥사이드, 징크옥사이드, 에칠헥실메톡, 시신나메이트, 나이아산아마이드, 아데노신

티타늄디옥사이드, 징크옥사이드, 에칠헥실메톡, 시신나메이드, 토코페롤

The Face Shop Power Perfection BB Cream SPF37, PA+++
No. Bright Beige

A total skin treatment BB cream that adds the strengths to the skin with its power flexibility effects, power supplementary effects and power correction effects. 

A triple functionality cosmetics with effects on wrinkle enhancement  + whitening + ultraviolet rays protection

It turns your skin into a bright and smooth skin, for it contains Omega-3 and vita skin complex. It covers the blemishes of the skin and expresses a bright and healthy skin because it adheres to the skin very lightly with its air retouch mechanism. 

How to use: Apply the appropriate amount after the basic cosmetics and tap the cream into your skin until it is absorbed. 

Effective ingredients: Titanium oxide, zinc oxide, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, Niacinamide, adenosine, etc. 

제품 밑면에는 개봉 후 12개월동안 최적으로 사용할 수 있어요!

The expiration date is written on the bottom of the product and you can use it for 12 months after unsealing!

상자에서 비비크림을 꺼내봤어요~!!
보라색의 반짝반짝하는 비비크림이에요
고급스러우면서 정말 예뻐요!!

I took out the BB cream from the Box~!
It's a shiny purple BB cream. 
It's really luxurious and pretty!!

제품 뒷면에는 2015.04.16까지 사용가능하다고 적혀있어요~!!
개봉전 사용기간이라고 보시면 되요

It is written on the back that you can use the product until April, 16th, 2015~!!
This is the expiration date before unsealing. 

크기 가늠해 보시라고 손에 쥐고 찍어봤어요
타원형의 긴 제품이에요!
둥글둥글 납짝해서 굴러가지 않아서 좋아요
가로는 약 4.5cm 세로는 약 16cm정도되요
펌핑부분이 아래쪽으로 향하고 있어서 짜서 쓰지 않아도 되요

I took a photograph by holding the product so that you may be able to see how big it is. 
It's an oval-shaped product that is quite long!
It's good because it doesn't move around because it's round and flat. 
It's 4.5cm in width and 16cm in height. 
You don't have to squeeze it out because the pumping area is facing down. 

뚜껑을 열어보면 펌핑형식이라는걸 확인할 수 있어요
펌핑형식이라서 깔끔하게 사용할 있어서 좋았고
원터치 펌핑형식이라 쉽고 간단하게 사용할 수 있어요!!
처음에는 여러번 펌핑해줘야 비비크림이 나와요
펌핑하는 부분이 약간 굴곡져있어서 누를 때를 고려했다는 것을 볼 수 있어요

When you open it, you can find out that it's a pumping-type product. 
I was able to use it in a clean way because it was a pumping-type and
you can use it very conveniently because it's a one-touch pumping-type!!
You would have to pump it several times at first. 
You can see how they've considered the users for the pumping because the pump is bent a little. 

기름종이 테스트 해봤어요!
오른쪽사진이 1시간 정도 지난 후 찍은 사진이에요 
보습기능도 추가된 제품이다 보니 유분기가 꽤 있어요!

I ran the oil paper test!
The photograph on the right is a photograph that I took after about an hour. 
There's quite a bit of oil because it's a product that has included the supplementary function!

손등테스트부터 해봤어요!
손등에 한번 꾹 짜봤어요
한번 꾹 짜보면 요즘 나오는 10원짜리 동전의 크기 정도가 나와요
얼굴 전체에 바르기에는 조금 많은 양인것 같아요
보통의 비비는 잿빛이 많이도는데 이 제품은 베이지색에 가까워서 좋았어요

I began testing it on the back of my hand!
I squeezed the cream out on the back of my hand. 
When you pump it once, the cream come out in the size of a small coin. 
I think it's a bit too much for the entire face. 
I liked this product because the color of the cream was closer to beige while 
ordinary BB creams have this gray color in them. 

촉촉함이 보이시나요?
발림성도 괜찮았어요~!!

I spread the cream~!
Can you see the moisture?
The applied to the skin quite well~!!

비비크림을 바른 부분을 보시면 주름끼임, 뭉침 거의 안보여요
주름에 끼이면 비비크림이 겉돌고 그부분이 부각되어 보이는데 자연스럽게 밀착되요
바르지 않은 부분에 비해서 훨씬 화사해보이고
손등에 있는 핏줄까지 커버될정도로 커버력도 굿~!!

텍스쳐가 촉촉하게 발려서 광택나는 느낌이에요
뻑뻑하지 않아서 좋았어요!

You won't be able to see the cream that's stuck in between wrinkles or the cream that is lumping up. It applied to the skin very naturally while most other BB creams normally get stuck in between wrinkles. The areas with the cream on are much brighter and 
its covering capabilities were also very outstanding as it even covered the veins on the back of my hand~!!

The texture was sort of glossy because it applied to the skin very moistly. 
I liked it because it wasn't dry or rough!

커버력 테스트해봤어요~!!
더페이스샵 파워 퍼펙션 비비의 가장 큰 장점은 커버력이라고 할 수 있을 것 같아요
다른 비비크림에 비해서 커버력이 정말 좋은 것 같아요
정말 입소문대로 커버력 정말 굿~!!!!

I tested the covering capabilities~!
The greatest advantage of The Face Shop Power Perfection BB Cream would be the covering capability. I think its covering capabilities are so much better than other BB creams. 
The covering capabilities were really good as people said~!! 

물놀이 가실때 비비크림이 얼마나 견딜 수 있을지 궁금해서 테스트해봤어요!
물에는 정말 끄덕없더라구요!
정말 그대로 유지되었어요

I tested the durability to see how long it may endure when you are going on a vacation to the sea. The cream was highly resistant towards water!
It really remained as it is!

커버력이 좋은 제품들은 클렌징이 잘안되더라구요
그래서 클렌징 티슈로 한번 닦아봤어요!
정말 깨끗하게 닦이는게 보이시죠?
클렌징 제품으로는 쉽게 깨끗하게 닦이니깐 걱정안하셔도 될 것 같아요!

The products with great covering capabilities were really difficult to erase. 
So I wiped the cream off with a cleansing tissue!
Can you see how well it gets erased?
You do not have to worry about this because it gets erased very cleanly and easily!

얼굴에 바른 모습이에요
비비크림 바르기 전 저는 모공이 넓고 얼굴이 붉은기가 많은 편이에요
바른후 사진을 보시면 붉은기가 많이 완화된게 보여요!
모공도 어느정도는 커버가 되는것 같아요
제가 코 볼부분이 많이 빨간편인데 요 비비로 많이 커버된게 보이시죠?
커버력이 좋고 발림성이 좋아서 적은양으로도 얼굴에 펴바르기가 좋아요

This is when I've applied it on my face. 
My face is usually red and has big pores before applying the BB cream. 
As you can see it from the photograph, the red color became a lot better!
I think it also covers the pores to a certain extent as well. 
My nose is sort of red and can you see how it has covered that red color?
It can be applied on the face with a small amount because it has great covering capabilities and also because it applies to the skin very well. 

더페이스샵 파워퍼펙션 비비크림

총점 : ★★★★★
Evaluation:  ★★★★★

 로드샵치고는 싼 가격은 아니지만 세일기간에 구입하면 조금 더
 저렴한 가격에 구입할 수 있어요! 

It's not cheap as a road-shop product, but you can buy it in a cheap price during a sale. 
 용량 40g에 비해서 용기가 조금 큰느낌이에요
 다른 제품들은 용량을 ml로 표시하는 반면 이 제품은 g으로 표시해
 비교하기 어렵다 

The case seemed a bit too big for 40g.  Unlike other product that write their volumes in ml, this product wrote their volume in grams. So it's difficult to make a comparison. 
제품 디자인
 고급스러운 디자인이에요 
 깔끔하게 사용할 수 있는 펌핑형식이라는점이 가장 마음에 들어요

It has a luxurious design. 
I like the fact that it's a pumping-type product that can be used in a clean way the most. 
How to use

사용법은 어렵지 않아요

It's not very difficult to use. 
Satisfaction of the color
 잿빛이 많지 않고 베이지색에 가까운 제품이라 마음에 들었어요
 제 피부색에 딱 맞아서 저는 색에는 만족해요
 1호랑 2호가 나뉘어져 있어서 자신에게 맞는 컬러를 골르면 되요
 저는 보통 21호의 피부인데 피부가 더 밝은 사람은 어두울 것 같아요
 색의 폭이 더 넓으면 좋을 것 같아요

I liked it because it wasn't gray and was rather closer to beige. i am satisfied with the color because it matched very well with my skin tone. There are two types (no.1 and no.2) and you can choose the color that matches the best with you. My skin color is no.21 and I think it would be a bit too dark if a person with a brighter skin tone used it. I would be better if they had more colors. 
How well it applies to the skin
 촉촉한 텍스쳐라 발림성은 좋아요!
It applies to the skin very well because the texture is very moist. 
 시간이 지나면 다크닝 현상이 약간 나타나요
 물에 꽤 강한편이라 물에 닿아도 그대로 유지되요
 지속력 자체는 꽤 괜찮은편!

There is a bit of darkening effects after some time. It's highly resistant towards water. The durability is quite good!
Covering capabilities
 이 제품의 자랑은 커버력이라고 할 수 있을 정도로 커버력 좋아요
 웬만한 잡티는 다 가려지는편이에요

I can say the greatest advantage of this product is its covering capabilities. It covers most of the blemishes.
Moisturizing ability
 촉촉함이 꽤 오랫동안 유지되는편이에요!
 보습의 기능을 추가한 제품이라 그런지 다른 비비보다 촉촉했어요

The moisture remained for a long period of time! It was more moist than most other product because it was a product that has added the moisturizing function!
 클렌징제품에는 깨끗하게 지워져요!
 물에는 강한편이라 비비크림 바른부분은 클렌징 제품으로 꼼꼼히 세안

It erases very cleanly when you use cleasning products! You would have to clean the areas with the cream on very carefullly because it is highly resistant towards water. 
Overall evaluation
 장점 : 비비크림임에도 불구하고 커버력이 정말 좋아요
 펌핑형식이라 깔끔하게 사용가능해요
 단점 : 너무 큰 용기라 휴대가 불편해요

Advantages: Despite the fact that it's a BB cream, it has amazing covering capabilities. You can use the product in a very clean way because it's a pumping-type product.

Disadvantages: It's quite inconvenient to carry it around because the case/bottle is too big. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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