2013년 4월 29일 월요일

IOPE Body Clinic Shaping Effecter Review

IOPE Body Clinic Shaping Effecter Review

IOPE Body Clinic Shaping Effecter

탄력있는 몸매로 가꿔주는
아이오페 바디클리닉 쉐이핑 이펙터예요.

This is IOPE Body Clinic Shaping Effecter 
that makes your body have flexibility. 

제품명 : 바디 클리닉 쉐이핑 이펙터
(늘어지고 울퉁불퉁한 바디라인을
탄탄하고 매끄럽게 정돈하고 붓기를 완화해주어
매력적인 바디라인을 되찾아주는 바디 쉐이핑 전문 세럼)

용량 : 250ml

제품특징 :
식물성 카페인 성분
: 울퉁불퉁한 바디라인을 매끄럽고 아름답게 가꾸어줌.
슬림 티 콤플렉스 (Slim Tea Complex)
: 뛰어난 바디 쉐이핑 효과로 탄력있고 균형잡힌 바디라인으로 가꾸어줌.
불필요한 붓기를 완화
: 바디라인이 둔해지는 것을 막고 가벼운 느낌을 선사.
산뜻한 젤 타입 세럼
: 시원하게 발리고 바르는 즉시 빠르게 흡수되어
옷을 입어도 묻어나거나 끈적이지 않음.

사용방법 : 운동이나 샤워 후 셀룰라이트와 바디라인이 고민되는 부위에
바른 후 부드럽게 마사지하며 흡수시켜 줍니다.

Name of the product: Body Clinic Shaping Effecter 
(A body shaping serum that brings back the attractive body line 
by tidying and relaxing the swollen areas.)

Volume: 250ml

Characteristics of the product:
- Vegetable caffeine : It makes the uneven body attractive and beautiful. 
- Slim Tea Complex: It helps to create a balanced body with flexibility with its outstanding shaping effects. 
- Relieves the unnecessary swollen areas: It prevents dullness of the body line and  provides a light feeling.
- A refreshing gel-type serum: It applies very refreshingly and gets absorbed immediately into the skin. It doesn't stain your clothes or is sticky even if you wear your clothes. 

How to use: Apply the product on the areas that you are worried about after
doing your exercises or after taking a shower. 

실수로  살짝 찌그러졌어요.
은색과 파란색이
시원한 느낌을 자아내요.

I crushed the box by a mistake. 
The silver and the blue
give a very refreshing feeling. 

날씬한 몸매의
쉐이핑 이펙터예요.
가운데가 쏙 들어가
그립감이 좋은 형태예요.

2011년 6월에 제조되었네요.
개봉 후 12개월!
1년안에 사용하라고 하네요.
친구가 작년 9월에 사준 제품이라
만들어진지 조금 되었네요 

It's a very slim shaping effector. 
It has a very nice grip because the area in the middle is caved in. 

The product was manufactured on June of year 2011. 
You need to use it within 12 months after unsealing. 
It says that I need to use it within a year. 
The product is a little old
because it's a product that one of my friend gave me on September last year. 

펌핑 입구가 좁아서
양 조절이 용이해요.

It's a pumping-type product.
It's really easy to control the amount because the  the mouth is very small. 

약 3번 펌핑한 양이예요.
약한 하늘빛이 도는
불투명한 액체예요.

물처럼 묽은 제형으로
약간만 기울여도 흘러내려요.
사진찍느라 잠시 있었더니
젤이 약간 흡수되었어요.

This is the amount that came out when I pumped it three times. 
It's non-transparent liquid with the light-blue color. 

The texture is quite watery and it runs down very easily. 
I gel got absorbed into the skin
while I was taking the photographs. 

왼쪽은 6월 8일
오른쪽은 6월 21일
2주를 두고 찍어보았어요.

매일 샤워 후 발라주었어요.
왼쪽은 탄력이 없고
부종과 붓기로 늘어진 편이었어요.

과제쓰나미와 시험기간이라
따로 운동을 하지는 않았어요.
학교에 왔다갔다 하면서
하루에 1시간 걷고 30분씩 요가했어요.

평소보다 운동량은 줄었는데
꾸준히 발라준 덕택인지
매끄러워지고 탄력이 살아났어요.

The photograph on the left was taken on June 8th and 
the one on the right was taken on June 21st. 
I took the photographs for about two weeks. 

I applied it after taking a shower everyday. 
The area on the left didn't have much flexibility and
it was sort of loose because of edema. 

I didn't do any exercises recently because I had a lot of assignments 
and also because I was having my finals.
I walked to school everyday for about an hour and I also did yoga for 30 minutes everyday. 

Even though I didn't do much exercises recently, 
the my leg became a lot more smooth and flexible. 

6월 8일에는 16인치
6월 21일에는 15. 4인치로
0.6인치 줄어들었어요.

운동과 병행하면
드라마틱한 효과를 볼 것 같아요.
운동을 줄였는데도
효과가 있는 걸 보니
부종이나 붓기에 도움이 되는 것 같아요.

It was 16 inch on June 8th and 
it has been reduced to 15.4 inch on June 21st. 

I personally think you should be able to see a dramatic result if you 
use this product and do the exercises together.
By looking at how it had its effects even when I reduced the amount of exercises, 
it does seem to help to relieve the edema and swollen areas. 


제형 : ★★★★★ 묽은 젤 타입.
물처럼 묽은 제형으로
조금만 기울여도 흘러버림.
넓게 펴바르기 좋음.

흡수력 : ★★★★★ 매우 빠름.
마사지하면서 바르는 동안
바로 흡수되어버림.
약간 파우더리하게 마무리.

바디 쉐이핑 기능 : ★★★★★ 매우 뛰어남.
붓기를 잡아주어 탄력이 생김.
마사지하면서 흡수할 경우
울퉁불퉁한 라인과
셀룰라이트 문제를 해소할 수 있음.

향 : ★★★★☆ 멘톨 향.
약간 코를 자극하는
은은한 멘톨 향.
시원한 느낌을 주는 향.


Texture: ★★★★★ Watery gel-type
The texture is extremely water and it runs down very easily. 
It's very good to spread it on the skin. 

Absorption: ★★★★★ Extremely fast
It got absorbed into the skin while I was giving a massage. 
It has a powdery finish. 

The function of body shaping: ★★★★★ Very good
It relives the swollen areas and help you have flexibility. 
You can resolve the cerolite problems and the uneven lines if you let it absorb while giving a massage. 

Fragrance: ★★★★☆ Menthol
A delicate menthol fragrance. 
A refreshing smell. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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