2013년 4월 29일 월요일

IOPE Soothing essential Cream 70ml Review

IOPE Soothing essential Cream 70ml Review

IOPE Soothing essential Cream 70ml

아이오페에서 나온 에센셜 수딩크림이예요.
아이오페 에어쿠션을 사면서 사은품으로 받았어요 ㅎㅎ
가격을 찾아보니, 생각보다 가격이 저렴하더라구요.
국내 로드샵보다 저렴한 가격인거같아요 ㅎㅎ

This is the essential soothing cream that IOPE has recently released.
I received this product as a free gift when I buying IOPE Air Cushion. LOL
I looked for its price and it was actually pretty cheap. 
I think it's cheaper than those road-shop brands.  LOL

사이즈는 요정도. 70ml라 한손에 다 들어오진 않네요 ㅎㅎ

This is how big the product is. It doesn't fit in my hand because it's 70ml. LOL

피부 보습막을 형성하여 촉촉함을 오래 유지시켜 주는 수분크림!
개봉후 12개월동안 사용 가능하구요~
피부과 테스트 완료제품입니다^^

A moisturizing cream that maintains the moisture on the skin for a long time by creating a moisture layer. You can use it for 12 month after unsealing. 
It's a product that has gone through the dermatology test. 

튜브용기로 용기입구는 이렇게 생겼어요~
사용하기 편리해요!

It's a tube-type product and the mouth looks like this. 
It's very convenient!

손등에 발라보았습니다 ㅎ
완전한 젤 형태도 아니고, 크림처럼 유분기가 많은 것도아니고~ 
 묽은형태 타입도 아니고~ 그 중간이예요.
스킨->로션->크림을 사용하고 기초 마지막 단계에 사용해줍니다 ㅎ
발라보니까 밤에 크림으로 바르고 자는것보단 
저는 아침에 가볍게 바르는게 더 날것같다는 생각이 들었어요.
밤에 바르기엔 뭔가 부족한 느낌 ㅎㅎ 
밤에는 기능성위주의 크림을 발라주는게 좋으니까^*^

I applied it on the back of my hand. LOL
It's not really a gel and it didn't have much oil like creams do.
It was sort of in between the watery type and the oily type. 
You should use it after applying the skin, lotion, cream. 
I personally think it's better to use this product in the morning rather than in the evening. 
As you may already know, it's good to apply functional cosmetics in the evening. :)

아주 매끄럽게 잘 펴발리구요, 보들보들한 느낌이예요. 발리는 질감은 괜찮은듯해요.
향은 화장품 향이라고 할까, 여자 화장품 향이 좀 났어요 ㅎㅎ

It applies very smoothly on the skin and it feels very soft. 
It smelled like women's cosmetics. LOL

수분 보호막을 형성해주는것 같아요.
산뜻하고, 가벼운 느낌이예요.
젤타입보단 무겁지만, 적당한 유분에, 적당한 흡수력인듯 ㅎㅎ
끈적임은 없는 편이예요 ㅎㅎ

It seems to create a moisture protection layer. 
It feels very refreshing and light. 
It's heavier than gel-types, but it has adequate oil and the absorption was pretty good. 
It wasn't very sticky on the skin. 

점성 테스트! 쫀득쫀득한 제형은 아니예요. 
정말 묽은 타일과, 끈끈한 타입의 딱 중간인듯.

I tested the viscosity. The texture isn't sticky. 
I guess the texture is in between watery and sticky. 

피부에 바르고 나서의 모습이예요.
촉촉해 보여서 참 좋더라구요. ㅎㅎ
흡수시켜주면 크림타입의 텍스쳐가 물처럼 변해요~
기능성 제품이 아니라 아쉽지만, 수분만 필요로 하시는분들께는 쓰기 좋을거같아요.
가격도 저렴하고, 모든 피부용이라 막 바르기도 좋을것같네요 ㅎ

This is after applying the product on my face. 
I really liked it because it looked very moist. LOL
The cream-type texture becomes very watery when you absorb it into the skin. 
It's sort of sucks that it's not a functional product, but I think it's a pretty good product for those people who need moisture on their skin. 
You should be able to use this product very easily and as much as you want 
because it's cheap and also because it's a product for all skin types. LOL

Click here to purchase the product.

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