2013년 4월 29일 월요일

Mamonde Gold Honey Pack 100ml Review

Mamonde Gold Honey Pack 100ml Review

Mamonde Gold Honey Pack 100ml

가격착하고 꿀성분에 황금성분까지...요즘 제가 격하게애정하는 황금꿀팩이에요
 이름부터 너무맘에들어요... "황금꿀팩" 예구루는 꿀성분 너무좋아해요..
 예전에 싸이닉 꿀팩부터,현재까지쓰고있는 차앤박 꿀앰플과  차앤박꿀슬리핑마스크,
 겔랑 꿀에센스까지..피부에 윤광효과와 보습효과를 주는 꿀성분이에요^_^
 피부가 촉촉해보이고 윤기가있어야 건강한 피부로 보인다는건 모두알고계시죠~
 꿀성분에 황금까지 들어갔다면 더이상에 말은 필요없을듯해요

This is the Mamonde Gold Honey Pack that isn't only cheap, 
but also a product that contains both honey and gold
I really like the name of this product. I am personally very fond of honey. 
Honey is known to provide moisturizing effects for the skin and make your skin glow up. 
I am sure that you all know that your skin will look healthy when your skin has gloss and is moist. 
I guess I do not have to give you further descriptions of this product because it contains honey and gold. 

뚜껑을 열면 요렇게 황금이 들어가있는 말랑말랑한 팩이보여요*_*

This is the pack with gold that you'll find when you open the lid. 

손등에 펴발랐을때 황금이 눈에보이시나요?
얼굴에 펴바르고 10~15분뒤에 물세안해주면 피부가 한결 부들부들해요*_*
약간에 윤기도얼굴에서 보이구요..
제가 예전에 포스팅했던 이니스프리 스팀타올로 모공을열어준뒤에 황금꿀팩을
바르면 훨씬좋은 효과를보실수있을거에요^^

Can you see the gold when you've applied it on the back of your hand?
Your skin becomes a lot more smooth when you apply this pack and wash it off after 10-15 minutes. You'll also see the gloss on your face. 
You'll be able to experience better effects if you apply this product after opening up your pores by using the INNISFREE Steam Towel that I've mentioned about last time. :)

가격이 비싸다고 무조건좋은건 아닌것같아요..
평상시에 관리가제대로 안되있는 피부에 무조건  비싼걸쓴다고 한번에 확좋아지거나
갑자기 광채나는 피부로 바뀌지않아요....
피부는 좋을때..한살이라도 어릴때..관리해야 효과가 더욱오래간다고 하더라구요..
물론 예구루도 고가화장품을 쓰긴하지만 이렇게 가격은 착하고 효과는 기대이상인
제품들 찾는것도 너무좋아해요^^
저는 특히나 마스크들은 저렴이를 더욱좋아합니다.ㅎㅎ
제 개인적인 생각은아주비싼 마스크들보다는 차라리 그돈으로
피부과에 투자하자 주의거든요..
저렴해도 효과는 꽤좋은 편인 마몽드"황금꿀팩"으로 다가오는 추위에
모두 피부보호도 하고 윤광피부로 거듭나자구요^_^

The product isn't necessarily good for the skin just because it's expensive. 
Your skin will not get better just because you've applied an expensive product. 
It's extremely important that you take care of your skin when it's good. The effects of the products that you use will last longer in that way. I personally use expensive cosmetics too, but I love looking for cheap products that are effective. :)
I personally like cheap masks. LOL
You know.. I would rather invest my money for going to the dermatologist than buy expensive masks. 
Let's try to make our skin clean and bright this winter with this Mamonde Gold Honey Pack 
that is both cheap and effective. :)

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