2013년 4월 29일 월요일

Laneige Multi Cleanser Review

Laneige Multi Cleanser Review

Laneige Multi Cleanser

이번에 폼클렌져가 똑 떨어져서~
항상 헤*폼클렌징만 고집하다가~한번 바꿔봤어요^^
저번에 쌤플만 써보고 좋아서 걍 질렀어요^^
라네즈 멀티클렌저는 4in1클린저예요^^
메이크업제거+선크림제거+각질케어+세안효과를 주는 클렌저래요^^
전 1차 클렌징을 하고 폼을 사용하거든요*^^*

I have always been using HERAs foam cleanser 
and I tried changing my cleanser this time. :)
I bought it right away because I tried out the sample and it was so good. :)
Laneige Multi Cleanser is a 4 in 1 cleanser.  :)
It's a cleanser that removes the makeup + removes the sun cream + takes care of the dead skin cells + face wash. :)
I normally use the foam cleanser after washing my face once. :)
The volume is 180ml. :)

욕실에서 멀티클렌저를 손에 들고 찍어봤어요^^
엄청 커요

I took this photograph in the bathroom. :)
It's really big. 

아까 로트리 파우더와 헤라 멀티 비비를 리뷰한후
폼클렌저를 짜서 올려보았어요*^^*

I wrote a review on Lotree Powder and HERA Multi BB Cream just now and
squeezed some foam cleanser on the back of my hand. :)

 파우더와 비비가 섞여서 때꾸정물 처럼 사~악
녹아서 내리는듯 해요^^

The power and the BB cream got mixed together and
it seems to melt down all the dirt on my skin. :)

파우더도 비비도 잘 깨끗이 씻기는지~한번 볼께요^^
매일매일 사용해주는 거라~ 잘 닦이는지 확인해 볼 필요가 있어요^^
이폼클렌저는 약간 아주 작은 알갱이가 있어서 부드럽지는 않아요^^
아마 제생각에...흠...각질 제거때문에 스크럽스타일로 나온듯 해요^^;;

Let's see if the powder gets washed off cleanly like the BB cream. :)
You need to check whether it gets cleansed very well because you're using it everyday. 
this foam cleanser isn't that smooth because it contains small grains. :)
I think they made it in this way because it needs to remove the dead skin cells. :)

물을 더 적시어보았어요~
흠흠..오늘따라..거품이 더 잘 안나네요^^;;

I put some more water on it. 
The foam doesn't seem to come out very well today. 

물로 헹구어 봤더니 뽀드득 한게 느껴져요^^

I washed it off with water and I can feel the 

토너로 닦어 봤더니~
아주 깨끗하게 닦여집니당~^^

I washed it off with the toner and 
it got wiped off very cleanly. :)

가격대비 양도 많고^^향도 좋고^^ 트러블도 안나니~조아횸^^!!

It's so good because there so much in it by considering its price, it has a good smell and
also because I don't get any skin trouble. :)

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